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Energy Booster Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic medicine operates under the principle that similar symptoms will respond well to similar remedies, which homeopaths select by matching symptoms to a remedy.

Homeopathic supplements, even when diluted to an extreme, can still produce chemical responses in some people. To protect yourself from this risk, always take these pills under the supervision of a trained healthcare provider and never attempt self-medication for chronic illnesses or serious ailments.

Arsenic Album

Groundwater arsenic contamination has reached alarming proportions in much of West Bengal, India and its bordering areas of Bangladesh. Arsenic exposure remains one of the greatest human health challenges; attempts are being made but at an unacceptably slow rate to remove arsenic-contaminated water sources from supply lines. Researchers have discovered that Arsenic Album can effectively combat chronic arsenic toxicity in mice.

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This study used inbred Swiss albino mice that were fed either double distilled water or were administered Arsenic Album-30 or 200 for three consecutive days at 1 ml/100g bodyweight dose, maintaining various controls for each series of control and treated mice; various hematological and biochemical parameters including ALT, aspartate amino transferase activity, glutathione levels were then evaluated.

This study demonstrated that homeopathic medicines diluted at high dilutions significantly reduced ROS production in microglial cells exposed to lipopolysaccharide, with 1C, 3C, 5C, 7C and 30C solutions inhibiting ROS production and thus alleviating inflammation.

Hematological and biochemical parameters were restored after six weeks of administration of the diluted drugs, while skin symptoms such as burning sensation under feet and palms, itching, vertigo and burning sensation under feet and palms improved significantly as did fever, rashes and sores that previously plagued these mice.


The findings of this study reveal that homeopathic medicine combined with arsenic-free drinking water could offer hope to thousands of people living in arsenic-contaminated areas of Bangladesh and India, particularly Bangladesh. Government and non-governmental organizations must educate victims about homeopathy so they can avail of this solution while simultaneously enjoying an improved quality of life until permanent medical facilities and arsenic-free drinking water plants have been set up in their villages – giving them an opportunity to live normal, healthy lives until finally departing with peace.


Homeopathic Gelsemium is an effective medicine to relieve anxiety-like behaviour in mice. Additionally, this homeopathic remedy is effective at relieving neuropathic pain reduction and has an anti-depressive effect. The anti-anxiety effects have been attributed to its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, neurotransmitter receptors and brain-derived neurofactors; furthermore it promotes stress resilience while modulating GABA neurotransmitter systems which create its sedative effects.

Homeopathy researchers have conducted several experiments to investigate the pharmacological properties of Gelsemium sempervirens. These studies use validated behavioral models to determine its effects on mice’s nervous systems; homeopathic centesimal dilutions/dynamizations of diazepam were administered in equal concentrations to groups of CD1 mice for evaluation using both light/dark choice tests and open field exploration tests, with their effects evaluated using these methodologies; results were pooled and analyzed.

Studies conducted to date have demonstrated that Homeopathic Gelsemium sempervirens has potency anxiolytic and analgesic properties without any side-effects or sedative reactions, becoming stronger at higher dilutions; suggesting its active ingredients are effective even at very low dosage levels.

Gelsemium’s key active ingredients are alkaloid monomers koumine and gelsemine, which have fast absorption through the blood-brain barrier for rapid distribution throughout the brain. Furthermore, these alkaloid monomers exert direct effects on HPA axis components such as neurotransmitter systems and neurocytes, as well as various pathological conditions associated with anxiety like the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis as well as inflammation factors.

Homeopathic Gelsemium is most frequently prescribed homeopathic medication used to address nerve-related symptoms such as trembling and weakness, such as stage fright or fear of public speaking, as well as tendencies towards chest, throat, larynx and limb heaviness. Additionally, this medicine has proven successful against depression as well as mood disorders like trigeminal neuralgia neuropathic pain.


Homeopathic Ignatia is an all-natural antidepressant designed to alleviate symptoms of stress and emotional imbalance. Its key ingredient, Ignatia amara seed from Loganiaceae family plants in Philippines and China, provides relief. Ignatia amara provides effective support for people experiencing frequent bouts of depression or grief/shock sensations; additionally it treats past traumas like sexual assault as well as its calming properties making it ideal for helping children cope with grieving over a loved one who experience difficulty grieving their loved one’s passing.

Benefits of Ignatia can include increased energy, relief from insomnia and helping cope with life’s stresses and challenges more easily. Furthermore, it helps manage digestive issues, such as spasms and abdominal cramps in addition to helping treat globus hystericus (the feeling of a lump or mass in throat) or treating goitre (a condition affecting thyroid gland).

Ignatia can also help treat splenic pain, or abdominal or spleen discomfort. Additionally, this remedy relieves symptoms associated with congestion headaches and conditions causing neuralgic facial or head pain such as ciliary neuralgia and cluster headaches. Furthermore, Ignatia may help ease any associated ear conditions like tinnitus and ringing in the ears.

Italian researchers conducted a recent study to assess the effect of attenuated Ignatia amara on anxiety-related symptoms, and found that various attenuations helped modify emotion-related symptoms without hindering locomotion in mice.

Ignatia is an effective homeopathic solution to help manage mild symptoms associated with emotional disturbance, including hysteria and the aftermath of sorrow. Additionally, this remedy may address concerns like feeling of a lump in throat spasmodic hiccups and mood swings as well as any lingering effects from past trauma such as sexual assault and physical abuse.


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