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Energy Medicine and Wellness in Atlanta

Energy healers work to balance and enhance the body’s subtle energy systems to promote overall well-being. Utilizing techniques like placing their hands directly or above the body and guided meditation, these practitioners aim to correct imbalances while strengthening natural healing mechanisms within.

Are You Seeking Something Beyond Traditional Medicine, Talk Therapy, Mindset Coaching & Self Help Podcasts? Try Energy Healing instead for surprising health improvements! It could provide the answers that modern medicine cannot.


Reiki energy healing involves gently placing hands on or above various areas of the body to promote relaxation and foster feelings of serenity and peace. It’s a non-invasive, relaxing therapy session lasting from 30 minutes to an hour and a half, during which either soothing music may be played or no one speaks at all; ultimately it’s up to the client themselves to allow healing to occur and relax and let Reiki work its magic.

Reiki practitioners believe in a universal life force energy which plays a crucial role in maintaining physical, mental, and emotional wellness. If this energy becomes low or blocked it can cause illness and imbalance; when flowing freely it promotes health and vitality. Reiki treats the entire person while acknowledging the body’s natural ability to self-heal.

Reiki offers numerous health benefits. One is its ability to change our autonomic nervous system into a parasympathetic-dominant state – which naturally promotes relaxation and restfulness. This may enhance our body’s healing response after injury or disease and reduce pain; one study even revealed that cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy who attended six weekly reiki sessions reported less fatigue and greater quality of life than those receiving only guided imagery sessions.

Some clients seek reiki for stress relief while others use it to address burnout or life’s other challenges. Whatever their motivation may be, Reiki provides a wonderful tool to rebalance, recharge and nourish mind, body, and spirit – the perfect complement to traditional medicine that also acts as an effective form of stress reduction.

Healing Touch

Healing Touch is an energy-based technique that uses gentle hand movements to clear, energize, and balance an individual’s energy field. Practitioners utilize Healing Touch with the intention of supporting an individual’s natural healing processes during each session.

Practice of energy medicine is founded on the premise that all matter is energy, with our human energy field–or biofield–constantly interfacing and impacting all aspects of ourselves, such as physical or emotional health issues when imbalanced.

Studies suggest that energy therapies like Healing Touch may provide benefits in relieving anxiety, decreasing pain levels, strengthening immunity systems and providing cancer care services. Furthermore, its impact has been seen to improve sleep quality as well as strengthen a person’s sense of well-being.

Healing Touch practitioners begin each session by scanning the energy field of their patients, then moving their hands over their bodies while feeling temperature changes, tingling or pressure sensations as well as congestion or blockages in areas. Following an initial assessment session, practitioners will clear and shift any energy disturbances found within.

Healing Touch can provide family members and caregivers with invaluable assistance as well. It can reduce stress levels, facilitate relaxation, and promote the self-healing of caregivers – something which may be especially crucial during a stay at a hospital or healthcare facility, where a patient’s condition can often prove stressful for all involved.

Healing Touch, like Reiki, is an energy medicine practice based on the belief that each human body possesses a biofield system similar to our circulatory or nervous systems. These energies contribute to optimal physical and mental wellbeing but may become blocked, leading to illness.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is an ancient art that utilizes vibrational frequencies to promote physical, mental, and emotional healing. This noninvasive and relaxing practice may be combined with other modalities like massage or meditation for maximum benefits. Practitioners employ various instruments and frequencies that align the chakras – energy centers within your body that promote balance and harmony – for maximum effect.

A typical session begins when your therapist asks you to relax into an easy position by playing instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, drums, chimes or their own voice in order to create a relaxing soundscape and bring about deep relaxation for all involved. These instruments may include singing bowls, gongs tuning forks drums chimes or even their own voice in order to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and induce deep restfulness.

Resonating frequencies produced by these instruments create “binaural beats”, or binaural pulsing, that produce “binaural beats” that alter your brainwave frequency from your normal beta state into alpha waves, then into meditative theta waves, then deep sleep delta waves – effects which are thought to help reduce stress levels, release blockages and promote feelings of well-being.

As new research emerges, it becomes clear that sound healing can provide significant mental health benefits. It can assist with relieving anxiety, depression, insomnia and PTSD by providing relaxation techniques that decrease stress levels; additionally it may improve concentration and focus – an invaluable asset for those living with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

As with other forms of psychotherapy, the results from sound therapy will depend on each individual. Therefore, it’s advised that sound therapy be integrated into an overall mental wellness plan along with other therapies like psychotherapy and medication.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is an easy yet effective stress relief method that can be applied to physical and emotional problems. EFT involves tapping acupressure points called meridians while simultaneously focusing on whatever issue is bothering you; this process releases energy blocks that might otherwise keep you feeling anxious, stressed out, or trapped into negative patterns of behavior.

Scientific evidence for EFT as an holistic healing practice is persuasive. By decreasing stress hormones, balancing brainwaves, and impacting gene expression, tapping can significantly enhance both physical health and emotional well-being in our bodies. Indeed, EFT has been compared with acupuncture regarding its efficacy and physiological effects.

EFT can have dramatic physiological benefits, with one of its main strengths being its ability to reduce cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. A study discovered that just an hour of tapping using EFT resulted in 24% reduced cortisol levels – something with far reaching health implications.

EFT tapping can also improve heart rate variability (HRV), an indicator of autonomic nervous system function and cardiovascular health. A healthy HRV indicates your body is adapting well to stress, helping prevent cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or anxiety. EFT has been shown to increase HRV which in turn enhances stress resilience and emotional regulation.

EFT can be an extremely helpful way to heal yourself, as well as others. Many therapists incorporate EFT into their work with couples in order to increase intimacy between partners. This method works by encouraging secure attachment bonds between them, and restructuring any emotional responses which contribute to relational distress.

Chakra Healing

Your body’s energy centers, also known as chakras, govern your physical mind/body reality. When they become out of balance, this can manifest into physical ailments or emotional problems that lead to serious medical conditions and emotional hardships. Energy healing techniques aim to unblock and rebalance chakras so you can experience optimal health on all levels.

There are various methods available to unblock and balance chakras, including color therapy, crystal healing and meditation. When engaging in Chakra Healing sessions, subtle energies are directed into each of your seven energy centers to clear away blockages and foster balance – these sessions are deeply relaxing yet still performed with clothing on.

The Root Chakra is an important foundational center responsible for your sense of groundedness and connection to Mother Earth. Situated at the base of your spine, this chakra acts as the cornerstone for both emotional and spiritual wellbeing. If this center becomes blocked or imbalanced, its effects could include feelings of insecurity or belongingness that negatively impact overall wellbeing – thus it’s vital to unblock and balance this chakra if feeling distant or overwhelmed.

To restore harmony to the Root Chakra, incorporate grounding practices into your daily routine. Meditate, go hiking in nature or use grounding crystals such as red jasper, garnet or smoky quartz as grounding sources. Or try creating crystal grids to promote healing and balance – simply lay out chakra stones on a table then connect them in a circular pattern with the intention of increasing wellness.

Sound healing can also help balance your chakras. Listening to music that features Solfeggio frequencies or isochronic brainwave entrainment stimulates specific frequencies associated with each chakra, freeing any energetic blockages and creating equilibrium in your system.
