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Energy Medicine by James Oschman

energy medicine james oschman pdf

Energy Medicine is an integrative, multidisciplinary approach that integrates acupuncture, osteopathy, therapeutic touch and other bodywork and movement techniques into its practice. The scientific foundation for Energy Medicine serves as a solid basis for this rapidly expanding field of health care.

EM therapies recognize that all illness results from imbalances in the biofield. Stuck or blocked energy leads to emotional discomfort as well as physical pain or disease.


Physiology is the study of how living organisms (such as plants, animals and humans) function. This includes everything from studying how body parts work (which falls under medicine) to understanding the environmental conditions that impact these functions (which falls under ecology). Simply put: it explains all physical and chemical activities within life.

Physiology differs from anatomy by studying how body parts interact and work as an integrated whole, rather than their individual structures. As one of the foundational biomedical sciences, physiology connects information from all other biological fields such as molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, pharmacology, biomathematics and microbiology.

Physiology’s primary objective is the maintenance of internal homeostasis, or maintaining equilibrium in all major bodily processes such as energy production, the flow of nutrients, waste removal, hormone secretions and metabolism.

Energy medicine (EM) is a form of complementary and alternative medicine that blends spirituality with traditional medical practice. EM relies on an invisible healing energy circulating throughout the body to promote health and promote wellbeing; it is sometimes also referred to as “esoteric medicine”.

Although most people are familiar with reiki and other energy healing techniques, their scientific underpinnings may remain opaque. This book seeks to bridge this gap by outlining basic principles of energy science that comprise our energy field esoterically.

Jill presents evidence from several sources, such as laboratory studies of electromagnetic fields and their effect on biological systems, subjective sensations experienced during EM treatments by practitioners, and clairvoyant perceptions of energy medicine in action. She discusses intuition and unconscious mind in energy medicine practice as well as growing research on trauma energetics and energy psychology; finally showing how EM can be integrated with inflammation theory to provide a holistic healing approach.


Biophysics employs physical principles and approaches to gain greater insight into biological systems. Biophysicists specialize in this area and use physical science tools such as thermodynamics to systematically explain what’s going on within biology more quantitatively, providing answers for some big questions in biology that need answering with their expertise in this area. Physics brings unique solutions for answering them.

Biophysicists study the interactions between atoms and molecules essential to life. They specialize in studying DNA, RNA, and proteins as they form macromolecular complexes that make up living organisms; additionally they research how macromolecules assemble into larger structures to form living organisms; finally they focus on mechanical properties of living organisms from nanometers to meters scales.

Biophysics as a discipline emerged due to biological phenomena being best explained through physical concepts. A common example is nerve impulse transmission which is best explained with Hodgkin-Huxley equations.

As well as studying these areas of science, biophysics also investigates electrical phenomena and cell physiology. Furthermore, biophysics has an interest in properties not intrinsic to individual components – like memory in neural networks – as well as exploring how energy fields impact these systems.

Biomechanics is another aspect of this field that studies mechanical properties of living systems, including their structure and movement. This field closely overlaps with anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics engineering medicine. With applications like prosthetics and heart valves this area can prove extremely important.

Biophysicists specialize in studying biomolecules involved in diseases like Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease and HIV. Biophysicists research these molecules using various techniques ranging from chemical and biochemical analysis to spectroscopy, while also devising computational models which examine relationships between their physical characteristics and biological functions.

The Living Matrix

This full-length wellness film takes viewers into an cutting edge new science of healing. Bringing together academic researchers, practitioners and science journalists – this full-length wellness movie presents scientific evidence showing how energy and information fields directly impact physiology and health.

Utilizing dynamic graphic-animation combined with interviews, the film explores new research and theories that shed light on how the body heals itself. The living organism consists of fascia and connective tissues as well as extracellular and nuclear matrices that act like continuous molecular wire-work for energy exchange in and throughout its body; its interconnected solid state network functions collectively and cooperatively to maintain health while disease and disorders interfere with these energy flows; this non-neural hypothesis aligns perfectly with findings by bodywork, movement and energy therapists which show trauma is stored physically within living tissue matrices within living organisms.

Living Matrix can be an invaluable tool for functional medicine practitioners, but I found that its default terminology doesn’t really lend itself to non-physicians. Instead, Living Matrix emphasizes physicians as users can prescribe through it using terms like “patient” and “prescription.” Furthermore, its standard intake form is very lengthy and time consuming to complete; some clients do find it helpful though as a way of compiling all their medical history in one place.

The Energetic Blueprint of Life and Health

Not long ago, the idea that tiny energy fields could affect living organisms seemed ridiculous to most scientists. Now however, evidence for such interactions provides a foundation for understanding and developing energetic therapies.

Well-established scientific research documents the existence of energy fields, their generation and alteration by illness or disorder, as well as how therapeutic applications restore natural energy flows within humans. Written by physiologist, cell biologist and biophysicist experts this resource offers the most extensive coverage of this subject currently available.

NEW chapters address emerging topics like intuition and the unconscious mind, trauma energetics and epigenetics as well as regulatory energetics – an emerging science.

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