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Energy Medicine Conference – 4 Keynotes That Will Inspire, Enlighten and Empower You

Experience Donna’s special energy techniques for an incredible four days of fun, community and healing! Don’t miss keynote talks that will inspire, inform and empower.

Ancient energy medicines–ranging from Ayurveda and Shamanism–are experiencing unprecedented popularity within wellness circles. Even scientists are getting on board, with recent findings that demonstrate how resonant healing technologies (RIFE frequencies) can accelerate health journeys.

Advanced Energy Management

Advanced Energy Management is a system designed to assist businesses in effectively controlling energy consumption and minimizing their environmental footprint. This is accomplished with smart sensors capable of monitoring usage levels and pinpointing any areas for improvement, optimizing operations and increasing efficiency as a result of its implementation.

As the world grapples with climate change and energy security concerns, healthcare organizations must take proactive steps to minimize their environmental footprint. One significant challenge facing this industry is its energy usage which accounts for 8 percent of U.S. national energy costs – this can be addressed with advanced energy retrofits that not only increase building performance but also cut operational costs.

Energy efficiency is of vital importance in many industries, and developing an energy management system can help companies reduce energy costs and emissions. An effective energy management strategy requires a team of specialists with specific skills. Therefore, attending an energy management conference to gain knowledge on current trends and best practices within the industry is highly recommended.

Energy management solutions range from software-based solutions and integrated controls, depending on your business needs and budget. Selecting the appropriate option relies on consulting an industry specialist who can advise on which solution will provide maximum effectiveness for you.

Advanced energy technologies are poised to revolutionize our future energy sources, such as renewables, carbon capture and storage (CCS), and next-generation nuclear reactors. Though some of these technologies still face long roads ahead, some are being tested and deployed now; electrolyser plants producing green hydrogen have gone live, and lithium-ion battery storage units are being installed globally.

As the world faces new energy challenges, it’s time to reevaluate our traditional approaches to powering both economy and life. Companies like Orsted are leading by example by investing in renewables and developing innovative business models aimed at creating a world that runs entirely on green energy – an ambitious goal requiring innovation, collaboration and bold leadership.

Advanced Energy Therapy

Join us as we discover advanced energy healing methods, from tracking physical disease through energetic pathways of the body to supporting emotional and spiritual evolution. This workshop is tailored to practitioners seeking to expand the range of methods they can offer their patients or clients and deepen their ability to perceive phenomena beyond the material world – to comprehend themselves and the world more deeply.

Integrated Energy Therapy(r) is an attunement-based energy therapy system that uses attunements to realign and restructure pairs of the 12-Strand DNA. The Basic Level works directly on pairs 1 (physical) and 2 (emotional), helping you clear away negative physical or emotional energy imprints from cellular memory, leaving in their place positive imprints that promote vitality.

This innovative hands-on energy therapy system utilizes a special pullout-release technique that transforms your hands into “energy magnets” to quickly remove energy blockages from both the human energy field and physical body. By following this simple method you will be able to feel and release any energetic imprints causing physical, emotional or mental discomfort or impeding your soul’s purpose – with immediate relief guaranteed!

These sessions provide deep energetic clearing, grounding, entity and dark force removal, healing past lives and intensive communication with guides about plans to get back on the path of soulful purpose. Each session is specifically tailored for you based on energy received from guides.

Contrary to conventional EFT, this alternative method focuses on treating problems at their source in non-ordinary consciousness, healing limiting beliefs, feelings of victimhood and powerlessness, as well as any related karmic issues such as abuse, addiction or trust issues that often form the basis of health issues. Through advanced energy healing methods taught during this class you’ll discover your full potential & unleashing it with subconscious mind wisdom, archetypal knowledge & the universal field of intelligence.

Advanced Energy Color Therapy

Color energy therapy aims to restore balance to the chakras or energy centers in the body and thus heal physical or emotional ailments. Each chakra corresponds to a different color and frequency that manifests itself within various organs and glands of the body.

Balanced and flowing energy are at the foundation of health; over time however, this energy may become blocked or stagnant, leading to illness or discomfort. Energy healing practitioners serve as agents who restore this balance to restore it back to a state of well being and health.

This innovative new technique combines advanced energy medicine and holographic image technology for rapid physiologic balancing, pain relief and anti-age rejuvenation. Dual streams of microcurrent and specific light frequencies communicate with facial acupuncture points and meridians to produce powerful therapeutic results!

Violet, associated with the Crown Chakra, helps ease mental and emotional strain by encouraging spiritual insight and renewing higher consciousness. Furthermore, its cleansing effect purifies auras while simultaneously balancing out etheric bodies.

By employing an innovative holographic imaging system, this cutting-edge energy healing tool provides both you and your clients with biofeedback information on 44 organs and glands as graphed information for full body use as well as chakra activity reports. Practitioners can use this information to understand the current energy status of their client as an aid for any form of energy work or bodywork treatment.

The human energy field is a complex network of invisible energy, light and information fields surrounding our bodies that contain vibrational energies and frequencies that govern their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. When this energetic matrix becomes disrupted due to stressors it can disrupt cell functions causing disease, emotional instability or pain – this workshop will teach how to clear blockages within this energetic matrix and restore equilibrium for maximum vital energy flow.

Advanced Energy Psychology

Energy psychology and healing techniques can provide invaluable assistance for patients coping with trauma, pain and other life-altering experiences. Come explore these approaches’ science behind them – how you can use them yourself or with clients or students!

Thought Field Therapy (TFT), also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques or simply EFT, is the most widely employed and rigorously researched form of energy therapy. TFT involves tapping acupuncture points while repeating emotionally-evocative phrases – in one controlled clinical trial with 49 combat veterans suffering PTSD this approach proved as effective as standard cognitive and exposure therapies.

Anxiety and depression can have far-reaching physical and emotional ramifications; furthermore, they can impede proper immune system functioning and undermine its proper functioning. When this occurs, it’s critical to recognize and repair patterns of imbalance that cause reduced lymphocyte counts or any other indicators of compromised immunity.

Many therapists are well versed in psychological exposure as a tool to alleviate distress from painful memories, but are less familiar with energy techniques that can supplement and deepen these practices. Energy psychology as developed by Fred Gallo and Roger Callahan integrates Western-influenced exposure therapy with non-Western methods of healing and spiritual development for maximum effect.

Researchers conducted the first randomized controlled trial of energy therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 49 veterans demonstrated significant progress after just six treatments; 42 of them no longer scored above the PTSD cutoff point, demonstrating its success and leading to additional studies with similar patients. Through this workshop, you’ll gain the skills to incorporate energy work into your existing practice. It is suitable for clinicians of any training level. Workshops classified as All require at least some knowledge of energy medicine; those designated Intermediate-Advanced can assume attendees already possess significant experience with basic energy psychology techniques – for instance, an Intermediate-Advanced workshop about using Meridian Tapping Therapy for treating Eating Disorders may not include extensive time for teaching the basic EFT recipe.
