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Energy Medicine Devices

Energy medicine devices provide healing through balancing energy channels in the body. It treats imbalances that cause discomfort, insomnia, mood disorders and early signs of aging.

Practitioners of energy medicine generate electromagnetic frequencies that alter cell vibrations and the biofield in general, as well as being detectable through physiological indicators such as acupuncture instruments or electrical discharge photography (Kirlian photography).


Acupuncture is one of the best-researched forms of energy medicine, serving to balance the flow of vital energy known as “qi” through pathways known as meridians in the body. Acupuncture has many health benefits including reduced pain and inflammation, improved blood circulation and immune system support, as well as neuroimaging studies showing it calms areas of the brain that register physical discomfort while simultaneously activating areas that facilitate healing. Furthermore, research indicates acupuncture’s success at treating chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy which causes numbness in feet and hands.

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Acupuncturists use tiny needles that are inserted into specific points on the body known as acupoints or acupressure points to relieve tension and promote healing processes within. A special needle used by acupuncturists, known as an acupuncture needle, is smaller than medical needles but still strong, stainless steel, and sterile for this treatment; these acupuncture needles are then inserted through skin into specific spots identified on maps of energetic anatomy or flow maps and into precise spots identified on maps for treatment; these points are then stimulated with small electric currents which helps relieve tension and promote natural healing processes within.

Reiki or craniosacral therapy are energy healing techniques in which a healer uses his/her hands without physically touching a patient, such as Reiki. These types of practices work to manipulate mechanical vibrations within cell membranes and cytoskeletons and the entire human biofield in order to return it back to a healthier harmonic pitch.

Some practitioners use the term pranic healing, which refers to no-touch energy practices that focus on awakening and nourishing the biofield. A practitioner might gently shake your hand or rub their abdomen to release toxins and increase flow of energy – although these practices might seem strange at first, they’re supported by science as well as ancient beliefs regarding how our energies work – providing holistic care that works together rather than treating symptoms individually – making pranic healing ideal complements for Western medicine’s advances.


Electromagnetic Therapy (EMT)

Contrary to pharmaceuticals, which only affect chemical signals in the body, electromagnetic (EM) treatments and devices target electromagnetic waves influenced by biofield disturbances and human biofield. Practitioners employ energy in order to help balance out biofield imbalances and bring harmony back into it.

Electrostimulation therapy utilizes low-level electromagnetic waves to stimulate cells into producing chemicals that activate and regulate specific genes, while Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy utilizes devices that create an electromagnetic field similar to that produced naturally by our bodies, offering pain relief, bone healing, joint mobility and circulation improvement, heart health support, mood enhancement, detoxification support, immune system support, as well as weight loss support.

Veritable Energy Medicine (EM), including acupuncture, Reiki and chiropractic techniques, involves manipulating subtle forms of energy through skilled practitioners. This may involve tapping, massaging, pressing, twisting or connecting specific energy pathways on the body using techniques from yoga, kinesiology or qi gong or through meditation – among many others. In addition to acupuncture there are other examples such as Bowen Technique Eden Energy Medicine Feldenkrais Method Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques or Rolfing which are all veritable EM techniques that fall under this umbrella of veritable EM.

Putative Energy Medicine, on the other hand, uses human touch instead of device-based therapies and is founded upon the belief that therapists can influence subtle energies through interaction – whether through healing intentions or simply touching someone. This category encompasses therapies and assessments such as Reiki, Tarot Card Readings, Palmistry Astrology Astrology Intuitive Coaching as well as Laid on Hands Therapy.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of electromagnetic field (EMF) therapy on blood circulation and swelling reduction, pain relief, stress reduction, headache relief and sleep enhancement. Unfortunately, most studies were limited by small sample sizes leading to unreliable results; until larger clinical trials involving multiple patients are conducted EM therapy should not be recommended as a solution for pressure ulcers or multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia due to biofield manipulation which could worsen delusions and hallucinations.


Biofeedback employs electronic sensors attached to the body in order to provide patients with feedback on their physiological state, such as skin temperature or brain wave activity changes. The goal is for individuals to learn to make these changes themselves so that they may eventually find long-term relief from symptoms and even improve overall health; this form of therapy has been utilized as part of treatment plans for everything from sleep disorders and headaches, anxiety management and pain reduction as well as stress reduction.

Biofeedback devices come in various forms. Thermal biofeedback utilizes sensors placed on fingertips or wrists to detect changes in blood flow and skin temperature; patients can then use these signals to help manage stress by relaxing muscles and slowing heart rates. Other forms of biofeedback use sensors placed on scalps to track brainwave activity – often used to help treat conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Another type of biofeedback involves monitoring nerve activity. For instance, sensors could be placed on wrists to measure C-fibre activity – these nerves produce neuropeptides that regulate emotions and manage behavior.

Biofeedback may be administered by trained professionals such as psychologists and physical therapists; however, some people prefer doing it themselves with home equipment. Biofeedback tends to be less costly than other forms of medical therapy and in some cases insurance policies will cover its cost.

Many patients find significant relief after just a few sessions of biofeedback; others require 20 weekly sessions for specific conditions like high blood pressure. At these sessions, patients learn relaxation techniques and mental exercises they can practice at home to manage stress better.

The SCIO Biofeedback device is an innovative energetic medicine machine, used to reduce all types of stresses housed within your body including food extracts, toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungus parasites and spiritual energies. When combined with The LIFE System’s computer software program using this state-of-the-art biofeedback device it helps address chronic as well as acute health challenges including anti-aging cosmetic weight issues sports injuries emotional balance issues & anti-aging treatments; its goal being stress reduction which is the root cause of disease; The LIFE System helps manages these stresses so as to balance emotional, spiritual and physical stress that causes illness & disease – contributing directly towards health!

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

Frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) therapy is a safe and gentle way to ease pain caused by injuries or medical conditions. FSM works by stimulating your cells to produce more ATP – increasing natural healing processes while decreasing inflammation caused by injuries of all kinds.

FSM provides numerous clinical advantages, such as improving the function and structure of tissues, relieving pain, increasing oxygen supply to tissues, and speeding the healing of chronic injuries. FSM has also been shown to significantly lessen acute pain intensity while shortening recovery times from surgery, trauma or sports injuries; plus treating nerve, muscle and scar tissue pain while alleviating symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Human bodies are natural electrical conductors, with each tissue having its own individual resonant frequency. When tissue becomes dysfunctional, this normal resonance frequency can become dissonant with the rest of the body and become out-of-tune. With FSM treatments, frequencies are programmed into a programmable device before being sent directly to damaged areas to restore back their healthy resonance frequencies.

These frequencies are highly specific, enabling them to address a wide variety of ailments and conditions. Their effect can often be immediately visible as scars soften, trigger points resolve and swelling drains almost instantly upon application of the proper frequency. Furthermore, once altered tissue configurations remain unchanged with proper nutritional support.

FSM has been proven to increase anti-inflammatory molecules, decrease pro-inflammatory cytokines, increase cell permeability and enhance nerve conductivity – all of which make it an excellent way of dealing with chronic inflammation issues like arthritis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, TMJ or frozen shoulder. FSM can also help alleviate acute injuries like sprains or strains within four hours after an injury has been sustained – patients treated within this window reported reduced pain levels as well as faster healing times after FSM treatments were administered within four hours after an injury occurred reported reduced pain levels as well as considerably accelerated healing timescales.


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