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Energy Medicine Florida

Energy medicine practices such as Reiki, Qigong and bio-meridian assessment have grown increasingly popular within the wellness realm for good reason: they offer a safe, natural and noninvasive means of balancing our delicate energies and keeping ourselves well.

Note that holistic healing does not replace conventional medical treatment; rather, it should be used alongside it.

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy medicine encompasses practices like acupuncture, qigong and sound therapy that seek to heal the human energy body. Energy medicine is grounded in the idea that we all possess an energetic life force known as “qi,” which must be properly balanced in order to achieve both physical and mental wellbeing.

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Integrative wellness centers, medical doctors and the general public are increasingly turning to ancient acupuncture techniques as part of their overall treatment regimes for pain management, stress relief, chronic illness management and emotional distress relief. It provides powerful complementary support that is an excellent complement to conventional medical approaches.

There are various energy therapies available, including therapeutic touch, reiki and healing sprayer. Each involves moving their hands gently over a patient’s body (without actually touching), sensing imbalances of energy flow and using various techniques to strengthen or redirect this flow as part of wellness promotion. Although not extensively researched, evidence indicates these approaches could potentially benefit a wide range of ailments linked to stress – particularly high blood pressure and heart conditions.

Modern forms of energy work include PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy, vibrational plate treatments and red and infrared light therapies. The idea behind these more technologically advanced forms is that our bodies are electromagnetic fields – by working directly with these energy fields we can encourage the body’s natural healing mechanisms.


Energy healing can also help address emotional stress, improve mood and boost feelings of wellbeing, promote deep relaxation and strengthen immunity systems. Studies have even shown that certain forms of energy therapy can even lower cortisol levels to combat stress-related illnesses.

Energy healing, commonly referred to as “healing from within out,” addresses your energetic core and can bring balance and spiritual growth in all aspects of your life. As soon as you establish true equilibrium in your life, that’s when true success and satisfaction come into your life – both personally and professionally.


Reiki is an energy healing practice practiced by “laying on hands.” Reiki works on the assumption that all living things possess life energy; when this energy is high enough, people feel healthy and strong while when it’s low it can create anxiety, stress and an increased susceptibility to illness.

When you receive healing energy from a practitioner, it helps realign your energies and address physical ailments that you might be suffering from. Sessions typically involve lying fully clothed on a Reiki table (or sitting comfortably in a chair), with hands placed above or close to your body focusing on areas needing attention most. You should share any issues or concerns you have with them, though this isn’t necessary as your energy will guide them accordingly.

Studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of Reiki on stress reduction, mood enhancement and sleep. Furthermore, Reiki may even aid with pain management by decreasing perception and increasing tolerance to pain. However, it should be remembered that reiki cannot treat illness directly; rather it should be used alongside medically proven treatments like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation for maximum efficacy.

Attaining professional Reiki treatments from trained and certified practitioners is ideal. Look for at least level 2 training from an organization such as a professional Reiki association; this will ensure they understand the nine systems of your body’s energy and how they affect health.

At your session, you will typically lie face up on the table and close your eyes. Warmth from your practitioner’s hands may give way to sensations like tingling or heat; others report visualizations or mementoes being experienced. While male practitioners are said to provide easier Reiki sessions than their female counterparts, energy flows where it needs to. We advise having multiple sessions over a couple of weeks but you can do as many or few as desired.

Healing Touch

Healing Touch was invented by nurse Janet Mentgen in the 1980s as one of many energy medicine practices that uses light or near-body touch to affect an individual’s energy field. Similar to Reiki and Jin Shin Jyutsu, Healing Touch involves clearing, balancing and stimulating these fields and energy centers using hand contact from practitioners – it works on the belief that all living beings possess an energetic system which constantly interacts with its environment.

Healing Touch therapy, when performed by skilled practitioners, has the ability to ease pain and stress relief while improving physical and emotional well-being. Although researchers have yet to explain its workings, patients have reported significant reductions in pain and stress after receiving these treatments. Safe, gentle and noninvasive, Healing Touch can complement traditional medical therapies in providing relief.

Healing Touch has long been recognized as an energy therapy treatment option for chronic illnesses, including heart disease and cancer. Furthermore, research studies are currently investigating its efficacy at mitigating chemotherapy side effects, with studies showing it reduces pain while simultaneously increasing relaxation among cancer patients.

Practitioners of energy healing focus on treating patients’ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing simultaneously. Unlike many Western therapies, energy healers don’t diagnose illness or prescribe medications; rather, they use their hands to manipulate their patient’s energy field and encourage participation in healing themselves.

Energy modalities take an integrative approach to healthcare; each modality uses its hands to restore balance to your body’s energies, which travel along pathways known as meridians. This gives practitioners a fuller picture of what might be wrong and provides more complete and integrative approaches to care. While most complementary health practices don’t have religious affiliation, it is still important for your doctor to know about any complementary healthcare practices you incorporate into your wellness regime.


H-Wave electrotherapy uses a combination of high and low frequencies to assist the body’s natural recovery process and act as an alternative to pain medications. Furthermore, the therapy stimulates new blood vessel formation that can bring essential nutrients and heal tissues more effectively.

H-wave’s unique signal can activate muscle fibers while at the same time suppressing pain signals within nerves, providing long-lasting pain relief that has even been used as anesthesia during dentistry procedures that last up to 30 minutes! This technology has even become so effective it is used as electronic anesthesia during dental procedures!

H-Wave’s low frequency setting creates nonfatiguing muscle contractions to relieve pain and improve functionality, unlike massage and other techniques which only compress superficial muscles close to the skin. Furthermore, its contractions allow compression of deeper lymphatic vessels – something impossible with other techniques.

Compression of lymphatic vessels is key for decreasing inflammation and improving functionality, which often stems from poor circulation in an area. Lymphatic system plays a vital role by moving inflammatory mediators out of your system via blood circulation into circulation systems that flush them away.

H-Wave technology causes dilation of the blood vessels, providing fresh oxygenated blood and nutrient rich fluids while flushing away waste products, aiding healing while easing pain relief allowing you to return to daily activities without restriction.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of H-Wave therapy in decreasing pain medication use, increasing functionality and decreasing surgical procedures. This can be attributed to its ability to decrease pain and inflammation levels while speeding healing of tissues as well as increasing patient activity levels – ultimately leading to faster returns to daily lives and careers.


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