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Energy Medicine Near Me

Energy Medicine is a hands-on healthcare approach that evaluates and integrates both electromagnetic and subtle energies of the body, offering self-care techniques designed to activate natural healing mechanisms while working alongside other treatments modalities.

This article chronicles the history and growth of one of the best-known forms of Energy Medicine today – Eden Energy Medicine founded by Donna Eden.

How is it used?

Energy Medicine (EM) is an approach designed to restore balance and harmony to one’s nine energy systems (Aura, Meridians and Chakras) through natural healing processes in their body. Energy Medicine practitioners utilize various interventions such as clearing away blockages in order to facilitate this natural ability for healing in your system.

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Energy Medicine follows ancient healing traditions by recognizing that disruptions to a person’s subtle energies may contribute to illness and restoring these can aid recovery. Energy Medicine serves both as an adjunct therapy and as a self-care practice, making an ideal combination.

An Energy Medicine session (EEM) is a hands-on healing process that works directly with the energetic field surrounding physical body. Your practitioner uses energy testing, similar to muscle testing, to monitor nine energy systems within your body. Energy Medicine practitioners follow certain principles to ensure each energy system’s wellbeing supports overall body wellbeing.

An EEM practitioner will be able to recognise which energetic systems require support, and work to address any blockages or unhealthy flow within them. Sessions usually occur fully clothed on or off a massage table. Each session can be tailored specifically to each client based on energy. Sessions can last as little or as long as desired.


Dianne shares her experience overcoming Inflammatory Breast Cancer with Energy Medicine tools she is employing to manage treatment side effects on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher Radio iHeart Radio Acast or YouTube platforms. You can listen on any platform of choice.

Innersource offers an Intro to Eden Energy Medicine class where you can gain more knowledge about this healing modality. Over four days, participants learn the fundamentals and techniques to address common pain patterns using Eden Energy Medicine. After this course has concluded, attendees leave equipped with tools they can use both individually as well as offer to friends, family and clients.

What is it like to receive a session?

An Energy Assessment session can be deeply relaxing and therapeutic, using techniques reminiscent of both acupressure and massage. Your practitioner will use “Energy Assessment” testing to track your body’s energy systems; interventions will then help your body regain its natural flow so you can heal more easily; furthermore, clients learn simple strategies for keeping their bodies healthy that they can apply on an everyday basis.

Eden Energy Medicine was pioneered by internationally-recognized energy healer Donna Eden. Through classes, media appearances, and her best-selling books she brought energy healing into the mainstream consciousness. Donna dedicated her life to awakening our natural healing capacities within us all.

Contrary to traditional medical approaches that focus on treating symptoms and diseases, EEM aims at balancing the subtle energies within each individual’s body and energy field – the energetic vibrations which drive their health and wellness. With 9 specific energy systems (Meridians, Aura, Chakras, Radiant Circuits Celtic Weave Five Rhythms Electrics etc) an Eden Energy Medicine practitioner can identify blockages or imbalances which might be contributing to illness and make adjustments accordingly.

Energies play a pivotal role in human physical and emotional well-being, so when they become unbalanced it may lead to illness or hinder the healing process altogether. Energy Medicine seeks to address such energy disturbances with techniques such as acupressure, meridiana tracing, chakra work, etc.

Energy Medicine‘s beauty lies in its accessibility; anyone can utilize it on a daily basis and reap its many benefits for health, happiness and greater joy in their lives. Energy Medicine serves as an ideal complement to other holistic therapies or medical treatments and should be integrated into one’s existing healthcare regimen for maximum benefit.

How long does a session last?

Energy Medicine (EEM) is a form of holistic healing that works with the subtle energies within the body to bring balance to them and restore health and well-being. As opposed to traditional medicine which treats symptoms and diseases directly, EEM assesses and balances body energies to promote holistic well-being; EEM provides tools and insights that can help discipline your mind, build immunity and increase focus and clarity while leading a more conscious life.

EEM employs an in-depth set of techniques that address nine energetic systems – Meridians, Chakras, Auras, Five Rhythms Radiant Circuits Celtic Weave Triple Warmers and Electrics. Sessions are tailored specifically to each person’s needs using energy testing (similar to muscle testing) to determine which energetic systems need support. Sessions generally last 90 minutes with clients remaining fully clothed on a massage table (but can also be completed while sitting if required)

Energy Medicine Practitioners use light energy to balance your energetic fields and restore their natural state of health, wellbeing and joy. Sessions may include hands-on energy therapy, meridien tracing or guided visualization to promote emotional release and healing in both mind and body.

Your Energy Medicine Practitioner will have undergone at least two years of rigorous training with Eden Method Energy Medicine certification program, completing at least 100 sessions under supervision by an EEM master teacher and agreeing to adhere to high ethical standards.

Your Energy Medicine Practitioner must fulfill all the criteria to be listed as an EEM Certified Practitioner (EEM-CP) on Innersource’s website. They must have successfully completed Classes 1-8 and successfully taken and passed the Certification Exam; additionally, all financial obligations to Innersource must have been satisfied in order to be listed as EEM Certified.

What can I expect from a session?

Human bodies are intricate systems of interdependence with complex networks of communication between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of our being. When these interactions become disturbed it can result in various health problems – energy medicine is a practice which addresses this disruption by helping the body restore to its natural balance and well-being.

Energy medicine practitioners work with clients to help restore normal flow of energy throughout their body’s nine energy systems (Aura, Meridians, Chakras, Radiant Circuits, Triple Warmer, Five Rhythms Electrics and Grid). Eastern Medicine evaluation and treatment techniques such as Acupuncture or Meridian Tracing may be employed to correct blockages and imbalances which cause disease; once restored the body can heal itself naturally.

Maryna offers the Eden Energy Medicine system created by world-renowned healer and teacher Donna Eden, which is an easy and straightforward healing modality that clients can incorporate into daily practice for health restoration and vitality. Maryna teaches this powerful healing modality for clients of all kinds – whether their goal is weight loss, back pain relief, stress reduction or just feeling better overall!

When our body’s energies are flowing freely, their physical, mental and emotional bodies are balanced; otherwise it can result in numerous health challenges like physical pain, depression anxiety and sleep issues.

Eden Energy Medicine provides a variety of energy therapies designed to promote holistic well-being, from balancing chakras to undoing stress on meridians. Your practitioner can utilize muscle testing (also called energy testing) to determine which energetic system needs assistance first; all work can be completed while remaining fully clothed for maximum privacy; sessions typically last about 90 minutes and can occur either on or off a massage table.

Carrie invites those curious to learn more about energy healing to contact her for a complimentary consultation, where she’ll outline all your available options, such as her energy medicine training and various techniques like BodyTalk, Functional Nutrition and Naturopathy.


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