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Energy Medicine Products

Energy Medicine refers to an umbrella term covering a range of healing modalities that utilize our vital life force, or “qi”, to influence its movement through our bodies. Common practices in this realm include Qi gong, therapeutic touch and Reiki.

These techniques offer benefits beyond physical health that extend into emotional and spiritual wellness, and have become more accepted within Western medicine as gentle interventions that complement its efforts.


Selenite, a crystalline form of gypsum, is commonly referred to as “moonstone” due to its translucent appearance which mimics moonlight. Selenite is believed to carry healing energies associated with moonlight, making it one of the essential tools in an energy worker’s toolbox.

Selenite stone can be found in desert environments and ancient seabeds, where its formation occurs when water becomes saturated with calcium and sulfate ions, becoming so concentrated as to exceed solubility limits of remaining sand and minerals, eventually crystallizing into what we now refer to as selenite.

Crystal therapy is known for its soothing energy and ability to clear and protect the aura and energetic fields, which connect you with the ether. Furthermore, crystals are said to promote clarity by tapping into the wisdom of your soul as well as feeling the protective presence of angels and guides.

Jayne says selenite is particularly useful for clearing and purifying spaces in your home, including clearing away negative energy from the air and clearing away negativity from negative energies that have settled there. Additionally, she suggests using it in meditation sessions to tap into intuition as well as heal third eye and crown chakras while connecting to what she refers to as the spirit realm.

Selenite can be used in your spiritual practices or purchased to decorate as decorative items. Selenite figurines and wands can be displayed decoratively; common shapes for this stone include spheres, hearts, towers and light holders. Grace suggests keeping one near your front door to help clear away energy as you enter, while white towers (such as those found at Grace’s site) serve to amp up other crystal energies nearby.

Recharging selenite requires either placing it near a window that receives direct sunlight, burying it in soil where its light can soak in, or submerging it in seawater for some hours to clean and recharge it. Grace suggests doing either.

White Sage Smudge Sticks

White sage can be used in smudging ceremonies to rid spaces of negative energy and clear the mind. This hand-tied sage stick made of white sage and eucalyptus blend creates a refreshing aroma perfect for cleaning your home and purifying its air. White sage helps clear your mind of negative thoughts while eucalyptus has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make this stick ideal.

Sage is an iconic plant, and using white sage in ritualized smudging ceremonies to cleanse oneself and their environment of negative energies and to bring in positivity and healing can be seen as an act of reverence and respect. When lit, its thick smoke produces purifying properties which may disperse negativity while inviting positivity and healing; its smoke can even be used to purify home, office, yoga studios and personal items for cleansing, as well as offering spiritual protection.

These hand-tied California white sage smudge sticks come with an instruction booklet to guide you in learning the art of smudging. When burning it, please place in an undisturbed location away from drafts, flammable objects, children and pets to protect it properly and open windows during smudging to allow fresh air in and old negative energy out.

Smudge sticks are simple-to-use bundles of white sage leaves and stems tied together, ready to burn. Simply light one end of the bundle using either a lighter or match, let it burn until it begins smoldering, blow out the flames so only smoldering leaves are left, then waft the smoke around your home or office to purify its surroundings.

Smudge sticks may include other herbs for additional benefits. Black sage may help induce dreams and visions when burned before bedtime, while palo santo may aid creativity, healing, and spiritual enlightenment. To create one yourself simply wrap several sprigs of one or more specific herbs around a bundle of sage with cotton string.

Zatny Crystals and Healing Stones Premium Kit in Wooden Box

Get your chakras functioning at their optimal state with this essential crystal healing set! This set contains 7 chakra tumble stones (clear quartz, amethyst, sodalite, green aventurine, citrine, carnelian and red jasper), plus one pendulum crystal from this set – each piece carefully selected from top quality materials – plus an amazing 5-fold mini poster guide, an 82 page e-book and 20×6 Quick Reference Poster Guide all packaged up nicely inside a beautiful wooden box for storage!

Customer reviews reveal that buyers are very pleased with the benefits and uses of this product, such as spiritual growth, emotional healing, relaxation and positive relationship building. Customers also report it helping with self-care and building healthy relationships; additionally it’s often used to increase energy in a home or office as well as being given as gifts between friends or family members.

Sellers of crystal products can attract their target audience through marketing strategies that highlight emotional and personal benefits of the products, as well as provide detailed information about crystal properties and instructions for use. By prioritizing clear instructions and effective marketing tactics, sellers can meet and surpass customer expectations while simultaneously building loyal customer bases that lead to repeat purchases and increased sales – ultimately increasing repeat purchases by catering their offerings directly towards meeting these needs of their target customer base.

The Little Book of Energy Medicine

Donna Eden offers easy and enjoyable exercises for improving energy healing in this straightforward, fun guide to energy healing. With a Five-Minute Daily Energy Routine designed to restore natural flow of your body’s energy system as well as specific exercises that combat headaches, nausea, insomnia and colds effectively; The Little Book of Energy Medicine should be essential reading for anyone wanting to boost general health and overall wellness.

Energy Medicine Principles and Practices

Energy medicine” refers to a set of holistic healing modalities that have existed for millennia, all founded on the understanding that our physical bodies and energies are interdependent. These practitioners aim to harmonize both physical and etheric bodies to achieve higher vibrational states that translate to improved health. Many individuals are now turning to energy medicine to address everything from everyday ailments such as headaches and sore muscles, to autoimmune conditions like Lupus, as well as to promote high-level wellness and peak performance. This is accomplished by balancing their physical body with their etheric one through techniques such as Reiki, crystal therapy or chakra balancing.
