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Energy Medicine Summit Reveals the Power of Self-Healing

Explore your natural life-force energy to tap into its immense power to sustain and heal all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Research indicates that tapping into this force gives you the ability to restore equilibrium when feeling out-of-balance in any aspect of life – be it physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Bring ancient healing practices and modern bio-hacking together in this series from top teachers and healers. Discover simple techniques for breaking through energetic barriers and raising your vibrational frequency.

Discover the Latest Breakthroughs in Energy Healing

Many people suffer from conditions that sap their energy, such as chronic diseases such as cancer, fibromyalgia and heart disease. Traditional medicine has made great strides in alleviating symptoms; however it often fails to address underlying energetic imbalances that contribute to them. Recently however, breakthroughs are confirming what ancient healing traditions have known all along: the body has amazing ability to heal itself given the right tools.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Join us as we delve into this thrilling field, exploring practices that combine modern Western-based science with holistic, alternative healing modalities. Our world-class speakers will teach powerful techniques designed to release energetic blockages, raise your vibrational frequency, and accelerate natural healing within your body.

What is Energy Medicine? Unlike Western medicine, which is built around an anatomical model of the human body, indigenous medical systems (such as TCM, Ayurveda and shamanic traditions ) have long revolved around an understanding of an individual’s “energy body.” This concept encompasses everything from acupuncture and sound therapy sessions to chakra balancing sessions and Reiki energy healing treatments.

Upgrade Labs in Los Angeles offers cutting-edge energy healing treatments such as PEMF therapy, infrared light treatments, vibrational plates and electric brain stimulation that all combine to promote healing in body and mind.


As the experts featured in this summit series will explain, modern scientific evidence indicates that we are energetically linked. Additionally, many scientists now recognize that electromagnetic environments contain both beneficial and potentially detrimental energies which have an enormous influence over physical, mental, and emotional health.

Explore a Wide Range of Healing Modalities

We have assembled some of the world’s finest teachers to bring ancient energy practices and powerful healing technologies together for you to learn from. You will gain the tools to replenish every organ and system in your body, deepen inner peace, awaken life-force energy and restore balance within yourself as you rejuvenate all aspects of yourself; including emotional wellbeing promotion and spiritual healing.

Our A-List medical experts, integrative health practitioners, neuroscience researchers and energetic healers–including Donna Eden, Dr and Master Sha, Cyndi Dale, Penney Peirce, Dawson Church and Mingtong Gu, Alberto Villoldo to name just a few–will guide you through an array of healing modalities that may help alleviate stress, anxiety, pain, PTSD depression phobia trauma addiction low self esteem digestive issues or more.

Your energy medicine summit faculty will teach you simple techniques for unlocking energetic blockages and raising your vibration, so you can tap into a deeper source of healing energy. They’ll show you this through exploring an extensive toolkit of bodywork modalities to boost immunity, reduce inflammation, balance the brain’s gamma and lambda brainwaves (for super learning and memory recall) while relaxing into Samadhi – the highest state of consciousness.

We will also share effective and useful mindfulness tools that you can immediately put to use to reduce stress, expand attention spans and enhance sleep quality – helping you feel centered, calm and focused again. You’ll also gain knowledge on various simple techniques you can employ with your children or loved ones to manage emotions and stressors as well as protect their energy against negative influences.

Learn Simple Techniques to Release Energetic Blockages

The Energy Medicine Summit presents an array of straightforward energy practices. These techniques address physical, emotional and spiritual healing simultaneously – plus can easily fit into daily routines as they can be practiced anywhere and at any time to instantly experience their beneficial effects.

Learn to support your body’s natural healing process by clearing away energetic blockages. Doing this will restore balance and improve overall wellness, as well as how to release any negative emotions or energies which weigh down on you – enabling you to feel free and unburdened. In addition, discover how you can access vagus nerve as an energy healing pathway.

This year’s energy medicine summit brings together world-class teachers and healers from different fields – doctors, researchers, authors, holistic coaches, intuitive energy healers, intuitive energy healers – from around the globe. These pioneers in their respective fields will demonstrate how you can combine Western science with ancient alternative healing modalities for an unparalleled learning experience.

Discovering our complex energetic bonds while discovering different healing modalities such as sound therapy, therapeutic touch, breathwork, acupuncture and vibrational medicine will open up a wealth of discovery opportunities for you. In addition, modern scientific evidence will support ancient healing traditions recognizing their link between science and spirituality – this course offers both scientific knowledge and spiritual understanding to aid its readers.

Energy blocks can be caused by negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs; these energetic blockages can then manifest in pain, discomfort or dis-ease that has an adverse impact on both mental health and physical well-being. But there’s good news – with techniques like EFT tapping or Reiki healing, which harness universal energy to clear away blockages quickly and permanently, these energetic blockages can be eliminated quickly.

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness can help clear your energy by strengthening the immune system by encouraging healthier cells. Furthermore, these practices allow you to cleanse your aura – becoming an anchor of positivity during an uncertain and trying time.

The Energy Medicine Summit will teach you how to harness subtle energies in everyday life and use them for healing purposes. Here you will discover tools that resonate with your unique energy to customize and individualize your healing journey.

Discover the Power of Self-Healing

Self-healing may be your solution if you are living with chronic pain, digestive issues, anxiety or any other debilitating conditions. Taught by world-renowned energy healers and wellness experts, self-healing techniques can help clear energetic buildups, release stuck emotions and revitalize both body and spirit.

At this summit, you’ll gain knowledge on how to activate and utilize the life force energy present both inside your body and surrounding it at all times. By tapping into its great reservoir of pure potentiality, you will learn how to improve physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing for greater well-being while developing an increased awareness of yourself and the world.

This energy medicine summit series brings together modern scientific breakthroughs with holistic, alternative healing modalities and ancient teachings, providing you with tools to better understand the source of your symptoms and how you can prevent future episodes.

Regain confidence in yourself as an effective source of wellness, and become a source of wellness and wisdom to those around you. Ancient practices give you the ability to overcome what others may perceive as impossible, leading you to live your best life ever.

Leading doctors, researchers, and authors across disciplines will teach you how to enhance energy flow, detoxify your body naturally, and boost its natural healing powers. You’ll experience first-hand how energy healing has provided positive measurable results when applied to treat various common disorders ranging from autoimmune diseases and digestive issues to chronic pain or even cancer.

At the end of the day, you will be able to heal yourself and assist loved ones with doing the same. Like car maintenance, frequent minor repairs will keep your body and mind running smoothly without waiting for major breakdowns to take place.

When conventional medicine fails and faith falters, this healing summit series can offer you the path toward sustainable wellness. Our ancient teachings and modalities have been proven to give long-term, sustainable results. Begin your journey now and unlock your body’s hidden potential for health, wellbeing, and a deeper sense of interconnectivity!


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