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Healing With Energy Medicine

healing with energy medicine

Energy healing involves manipulating subtle energy fields believed to exist within and around the body in order to support its natural healing ability. Research studies on forms like acupuncture, Reiki and healing touch have demonstrated benefits including pain reduction.

Jill Blakeway is an award-winning Chinese medicine practitioner and scholar who investigates energy healing.

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1. It Works

Energy healing techniques like Reiki, EFT or tapping on specific acupressure points will be utilized by an energy healer in order to clear and balance your energies, returning your body back into harmony and homeostasis.

Although mainstream science has traditionally disproved of “vitalism”, the idea that living matter contains vital forces, numerous studies now support its existence and demonstrate how powerfully and significantly human energy fields influence bodily processes such as healing. Furthermore, such therapies as therapeutic touch and healing touch can rebalance energy fields to treat disease more effectively.

Not only can these techniques address the energetic foundations of a problem, they can also foster greater connection and compassion between physician and patient during healing processes. Indeed, some forms of energy medicine such as pulsed electromagnetic fields have already been employed by physicians in helping fractures heal faster while static magnets have been shown to ease pain relief.

Energy healing modalities are non-invasive, non-intrusive solutions that can be performed either in-person or remotely. When visiting in person, you’ll recline fully clothed on a treatment table as the practitioner assesses your energy field using various means – usually feeling your energy with their hands while off of your body or by dowsing within it.

At an in-person session, you will first discuss any concerns or goals with the practitioner. They’ll use their training and modalities to address them while still accommodating what your body requires at that particular moment in time – many clients leave feeling nurtured, balanced, and revitalized!

Energy healing is a quick and accessible way to bring harmony back into your mind, body, and spirit. You can use energy healing for anything from PMS symptoms and anxiety/depression relief all the way through to improving fertility by balancing hormones and decreasing inflammation.

2. It’s Safe

Energy healing has become an increasingly common trend among mainstream health professionals, helping with anxiety, stress and depression as well as cancer treatment side effects, arthritis and migraine symptoms, among other ailments. Furthermore, energy healing has been shown to speed healing times post surgery while simultaneously decreasing pain levels while increasing emotional resilience and spiritual growth.

Energy medicine is a holistic healing practice that uses an invisible field of energy known as the etheric blueprint to heal body organs, cells and the mind. By altering an imbalanced energy pattern and changing an imbalanced pattern in it, energy medicine may provide one of the most effective and least-invasive means to improve organ, cell and mental function. Drawing upon centuries-old practices such as acupuncture, kinesiology and yoga as well as practitioners trained to use intuition or physical sensations to detect an energy field imbalance, energy medicine seeks to address problems within this invisible field of energy field that surrounds human existence.

Practitioners believe that life force energy of an individual is their natural healing force and that optimal health depends upon its balance and flow. This energy has many names such as chi, prana, ki spirit etheric energy bio-cosmic energy among others – many cultures and healing traditions consider this life force energy essential in driving healing ability.

Though scientific evidence for energy healing is limited, an integrative medicine clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics lists energy healing techniques like therapeutic touch, healing touch and spiritual healing as safe complementary therapies for children. And although finding a qualified practitioner is paramount to successful energy work, studies have revealed how using energy can significantly decrease pain and anxiety levels while simultaneously increasing relaxation levels and improving measures of autonomic nervous system balance like blood pressure and heart rate.

Research also shows that meditation and other forms of mindfulness can have profound effects on energy levels. Benefits may include reduced heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rates as well as relaxation – all which support your body’s energetic healing processes. Furthermore, energy healing sessions often feel like massage for your soul – making this approach to wellness an appealing one.

3. It’s Effective

Energy healing may sound far-fetched, but they’re actually quite effective. Our body is much more than muscles and bones – an imbalance in our subtle energy field can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and mood disorders – leading to additional physical problems.

Although its exact mechanisms have yet to be scientifically identified, several theories exist which support its efficacy, including bioelectrical processes in the body and prayer and intention on healing, quantum compatibility and holistic approaches that integrate mind, body and spirit health.

Practitioners of energy medicine use healing energies to balance and rebalance the body’s energetic channels, returning them to homeostasis (balance). By doing this, energy medicine practitioners are often successful in treating diseases that cannot be effectively addressed by conventional Western medicine alone.

As energy healing becomes an increasingly popular practice, more practitioners are becoming certified. Before choosing one of them as your healer, do your research carefully – ensure they are reliable and possess extensive experience to back their expertise up.

Home remedies also include energy healing techniques that can provide assistance for common ailments. Emotional Freedom Technique, commonly referred to as tapping, is one such healing modality available at home that involves tapping specific acupressure points while repeating two phrases: A) what’s bothering and upsetting you about this situation and B) your desired outcome or what change would help in life.

Other energy healing modalities involve practitioners moving their hands over the body without touching it, in order to identify an imbalance in subtle energy fields and then correct or strengthen them to promote health. Examples of such practices are Acupuncture, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine which focus equally on body, mind and spirit health – many have existed for millennia while others are more recent developments within alternative medicine.

4. It’s Fun

Body energies provide a natural source of healing. They support immunity and the wellbeing of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and karma bodies as well as helping propel you toward spiritual development. Energy work is an ancient yet safe medicine available today – from minor aches and pains to clearing illness or trauma issues like inner child issues or ancestral karma releasing negative beliefs such as inner child issues or ancestral karma release.

Traditional healers believe there is an invisible, interconnected flow of energies coursing through and around your body daily, like wind. Though invisible, these subtle energies play a pivotal role in maintaining good health – disease arises when this energy becomes blocked or weakened and restoration back to balance brings healing.

As you explore energy healing modalities, you may discover it to be enjoyable! These practices typically don’t require physical contact (clothes on, hands off or light touch) and usually work faster than conventional medicine. Energy healing has many applications: it can alleviate aches and pains; clear illnesses; address emotional trauma such as depression anxiety PTSD etc; alleviate emotional trauma by shifting heavy emotions more efficiently etc…

This is one of the easiest and most fun ways to practice self-healing without needing an outside practitioner. Each month you’ll discover a different energy healing practice and begin applying it on yourself – tools you’ll be able to use for years! And see firsthand the profound difference they bring!

We will explore Donna Eden’s body energy work. Donna Eden is an influential leader in this field and was instrumental in popularizing energy healing to the public. With her playful, funny, yet deeply grounded voice she will provide an evidence-based case for expanding this ancient healing practice. Our curriculum includes video lessons with Donna as well as 50+ exclusive energetic tools she and David only ever teach during live workshops – simple techniques which can heal, soothe and rebalance in minutes every day!


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