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How Diamond Inlay Energy Medicine Can Help You Make Major Evolutionary Shifts

Donna developed energy medicine after noting luminescent diamond-shaped forms in her clients’ energies. She realized she could reinforce and support this energetic structure – which she considers the “energetic structure of higher consciousness” – so as to help people live more in accord with their potentials.

Stress, environmental toxins and old wounds can wreak havoc with your meridians, leaving them out of balance and unbalanced. With an attunement healing session you’ll develop deeper access to intuition as well as release energetic blocks to bring harmony back into balance for you meridians.

What is the Diamond Inlay?

Diamond Inlay represents your higher self – an energy field of light that both grounds and expands you. It upgrades human awareness with immaculate Diamond properties to help make major evolutionary leaps, realizing more of your true potential and living more harmoniously with it.

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Donna developed this healing technique after noting luminescent diamond-shaped forms in her clients’ energies, not always visible but more apparent when it was time for them to make a meaningful leap in consciousness. Donna realized she could encourage and fortify this energy structure she refers to as the “energetic structure of higher consciousness” so her students would move more in harmony with their highest callings.

Donna teaches her Eden Energy Medicine classes using energy systems such as chakras and meridians that have been recognized and mapped by one ancient healing tradition or another, including chakras and meridians. However, Donna’s Diamond Inlay stands apart in that it seems connected to intelligent forces that push towards your greatest possibilities – much like how your third eye or crown chakra receives information during meditation sessions or dreams.

This class offers you an invaluable opportunity to deepen your relationship with Diamond Inlay energy and explore its innate wisdom. Additionally, you will learn a method for helping clients tap into it, equipping them for any energetic transitions they are required to take in life.


Stress, chemicals and an unhealthy environment can strain or even overwhelm the meridien energy system, leaving it out of sync or completely blocked up. The resulting energy imbalances may negatively impact all areas of life – mind, body and soul alike. An energy attunement resets meridians and chakras by building bridges to intuition and clearing away energy blocks to guide you in becoming the greatest version of yourself. This three-session healing program includes private healing sessions with video participation via private Facebook group; video participation via private Facebook video participation via video participation via private Facebook group; video participation through private Facebook video participation groups; daily homework tasks – you won’t find this combination anywhere else worldwide!

Why is the Diamond Inlay so powerful?

Eden Energy Medicine works with multiple energy systems – meridians and chakras in particular – which have long been recognized and mapped by ancient healing traditions. But one powerful energy system which had gone unrecognized until now was Donna’s Diamond Inlay technique, first noticed when luminescent diamond-shaped forms appeared during times of evolutionary shift toward one’s potential. Donna found she could encourage and fortify this energy to support an “energetic structure of higher consciousness”, helping people live closer in line with their highest calling.

When an evolutionary leap occurs in your awareness, your body responds accordingly and aligns itself to the energetic force field that underlies your new possibilities. This energy not only supports you during this shift but also serves to transform old stories into light embodiments that bring new potential into being.

Feel it in your fingertips and heart center as this energy opens neural pathways and spreads crystalline frequencies throughout your physical body. Meridians reset, addressing glitches that contribute to mind-body-soul imbalance and creating bridges into intuition. This piercing transmission transforms shadow imprints from past trauma or limiting beliefs into the immaculate diamond qualities of your Higher Self light embodiment.

Your Diamond Light body also connects you to the infinite Diamond light of the cosmos, deepening your connection to universal intelligence and reinforcing your innate creative powers. Through attunment with this source of light you are empowered to experience Christ-alignment with immaculate crystal consciousness – which in turn radically improves health, creative potential and your capacity for love.

Donna Eden is an internationally-recognized master healer and New York Times best-selling author who offers this incredible energy attunment class live online. You’ll gain lifetime access to it, giving you plenty of chances to rewatch and reinforce its teachings while expanding your abilities! Additionally, an exclusive private Facebook group allows for questions and interaction during class as well as Q&A with Donna herself!

How can the Diamond Inlay help me?

Donna has spent over 13 years using energy systems to strengthen, fortify, and support what she calls the “energetic structure of higher consciousness” – helping people live in more harmony with their highest callings. Donna has found this energy especially effective during today’s turbulent and changing environment, strengthening empathic traits while aiding individuals toward fulfilling their souls’ purposes and reaching their greatest potentials more gracefully.

As she works with clients, she’s observed that Diamond Inlays appear when people are ready to make an evolutionary step that aligns them more closely with their soul’s highest purpose. It appears as if their bodies recognize when this shift is necessary and then create an energy system which supports that leap forward.

Your energy field can be undermined by external influences like stress, chemical toxins and your living environment, leading to disruptions that lead to mind, body and soul imbalances that often manifest as illness ranging from sciatica and neck pain to psoriasis and anxiety.

In this class, you will learn an effective technique to reconnect with the power of your Diamond Inlay and heal imbalances within it – an invaluable skill in today’s fast-changing environment. Furthermore, you will discover new ways to utilize its meridians and chakras that make up its energy system.

How can the Diamond Inlay help you?

The Diamond Inlay energy structure can help restore balance to your system by clearing away glitches that lead to mind, body, and soul imbalance. It helps build bridges into intuition while clearing away energetic blocks to open doors into higher states of awareness and allow you to expand on your full potential.

Eden Energy Medicine works with many energy systems – meridians, chakras and aura – which have been recognized and mapped by ancient healing traditions. But one energy system stands out: The Diamond Inlay appears to be connected to intelligent forces that push people toward evolving shifts that bring out their highest potentials more fully. Donna has seen that this energy often shows up when clients are ready for major life change.

Due to her vast experience and study of Diamond Inlay energy healing practices, she has developed techniques that encourage its presence. In this class she will share these tools in order to strengthen and support this vital energy source that fosters higher consciousness.

She can provide you with a simple method for rejuvenating your meridians regularly and making them more resilient against toxins and imbalances found in today’s modern environment. Maintaining the health of your meridian is both straightforward and essential to your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Donna last taught this class over 13 years ago and is eager to bring it back. This event provides newcomers the chance to discover its power as well as experienced practitioners an opportunity to expand their abilities in helping clients make shifts that are essential in modern society.


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