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How to Define Energy Medicine

Energy medicine employs techniques to harness and balance the energetic fields surrounding human bodies, which often defy traditional physical, chemical or physiological explanations.

Touch therapies, movement modalities and healing practices such as magnet therapy, acupuncture and light therapy all rely on an understanding of how changes to life force impact health and facilitate healing.


From ancient times on, people have believed in a powerful energy source that vitalizes all living things, be they plants or animals. Commonly referred to as Chi, Prana, Ki, Qi, Pneuma Ohm Mana Ether Vril Biocosmic Energy or more this vital life force exists within and all around each individual and is thought to cause illness when disturbed; energy healing seeks to restore equilibrium within this energetic system in order to promote physical and emotional well being.

Some practitioners claim to be able to detect or sense this energy with their hands or bodies, using techniques like massage and manipulation of these energies or employing sound healing and chakra balancing as methods to stimulate them. Some therapies also employ magnets and monochromatic light rays – unlike traditional medical treatments which utilize drugs or surgery.

Although their scientific veracity remains unverifiable, energy therapies are increasingly being employed as complementary treatments in hospitals and medical centers. Acupuncture has proven especially helpful in relieving pain as well as treating other symptoms.

Energy medicine refers to a range of alternative health techniques, from touch therapies and movement modalities, spiritual healing and homeopathy. Some practices address subtle forms of energy within our biofield while others focus on external environments or auras.

Energy medicine has seen rapid advancement due to a wide variety of doctors and researchers, including Lynne McTaggart’s research on the reality of the Field; Dr Bruce Lipton’s revolutionary shift away from genetic determinism paradigm; Joe Dispenza’s, Greg Baden’s, and Nassim Haramein’s contributions on intention as powerful drivers have all played key roles.

Energy medicine combines quantum physics and consciousness as the basis of modern medical practice, creating a strong basis for modern medical practice. Also referred to as Pro-Consciousness Medicine, it provides a holistic approach that harnesses body’s own energy systems for healing purposes, helping individuals thrive during this challenging era.


Energy medicine encompasses many practices, such as acupuncture, acupressure, healing touch therapy, therapeutic touch and Reiki. Collectively known as putative energy medicine (PEM), these practices aim to balance disturbances in a patient’s biofield – the energy field surrounding their physical body that plays an integral part in human health – through continuous flow; its continuous movement being thought responsible for healing as well as disease prevention while blocked or stagnant energy can cause pain or illness.

Traditional cultures around the world hold onto the belief that an energy vitalizes and heals all living organisms, with traditional healers using this force as part of healing practices. Commonly known as chi, prana, qi, mana odyle elan vital or life force energy it is considered part of a larger biocosmic force which pervades all space.

Acupuncture, ancient energy medicines like Acupressure and modern energy practices such as Reiki are founded on the idea that humans possess an electromagnetic field surrounding their physical bodies that can be affected by various environmental factors, including stress. Practitioners of PEM claim to be able to feel this energy with their hands, as well as manipulate it through meditation, intention or vibrational therapy.

Physics researchers have discovered that all living organisms produce biophotons – light particles with laser-like coherence that send messages between cells – as a means of transmitting information about their state or regulating component functions. These biophotons could potentially carry information about cell states or functions.

Energy medicine has long been the subject of debate. But as hard science validates some ancient energy approaches and scientific breakthroughs open new avenues in wellness, old divisions are dissolving and new ground is being found. Perhaps the next step should be the integration of various approaches; such a blend will likely prove more powerful than either approach alone and create synergistic effects that surpass any single practice’s limitations – ushering in an exciting era in medicine where new frontiers await discovery!


Wellness practices like acupuncture, chakra balancing, reiki and qigong that focus on healing the body’s energetic field have become popular over time. While Western medicine typically concentrates on materialistic aspects such as bones and muscles, ancient healing traditions like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Shamanism focus on an alternative concept: that human bodies possess an energetic field which profoundly impacts overall function – an imbalance may exist within this energy flow leading to persistent or elusive physical problems that ultimately manifest as illness or pain in these systems.

Energy medicine operates under the belief that health is determined by a balance and flow of vital life force through pathways known as meridians, or energy channels. When this energy becomes blocked or out of balance, illness results. Energy healing practices aim to rectify imbalances by restoring free flow through meridians.

Energy healing may seem complex in theory, yet its practices are relatively simple in practice. Energy medicine uses electromagnetic frequencies, wavelengths and vibrations to positively influence human biofields – and many forms of energy medicine utilize actual electromagnetic pulses (lasers or magnetic pulses) in treating patients.

However, putative EM techniques exist as well, in which practitioners generate an electromagnetic field with their hands to aid healing of their patients. Studies have revealed that practitioners’ hands emitting this electromagnetic field can be detected using special measuring devices and its frequency measured between 0.3-30Hz by an acupuncturist for example.

This electromagnetic frequency may alter mechanical vibrations within cells’ membranes and cytoskeletons as well as within the human biofield, returning them to a healthy harmonic pitch and creating relaxation and well-being in addition to helping with recovery from injury or illness – the basis for therapies like therapeutic touch or qigong. Furthermore, EM generated by hands of therapists may stimulate endogenous opioids and enkephalins (neurotransmitters that promote anti-inflammatory effects) for release as neurotransmitters for release as neurotransmitters from endogenous sources – further aiding recovery from injury or illness as well as relaxing muscles and helping restore vitality within.


Many are familiar with energy healing practices like acupuncture, chakra balancing and Reiki as complementary therapies to Western medicine. These practices stem from Eastern belief that our bodies possess vital energy which enables it to heal itself; though studies are limited some evidence suggests these techniques can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation which in turn improves quality of life while relieving stress and fatigue, leading to improved immunity system function.

Energy medicine utilizes techniques such as therapeutic touch, reiki and cranial sacral therapy to restore balance and harmony to the human biofield, an energy field surrounding our bodies that may become impaired due to physical illness, emotional trauma or environmental pollutants such as pollution or poor diet. Energy medicine practices like therapeutic touch, reiki or cranio sacral therapy aim at reestablishing energy flow throughout our bodies by using methods like therapeutic touch or Reiki treatment or even Cranial sacral therapy – in effect helping restore their flow throughout us all.

Energy is at the core of modern physics and chemistry. Scientists have demonstrated that all matter exists within an intricate web of interdependent energy patterns; even humans possess such patterns of their own; the traditional anatomical model of bones and blood has given way to the belief that our bodies comprise an intricate system of connected energy sources.

Energy healers believe that all illness stems from imbalances in one’s energy or biofield, leading to disruption in its natural flow that supports healthy biological processes – ultimately leading to disease and aging.

Contrary to pharmaceuticals, which alter chemical signals within the body, electromagnetic fields control every aspect of living systems – making EM both more effective and safe with less risk for side effects.

No matter its scientific validity, energy therapy has gained acceptance within the wellness world. Practitioners of acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, healing touch and Reiki will likely come across clients suffering from various health issues; energy therapy can serve as an invaluable aid in treating them as long as patients continue seeing their physician and follow treatment plans; energy therapy is a powerful way of improving both mind and body quality of life.
