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LifeWave – Homeopathic Medicine For Energy

Homeopathic medicine uses tiny doses of natural substances to stimulate your body’s natural defenses to fight diseases on its own. Homeopathy physicians find a remedy which corresponds with their patient’s symptoms on an energetic level.

Studies have demonstrated that passionflower may help relieve anxiety and insomnia, while another suggests ignatia may alleviate depression.

Energy Booster

Homeopathic medications help the body feel revitalized and boost energy levels. Furthermore, homeopathy also aids in relieving severe mental or physical weakness while returning the vital energy levels back to normal – also improving sleep patterns and helping combat chronic fatigue symptoms.

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Homeopathic medicines differ from conventional ones in that there are no side effects when taken appropriately, due to being composed of very minute amounts of any substance, making the immune system incapable of recognizing them and stimulating healing processes within the body instead. Results will appear gradually over time – though for best results it is advised that they be administered under guidance by an experienced homeopath physician.

Fatigue can be caused by several factors, including lack of sleep, stress and diet. To increase energy levels and gain more momentum it’s essential to make positive lifestyle changes such as drinking more water, eating a healthy balanced diet and engaging in sufficient physical exercise – all things which herbal supplements like Ashwagandha and Ginseng may assist with.

Homeopathy is a holistic alternative treatment that uses microgram doses of substances to stimulate your body’s natural defenses and combat disease on its own. Homeopathic practitioners have used homeopathy successfully since ancient Greece to treat everything from fears to cancer; ultra-dilute preparations of even toxic substances may still have profound effects.


One study collected polysomnographic (PSG) and self-rated sleep measurements on subjects assigned either placebo or verum homeopathic medication during a two-period cross over trial. PSG data demonstrated that verum homeopathic remedy significantly increased total sleep time, non-REM sleep duration, stage changes and other measures while placebo group showed no change; self-rated ratings of sleep quality and mental fatigue did not differ between periods.

This new basic science evidence begins to address some of the primary criticisms against homeopathic medication raised by skeptics: that homeopathy lacks biological activity. It should be noted that homeopathic potentization produces chemical changes within its solvent, even at very high dilutions such as 5x or centesimal (CH).

Energy Stimulator

Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s immune system to boost energy levels and decrease fatigue by restoring balance to all bodily systems and helping them operate at maximum capacity. They help increase physical and mental stamina as well as help treat chronic fatigue symptoms safely without side effects or harmful consequences.

Chronic fatigue affects every aspect of a person’s life; from inability to concentrate, to feeling moody, to joint and muscle pain – leading to serious health concerns and leading to decreased energy. A homeopathic practitioner will prescribe medicine that increases body energy and enhances mood.

At its core, treating anxiety and stress are effective means of providing long-term solutions to conditions like arthritis. By targeting their source directly, pharmaceutical use may be reduced while giving patients lasting relief.

Homeopathy was invented by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. He proposed using similarity as the principle behind homeopathy to treat medical conditions by administering small doses of various substances which would stimulate their natural healing properties and eventually eliminate diseases in their entirety.

Scientists are conducting investigations to test whether homeopathy holds any scientific basis, with recent research of fibromyalgia patients showing that individual homeopathic remedies significantly improved their condition compared to placebo treatments.

A Cochrane Library review of homeopathy for ADHD and HKD identified four randomized or quasi-randomized placebo-controlled trials using homeopathic medications in three of them utilizing behavioral rating scales to measure attention deficits; one trial tested a formula preparation which found some improvement using Children’s Checking Task. But its findings weren’t consistent with other trials’ conclusions.

Researchers recently conducted a double blind, placebo-controlled, two period cross over study of Kali Phos 30c homeopathy remedy and its placebo in humans, employing actigraphic and self-rated sleep measurements. Their findings indicated that taking verum remedy significantly extended both total and NREM sleep times while simultaneously decreasing awakenings and stage changes.

Energy Detoxifier

Homeopathic medicines help energize the immune system to combat mental or physical fatigue symptoms and restore a normal state of wellbeing. By clearing away waste products produced during illness, they also increase energy levels significantly and relieve symptoms such as chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, sleep issues depression or anxiety.

Ultra-dilute preparations of common (and often toxic) substances that work at an energetic level. Their preparation involves successive dilutions with vigorous shaking known as succussion; each step increases its energetic intensity. Recent advances in basic science offer new avenues of investigation on both biological and psychological effects associated with such remedies [43,44].

Homeopathy was pioneered by Dr. Hahnemann who employed the principle “Like Cure Like.” His practice rested upon this belief; that is, an agent or substance which causes symptoms in healthy people could trigger their bodies natural healing mechanisms to heal those same symptoms with minimal dose. Homeopathic practitioners refer to this provings process as the Materia Medica while Dr. Boenninghausen and subsequent homeopathic physicians used these provings as basis for compiling lists of symptoms along with degrees or potencies resulting in Repertories.

Studies have documented the measurable effects of verum remedies on sleep in animals and humans alike, showing how homeopathic dilutions at least three times above Avogadro’s number can significantly change EEG spectral power and other PSG parameters.

Homeopathic remedies have also proven helpful for certain forms of insomnia in humans. Coffea Cruda and Nux Vomica, for instance, have proven useful when used clinically against competitive, irritable personalities who frequently complain of sleep issues in the middle of the night.

Recent placebo controlled double blind cross over research of Kali phos 6x showed significant increases in accuracy scores over two nights when given to subjects as opposed to controls.

Energy Enhancer

The Energy Enhancer helps people go further, run faster, climb higher, and embrace each day with renewed stamina. Featuring LifeWave’s exclusive technology to promote optimal cellular energy utilization for maximum benefit during each day’s activities.

Homeopathy operates under the philosophy that like cures like; any substance that produces symptoms in healthy people can stimulate your body into combatting them at very small dosages. Homeopathy works on the principle that inner force or vital force serves as your best defense against illness and disease; when out-of-balance occurs in this force, signs and symptoms appear that reflect disease or illness in your body – Homeopathic medicines aim to restore it back into balance so you can achieve health.

Homeopathic remedies are popularly used as supplements to address various ailments, from improving immunity and treating allergies, reducing inflammation and anxiety to alleviating insomnia and elevating overall mood. But perhaps their most widespread application is energy enhancement.

Homeopathic medicines do not typically cause side effects and are generally safer than conventional pharmaceutical treatments, though some products may interfere with the efficacy of certain medications. If taking any supplement (homeopathic or not), always consult with a healthcare professional first before starting to use any.

Researchers examined the effects of two homeopathic remedies on sleep quality and subjective self-reports. Furthermore, they analyzed polysomnography (PSG) recordings during night following remedy administration to provide objective measures of disturbance that have previously shown to distinguish remedy effects from placebo effects.

Although neither remedy produced any significant results, they show that additional investigation should be undertaken to ascertain whether homeopathic medicines could help address insomnia and fatigue effectively. Furthermore, polysomnography could serve as an excellent means for furthering clinical research on homeopathy medicines.


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