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Study Energy Medicine Online

Study energy medicine online and gain an understanding of your own body’s etheric field, subtle energies and healing capacities. Numerous studies support its efficacy as an alternative medicine practice.

Understanding the physics underlying energy healing modalities may shed new light on their success. In this exploratory mixed-methods study, qualitative and quantitative analyses were employed from data provided by a seer trained to detect subtle energies.

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy healing techniques like acupuncture, chakra balancing, reiki and qigong have become increasingly popular ways of finding balance in their lives. Energy medicine works with your natural immune system to support the natural healing processes within you. It may even treat physical injuries like back pain and headaches effectively as well as alleviate emotional distress such as anxiety and depression. Energy medicine provides alternative treatment that supports our bodies natural ability to heal itself – thus supporting their own innate healing processes and thus encouraging overall wellbeing.

Traditional Western medical science has focused on physical, biochemical aspects of human biology; while ancient healing traditions such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and shamanism use an entirely different model – that of an energetic field – when treating patients. Now as scientists discover new insights into this realm of energy healing we may even be able to heal ourselves on an energetic level!

Energy refers to a subtle force that regulates and controls cell, tissue and organ growth and repair in our bodies, creating health and vitality. When this force gets stuck or blocked it can cause disease or illness – that’s why wellness world has adopted energy medicine: this practice utilizes ancient traditions like acupuncture, yoga and kinesiology in order to non-invasively restore flow, balance, harmony in our energy systems.

Energy medicine includes therapies like Polarity Therapy and Reiki that utilize touch and verbal interaction to balance and restore the flow of energies in a biofield. Reiki, an Eastern energy healing practice, works by channeling healing energy from its practitioner into patients through hands to bring balance to them.

Energy medicine encompasses therapies that utilize the energies of both body and mind to promote healing and balance the immune system. Although practitioners may believe there to be spiritual overtones to this form of therapy, others simply view it as alternative medicine. Furthermore, studies are beginning to show that such techniques can positively impact certain biological indicators like blood pressure and heart rate.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing technique performed by placing one or both hands above or on the body and encouraging natural flow to stimulate healing processes and reduce stress, anxiety and pain. Many have reported benefiting from it such as reduced stress levels, improved sleep and an overall sense of well-being. Reiki therapy is considered an alternative or complementary therapy and may be used alone, combined with traditional TCM treatments or with medical supervision from doctors.

Reiki practitioners believe that the electromagnetic field that encases their bodies produces both physical and psychological benefits, including reduced pain and discomfort as well as strengthening of immunity. They consider the “biofield” an integral component of all physical functions such as the heartbeat and nervous system.

Researchers have recently demonstrated how reiki can reduce anxiety, pain and fatigue for cancer and other serious illness patients undergoing surgery; though further research needs to be completed. According to one study published in Holistic Nursing Practice, participants who added three or four 30-minute reiki sessions alongside standard medical treatment experienced lower pain levels during recovery than those receiving only traditional care alone.

Reiki is derived from two Japanese words: Rei (spirit, soul or universe); and Ki (life force or vital energy). While Western medicine attempts to explain everything by breaking things down into individual parts that make up the whole, Reiki focuses on identifying and clearing blockages to the body’s life force that cause disease.

Reiki can also serve as an effective stress management strategy, helping reduce anxiety, depression and insomnia symptoms while supporting immunity and metabolism. Furthermore, Reiki therapy has proven helpful when dealing with long-term conditions like cancer by providing peace and acceptance.

Reiki can also be utilized during pregnancy and as palliative care for dying patients. Hospices sometimes provide this service in order to promote comfort, relaxation and positive outlook at the end of life.

What is Chakra Healing?

Chakra healing is a form of energy medicine that focuses on your seven major energy centers in your body. Each chakra corresponds with specific nerve bundles and organs in your body and has its own distinct color; some people believe each color correlates to certain physical conditions such as anxiety or digestive issues; blockages in root chakra may lead to anxiety; the heart chakra represents love, compassion, deep connections, self-expression and communication while throat chakra acts as the conduit.

Energy healers utilize techniques such as Qigong and Reiki to unblock and balance chakras, but you can try chakra healing at home as well. Yoga, meditation and sound therapy may all help. You could even purchase chakra-healing crystals which often match colors associated with individual energy centers.

Step one in chakra healing is to concentrate your attention at the base of your spine and visualize it as a spinning wheel or glowing sphere, followed by working on all other six chakras upward.

One of the best ways to rebalance your chakras is with a massage, which can help relax and allow your body to heal itself. A full-body massage may even release any blockages in your crown chakra (related to mind and spirit).

An effective chakra healing session can be conducted either by a certified massage therapist or using special energy healing products such as Isochronic Chakra Suite. This product uses brainwave entrainment technology to produce sounds believed to match each chakra’s frequency; you may also find solfeggio frequencies or Tibetan singing bowls which promote balance within each chakra.

Joining a Reiki circle with other practitioners dedicated to energy medicine is another effective way to engage in chakra healing. You may be able to locate one online or at new age stores, where practitioners will lead a guided chakra healing meditation and gently place their hands over (or above) areas in need of healing on (or above). They may ask you to close your eyes and visualize each chakra as bright spheres of light, providing comfort to those who may feel uncomfortable being touched directly.

What is Vibrational Medicine?

Energy medicine practitioners use various techniques to restore flow to the body and balance its biofield, such as tapping, massaging, tracing or connecting energetic pathways (accupoints, meridians or chakras) on the surface of skin; altering movement patterns through therapies like Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais or yoga; or creating resonance within their field using sound vibrations, light crystals or other forms of energy to create resonance within it.

Energy medicine applies the principles of physics instead of biochemistry to treat illness, believing that all illness stems from disruptions to a person’s biofield (energy field). While Western medical doctors commonly view humans as machines, many ancient energy healing traditions and contemporary wellness practices take an alternative viewpoint, with the belief that humans comprise interpenetrating networks of subtle multidimensional energies which overlap.

These energetic systems, commonly referred to as the human biofield or chi, vibrate at specific frequencies that affect physical symptoms as well as our mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Out-of-balance frequencies can be restored via vibrational medicine or increasing cell energetic modes back towards normal states.

Cancer and chronic fatigue sufferers typically exhibit what Hunt refers to as anti-coherent patterns of energy in their higher frequency range, meaning there’s plenty of energy at lower frequencies but little at higher ones. When applied by an ELF-EMF practitioner’s hands, sub ELF-EMF frequency retrains cells and biofield back towards healthy frequencies.

Other ways to rebalance and increase frequency include spending time outdoors in nature and experiencing its vibrations of green spaces, sunlight, water, positive ions and sound waves. You could also try practicing meditation or mindfulness techniques which bring awareness into the present moment while raising vibrational frequency – whatever works for you should become part of your routine for keeping energy balanced and vibrant – it’s an effective way to prevent disease while living an exceptional life of wellness!
