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The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine

Paracelsus, the Swiss alchemist from the sixteenth century, described an invisible healing energy which circulates throughout our bodies and can be directed by conscious intention. Many modalities in this encyclopedia deal with this bioenergy or vital energy (also called life force energy or universal energy).

Each of these modalities takes its own approach to analyzing and altering energies, yet all have a common understanding that human energy fields determine what manifests in physical reality, including within our own bodies.


Energy medicine refers to an umbrella term for various complementary and alternative practices involving life energy or force. Energy medicine practitioners believe that subtle forms of energy circulate through their bodies, which can then be balanced to help relieve pain, heal injuries or improve general health. They also believe that thoughts or emotions can impact their energy field directly and may use vibrational techniques such as sound or light waves to send information directly into them body.

Studies have demonstrated that certain forms of energy healing appear to improve physical well-being and mental health, including mood and balance states of being. They can also support immune system function, helping cells repair damage faster, according to one 1989 Frontiers in Psychotherapy study. Furthermore, several forms of energy therapy appear capable of lowering cortisol levels which have been proven to cause inflammation and decrease cancer treatment effectiveness.

Energy medicine encompasses many different modalities, including touch therapies (acupuncture) and movement modalities (yoga, tai chi and kinesiology) along with spiritual healing, homeopathy and magnetic field therapy. All these approaches share an energetic understanding of healing that may result in changes to one’s life force and their benefits may result from this shift.

Conventional medicine emphasizes biochemistry of cells, tissue and organs. For instance, sixteenth-century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus believed in an energy field surrounding and radiating from human bodies that can be controlled by planets, stars and magnets – similar to what conventional medicine focuses on.

Unbeknownst to us, all interactions between individuals involve energy. For instance, moving furniture alters its energy. And when we have negative thoughts it can alter those around us; therefore it is wiser for us to be conscious about our words and actions.


Western medicine often emphasizes anatomical structures and biochemical constituents, while ancient healing traditions like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, and shamanic practices focus on energy healing modalities like acupuncture, chakra balancing or Reiki in order to treat their patients holistically. Energy healing practices have grown increasingly popular over time – they even make an appearance at many wellness events these days!

Energy healing practitioners believe that energy runs throughout both physical and emotional aspects of our bodies, with disruptions disrupting it leading to pain, mood disorders and early signs of aging. A session will involve channeling healing energy directly into a patient to support their natural ability for self-healing.

Energy healing practitioners believe that an aura, or electromagnetic field, surrounds our bodies as an energetic shield of sorts and that when someone becomes sick their aura becomes discordant or nonexistent – thus the need for energy healing practitioners who can help patients restore balance to return it back into balance.

Electrotherapy is another widely utilized energy healing practice, using electrical equipment to assess or stimulate different parts of the body. Perhaps most well-known is TENS therapy, which promotes natural painkillers to be produced by sending small electrical impulses through specific parts of the body.

Some practitioners of energy healing also employ intuitive healing, which involves tapping into intuition as part of the healing process. It’s crucial that these healers can connect and trust their intuition so they can use it most efficiently.

No matter which modality of energy healing you pursue, there’s no right or wrong way to approach energy healing. Just be sure to do your research and select an experienced practitioner whose techniques resonate with you – always check with a medical provider first when engaging in alternative approaches to healthcare!


Energy medicine modalities come in all forms. Each one takes its own approach. Generally speaking, however, each modality teaches a person how to recognize and adjust energy flows within their bodies, acting as an adjunctive therapy alongside conventional Western medicine practices.

Energy healing modalities focus on balancing the flow of energy throughout the body by working with specific meridians and acupuncture points. They aim to correct energetic imbalances caused by disease or stress. Some non-invasive forms may help provide pain relief while in other instances they may help alleviate inflammation symptoms that result in illness.

Energy medicine offers many approaches designed to aid individuals in healing themselves using natural and alternative therapies, from classes taught by practitioners in clinics or hospitals to those that can be done at home – among them are Reiki, therapeutic touch and healing touch which have gained widespread renown.

Alternative treatments that don’t rely on acupuncture points or meridians but instead focus on altering vibrational fields are also an option. Although less widely practiced, such techniques such as shamanic work, Matrix Energetics flower essences and angelic healing have proven very successful in providing relief.

These modalities work by altering mechanical vibrations within cells’ membranes and cytoskeletons and in our human biofield, such as through hands-on therapies like Reiki and craniosacral therapy or subtle adjustments made through body movement changes like Qigong and yoga.

Energy medicine modalities all share one common trait, working to alter energies in the human body. While some forms are more scientifically sound than others, all are part of complementary and alternative medicine and growing research is being done into its effectiveness. Many individuals find that using both techniques alongside regular visits with their primary care doctor helps speed up healing times more effectively and efficiently.


Energy healing has long been used as part of a wellness practice to restore equilibrium and health to their clients’ bodies and minds. Practitioners do not diagnose problems nor prescribe medications; rather, energy healers aim to clear, balance, and energize client’s energy fields so they may heal themselves naturally.

Energy medicine combines Western medical practice with ancient healing modalities like acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage and meditation. The concept behind energy medicine therapies is that there exists an invisible field of energy surrounding humans that must remain balanced for health; when these energies become out of sync illness can arise.

Energy healing techniques are utilized to relieve stress, alleviate pain and hasten recovery after surgery or chemotherapy treatment, among other uses. Energy healing is being studied further to see whether it can enhance immunity or minimize side effects associated with cancer treatment therapies.

Many CAM therapists employ a range of therapies and work closely with each patient to find an appropriate solution to his or her unique circumstances. Energy medicine may be recommended alongside conventional treatments or you might take herbal or nutritional supplements that support natural healing processes in your body.

As the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) community continues to expand, so too has its interest in energy medicine. Studies and clinical experience indicate that energy modalities can significantly enhance quality of life while relieving symptoms and supporting your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Janna Moll founded Energy Medicine Specialists to offer beginner to advanced courses in numerous energy disciplines. She held credentials for massage therapy, SEM (Specialist in Energy Medicine), HTCP/I (Healing Touch Practitioner/Instructor), Reiki Mastership, indigenous healing techniques such as sound and color healing as well as Polarity Pranic Reconnection The Reconnection EFT EFT. Janna had experience in psychotherapy coaching as well as writing texts, newsletters, eperiodicals about energy healing. She was truly gifted as both teacher and channel of healing energy.
