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Vibrational Medicine – The 1 Handbook of Subtle Energy Therapies PDF

Vibrational medicine is founded on the understanding that humans are dynamic energy systems. Vibrational therapy employs therapeutic touch, healing touch and Reiki techniques to balance our bodies’ energetic fields.

All matter is composed of subtle energy that resonates at healthy frequencies – this new scientific paradigm corroborated what spiritual healers and academics have known for millennia.


Since before recorded history began, people have held that all matter is comprised of condensed energetic information. By tuning into vibrations of crystals, resonance of soundwaves, colors rays emitted by plants or animals or communication with nonphysical beings they can use this understanding to promote healing within their bodies; this form of therapy is known as vibrational medicine.

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Vibrational medicine covers an expansive spectrum of energy-related therapies that encompass acupuncture, herbal remedies, homeopathy, therapeutic touch and the use of crystals. All these modalities seek to restore energy balance when physical trauma, emotional upsets or spiritual concerns disproportionally affect an individual’s energy field.

Mainstream medical science continues to explore microscopic/micromolecular mechanisms of disease causation while neglecting energetic factors that promote good health. Vibrational healing philosophies embrace Einsteinian principles by understanding humans as more than sophisticated biological machines; rather they interact dynamically with an interpenetrating network of vital energy fields that exert vitalizing effects throughout.

Vibrational medicine practitioners work closely with you to identify any imbalances within your etheric or energy field and use energy treatments like energetic remedies to restore harmony. Unlike surgeries or pharmaceutical drugs, energy therapies offer noninvasive healing solutions that address physical, emotional and spiritual aspects.


Chapter 1: The Physical Body

Medical science has made much progress in understanding disease causation through micromolecular mechanisms; however, they often lose sight of the fact that our bodies are much more than simply composed of proteins, fats, and nucleic acids; they’re dynamic energy systems interpenetrating subtle energies which interact dynamically with an animating life force to keep the whole thing together and functioning correctly.

These essential regulatory systems are composed of molecular electromagnetic emissions and absorptions that produce vibrations. If these energies become disrupted, the entire cellular energetic system can become unbalanced, leading to pathologies on multiple planes: physical/emotional/mental/spiritual. Vibrational medicine offers one effective remedy to correcting such energy imbalances.

Vibrational medicine works by introducing specific frequencies of energy that encourage your own self-healing systems to function more effectively. At PEMF Therapy we use various energetic modalities, such as PEMF Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Acupuncture, Healing Touch Therapeutic Touch Reiki Homeopathy as well as Meditational Transpersonal and Yoga practices, in order to treat our clients. Vibrational medicine offers many advantages over conventional/allopathic treatments and is completely safe for patients to use. Vibrational medicine serves as an intermediary between Newtonian ideas of health as a machine and Einstein’s view of energy as expression of matter – this new understanding of healing makes vibrational medicine truly valuable.

Chapter 2: The Emotional Body

Vibrational medicine operates under the principle that everything in nature contains some kind of vital force or energy, such as rocks, crystals, microbes, plants, animals and people containing an energy field that vibrates at certain frequencies and can be harnessed through healing techniques like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki or Acupuncture. Furthermore, this energy flows within our bodies through meridians, chakras and auras that can be mapped on to one’s body [2]

According to this theory, when your body experiences stress from an injury or everyday life events, its frequency begins to shift causing imbalances within it that manifest in different forms such as physical pain and psychological issues.

Vibrational medicine can help balance these energies. Acupuncture is one form of vibrational medicine which may assist with this, by stimulating specific points on the body and encouraging emotional release through stimulating. Some acupuncturists also utilize vibrational tools like tuning forks as part of the treatment to increase effectiveness.

For anyone curious to understand vibrational medicine and its application in healing the human energy field, this book is an essential read. It provides a new scientific paradigm which backs what healers and educated people have known about health for centuries – going beyond Newtonian clockwork reality towards an Einsteinian view of interpenetrating and interactive energy fields; which vibrational medicine seeks to bring into being.

Chapter 3: The Mental Body

This book covers energy therapies and modalities such as homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, Reiki, therapeutic touch, acupuncture and ethereal bodies (maps and energy lines mapped in yoga therapy, Ayurveda and acupuncture) and theories behind energetic healing; such as matter consisting of both physical and electromagnetic energies communicating via vibrational frequencies that link our energetic fields together.

This book’s central premise is that humans are complex networks of interrelated, multidimensional energy systems; when imbalanced, these can manifest pathologies on various planes – physical/emotional/mental/spiritual. According to its authors, such imbalances can be corrected by realigning energy templates that help regulate cellular physiology.

Medical science has traditionally focused on micromolecular mechanisms that cause disease. Unfortunately, this can often lose sight of the bigger picture and the fact that our bodies are much more than an accumulation of chemical substitutes. Vibrational healing philosophies offer an alternative view on health that fits better with Einsteinian views of an unbroken universe.

Vibrational medicine is an innovative holistic health approach with many advantages, including non-invasiveness, comprehensive wellness approaches, energy balancing capabilities and complementarity with other therapies. Unfortunately, it also comes with some drawbacks; such as its lack of scientific proof or regulation as well as potential placebo effects and significant time commitment commitments.

Chapter 4: The Spiritual Body

Historically, healing methods that affect elements of human subtle-energy anatomy have been dismissed by doctors. This may be partly because these energies cannot be addressed using Newtonian mechanistic thinking found within traditional medicine; more significantly though, their vital animating forces have never been scientifically verified.

Vibrational medicine uses specific forms of energy to positively influence our energetic fields that interact with physical cells and systems. By rebalancing our body’s energetic frequencies, vibrational healers aim to bring us into alignment from higher dimensions of existence.

Ancient Egyptians developed a system for balancing and harmonizing the ethereal frequencies that pervade their temples, while indigenous peoples across the globe have long used proven techniques for harmonizing energy fields based on recognising energy signatures from earth, sun, plants and any nonphysical beings that communicate with us.

Ancient spiritual healing practices of rebalancing and amplifying our cellular energetic modes form the basis of vibrational medicine, an emerging paradigm that blends ancient wisdom with modern science to understand that good health requires both physical and spiritual balance – something Newtonian views don’t account for! Vibrational medicine uses Einsteinian principles that bridge this divide.

Chapter 5: The Energetic Body

Vibrational medicine is a therapeutic approach that uses energy frequencies to restore or maintain health, with its foundation combining scientific principles and spiritual beliefs. At Evolve Naturopathic Vitality Centre, vibrational medicine forms an integral part of our holistic approach to healing and well-being.

Medical science has done much to investigate the mechanisms that lead to disease, yet has only recently started exploring why people stay healthy. Due to a reliance on Newtonian-influenced biological understandings of us humans as complex biological machines, often leading scientists away from realizing we are more than mere bodies made of flesh and blood, proteins, fats and nucleic acids; vibratory healing philosophies have long recognized this.

Now it is possible to understand why people stay healthy by studying the various energy frequencies present within our bodies; this is at the core of vibrational medicine.

The author has done an outstanding job providing an in-depth introduction to energetic healing therapies available today. He details their general form, explaining their relevance for his model of humans as dynamic energetic systems. Furthermore, he explores actual science related to etheric energies such as replacing Newtonian worldview with Einstein’s physics of energy based on Einstein. Together these concepts serve as an excellent introduction to 21st-century healthcare services.


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