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Integrated Energy Therapy Certification

Integrated Energy Therapy is a gentle yet non-invasive energy healing technique that facilitates an unimpeded flow of vital life force within our energy fields. IET works with nine cellular memory areas to clear energy blockages and promote physical healing, emotional wellbeing, and overall wellness and balance.

Each IET training class begins with an energy attunement to the Basic level IET energy ray, expanding and realigning your first pair of DNA. Furthermore, students learn how to utilize IET energy integration power points both for themselves and others.

Basic Level

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is an energy healing technique that draws upon angelic energies to heal and balance human energy fields. IET provides an ideal complement to other holistic practices like massage and Reiki; its simple, gentle approach makes it accessible for anyone, enabling healing while becoming more empowered – ideal complements for traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

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The Introduction to IET class provides an introductory experience that builds upon knowledge and tools learned in previous classes. Here you’ll be introduced to basic techniques of IET and feel more confident using its energy for self-healing or leading sessions with clients. Furthermore, this class teaches how to remove harmful energy imprints from human energy fields as well as release suppressed emotions that cause physical pain, negative attitudes or unrealized goals.

This class offers both an attunement and comprehensive instruction of IET healing energies. You will become acquainted with nine IET Integration Power Points – similar to acupuncture points – on the body that can be activated with IET energy vibration to release emotional or karmic blockages from human energy fields; additionally you will learn of an advanced pullout-release technique known as Integrated Energy Therapy(r). Your hands become “energy magnets” capable of clearing away harmful imprints in our human energy grid.

The Advanced IET class builds upon your knowledge and tools acquired during Basic Level training. In this two-day class, you will receive a special Advanced Level “energy attunement,” opening up your energy field to harnessing the power of IET Advanced Level Ray 4, working at soul profile 4/5 of 12 Strand DNA to allow discovery of soul mission as well as drawing members of your soul cluster in support of living your life purpose. This two-day workshop builds upon previous stages.


Intermediate Level

Integrated Energy Therapy is an easy and gentle way to restore vital life force flow within both human bodies and energy fields. IET techniques painlessly awaken and clear core cellular memory, helping the body release old patterns of emotion suppression as well as support an individual in awakening to their true light. Reiki serves as an ideal complement for IET practice; both techniques may be utilized as energy tools for self-healing, personal growth and spiritual connection.

At the Basic Level IET class, you will experience an “energy attunement” that activates both pairs of your 12-Strand DNA. Furthermore, IET energy integration points allow you to energize and integrate blockages at a cellular level for improved results.

Learn the Integrated Energy Therapy IET healing technique commonly known as the “pink bubble technique.” This method utilizes your hands as energy magnets to remove negative imprints from human energy fields. Furthermore, you will learn to sense and interpret energy blocks on different levels (physical, emotional, mental or karmic).

At the Intermediate Level class, your IET Master-Instructor will administer an “energy attunement” that expands, realigns, and restructures pairs three and four of 12 Strand DNA to expand, realign, and restructure them – this allows for the clearing away of physical, emotional, mental energy imprints from your human energy field and replacing them with positive ones. Furthermore, you will learn Integrated Energy Therapy healing technique known as Empowerment Imprints from this class which channels angelic energy to form empowerment imprints which fill voids left by clearing harmful energy blocks.

In this class, you will learn the four-step process to Heartlink with each Healing Angel. This can be an incredible way to deepen your relationship with them and forge stronger personal ties than they could in their energy field alone. Even those with psychic turnips can often connect more effectively during this class than at other times!

Advanced Level

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) is an easy and powerful energy healing modality. IET detects and releases any congested energy which impedes health, life purpose and potential; clearing away this blockage from our human energy fields. IET can assist individuals in healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually; it is non-invasive energy therapy suitable for anyone and can be utilized by everyone.

IET sessions aim to erase energetic imprints accumulated within your body and replace them with positive, empowering energy. They may be helpful for clearing past-life traumas and karmic patterns as well as providing relief during times of transition such as divorce or job loss.

The Advanced Level of Integrated Energy Therapy is intended to advance energy healing skills among practitioners and facilitate deeper healing for others. Students in this class learn a pullout-release technique designed specifically to clear even difficult energy blockages; additionally they become skilled at feeling and interpreting which energetic levels a blockage occurs on. Furthermore, students become adept at clearing Integration Channels as well as using heart link techniques that channel angelic energy into clients’ cellular memory maps.

Advanced IET sessions also incorporate “Soul Star” clearings to assist clients in clearing away resistance to their soul’s mission and achieve maximum potential in life. Furthermore, this level teaches how to amplify energy using Heartbeams- a revolutionary new healing technique- and amplify it through Heartbeams- an energy amplifier technique.

Once completed, students become IET Master-Instructors and can teach Integrated Energy Therapy to others. This stage marks the final step of the certification program for Integrated Energy Therapy and requires significant amounts of time, energy, and love from its participants in terms of both personal development and service to others. It features a review of Basic and Intermediate techniques; as well as Advanced techniques; in addition to ethics and professionalism issues related to energy healing industry practices.

Pets Level

Integrated Energy Therapy provides hands-on power energy therapy sessions to release stuck emotions that manifest themselves as disease in the body. By gently clearing away cell memory areas on physical, emotional, spiritual/karmic and energetic levels Integrated Energy Therapy complements other healing techniques and medical care for an easy transition through life. Integrated Energy Therapy sessions remove any “issues from your tissues”, so you can move forward in life more freely.

The Pets Level expands your IET skills to include cats, dogs and horses by offering an IET Basic Level session tailored specifically for them. Here you learn nine cellular memory areas specific to these animals as well as IET integration power points and complete step-by-step session procedures. Furthermore, heartlinking with Healing Angels of the Energy Field reveals special channeled messages from each angel for both you and your pets!

Your class will provide a deeper understanding of the importance of clearing energy imprints from the Human Energy Field (HEF). We will teach the IET Pullout Release Technique which can be used to clear even stubborn energy blockages effectively and efficiently, and introduce you to “Pink Bubble” techniques which accelerate this process.

At the Pets Level, you will also learn to clear a set of unique energy blocks found in animals. These may include an animal soul contract with Karmic Energy, ancestral and collective unconscious energy patterns as well as protective shields. Furthermore, you will gain skills in feeling these energy patterns and identifying them within clients’ energetic anatomy.

This class is a prerequsite for the Advanced Level. Here you will discover a powerful four-step process to connect and establish relationships with all the Healing Angels of the Energy Field, while attuning to the energies of Heartbeams that anchor columns of IET energy into Earth to bring healing benefits for anyone passing by them.

IET for Pets and the Healing Angels of the Energy Field classes are self-contained one-day classes that don’t require IET attunements to be taught either physically or virtually, providing a unique educational opportunity that provides participants with an official IET for Pets/HEF Certificate upon completion.


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