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What is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy typically costs less than half the average deductible payment for surgery, making it considerably cheaper than physical therapy or other invasive procedures.

Sonex’s focused high energy shockwave therapy device (FSWT) stands out from lower energy devices by going through an FDA approved process and being proven effective at increasing Constant-Murley scores and dissolving calcifications. Furthermore, this FDA-approved device is focused on specific areas.

Increased Blood Flow

Shockwave therapy uses focused sound waves to promote healing within the body. Shockwave therapy may reduce pain, improve range of motion and mobility as well as increase blood flow to affected areas and break down any calcification in affected tissues.

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ESWT involves placing an applicator near or on an affected area of your body, producing rapid impulses that stimulate bone and muscle re-growth in that spot, as well as collagen production to break down scar tissue faster and hasten healing.

Shockwave therapy is generally safe, although it may cause temporary discomfort during or shortly after its application. Any discomfort should subside within several days and this treatment can be combined with others such as physical therapy for maximum effectiveness.

High energy shockwave therapy has proven itself effective at treating many conditions, such as plantar fasciopathy, upper and lower extremity tendinopathies, greater trochanteric pain syndrome and medial tibial stress syndrome – among many other chronic musculoskeletal issues. An increasing number of athletes rely on this therapy to alleviate symptoms associated with sports injuries while relieving any associated pain.


Shockwave therapy may also be effective at helping those living with peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). The treatment can promote neovascularization of affected areas and increase blood supply to the ischemic zone by stimulating new capillary formation. Shockwave therapy has even been found useful for treating chronic renal failure patients with calcium deposits on their renal arteries through calcification treatment.

High energy shockwaves stimulate neovascularization and upregulation of angiogenetic growth factors, which encourage the formation of new blood vessels in the treated area. This increases blood flow to stimulate healing in affected tendons as well as speed recovery time and relieve pain faster; furthermore, this treatment can also help to decrease calcification of tendons.

Breakdown of Scar Tissue

Shockwave therapy promotes the breakdown and dissolution of scar tissue through mechanical action caused by shockwaves. Their mechanical effects cause deformation of collagen and bone trabecular structures, as well as growth factors released through Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). These benefits accelerate the formation of new connective tissues, increase blood flow and dissolve calcium deposits while simultaneously increasing cell activity. Our state-of-the-art device enables precise adjustment, and depending on its intensity settings a variety of healing effects are observed. Reversible deformation of cell membranes encourages fluid movement within cells and the formation of intercellular junctions, thus strengthening bonding between cell membranes and surrounding tissue and increasing permeability of membranes. Shockwaves may also be used to dismantle hard structures like kidney stones while simultaneously irritating and stimulating targeted cells in a targeted fashion.

Shockwave treatment often produces positive results within weeks. Many patients who haven’t responded well to conventional approaches like medications, night splints or physical therapy find relief through shockwave therapy; the success rate varies according to individual cases; it may take longer for your response than expected.

As part of your treatment, it is crucial that you follow instructions regarding rest and physical activities, depending on your pathology and desired functional outcome. When shockwave therapy is used to address tendon or bone pain, heavy loading should be avoided in the affected area – crutches may help in this regard, and weight bearing or daily activities modified accordingly may also help.

General, treatment is noninvasive and painless; however, some patients may experience mild discomfort after receiving care. To minimize pain levels during sessions, topical anesthetic may be applied prior to receiving therapy sessions. Some individuals also report feeling slight vibration during treatments if this bothers them; should this occur, please reach out prior to your scheduled appointment so we can discuss possible treatment solutions to ease symptoms.

Breakdown of Calcification

Shockwaves create mechanical pressure and tension which helps break down calcium deposits in damaged areas, as well as aiding scar tissue reduction. Furthermore, during this treatment phase they release angiogenetic growth factors to stimulate new blood vessel formation for healing purposes and speed recovery time.

Mechanotransduction is the term used to describe how our bodies heal themselves instead of needing surgery for conditions like plantar fasciitis and tendonitis. High energy shockwave therapy may help break down calcification in fascia tissue, promote healing and reduce inflammation.

Shockwaves are applied to the affected area using a special device and are generally painless; no anesthetic is needed. Although the patient may experience slight, temporary discomfort during treatment as the shockwaves pass through tissue layers, numerous sessions are typically recommended and patients typically start seeing results after just one visit.

There are various shockwave devices and treatments to meet your specific situation and needs, and your choice will depend on both the condition being treated as well as any recommendations from your physician. Treatment usually lasts 10-20 minutes with or without ultrasound guidance, typically three or five treatment sessions are advised for optimal results.

Jurgowski and Loew conducted a recent study that demonstrated how shockwave therapy improved Constant-Murley score, decreased pain levels, and enhanced the resorption of calcifications. They also discovered that radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy helped promote neovascularization (the growth of new blood vessels to the affected area).

Another study demonstrated the efficacy of radial ESWT treatment in treating chronic, recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. This therapy significantly reduces symptoms while improving quality-of-life; making this an attractive therapy choice in managing calcific foot and heel disorders.

Multiple randomized control trials have demonstrated the efficacy of radial ESWT for treating spasticity, which often occurs among those suffering from cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury and stroke. ESWT helps improve range of motion while decreasing pain and stiffness to give an improvement of range and mobility.

Stimulation of Healing

Shockwave therapy works to initiate a healing response in tissues being treated, making it an ideal non-invasive solution for treating tendon and ligament pain. Shockwave therapy can be performed right in your own home without needing down time or sedation; typically taking around 15 minutes.

ESWT not only causes mechanical pressure and tension forces, but it also stimulates the release of various growth factors within its treatment area, leading to increased cell division and proliferation, breaking down scar tissue, dissolving calcium deposits and dissolving scar tissue altogether. ESWT has also been shown to promote the regrowth of collagen and elastin within damaged tendon tissues for improved tissue strength and elasticity.

Research on ESWT as a treatment for delayed fractures and non-unions has been positive, with several clinical studies demonstrating its efficacy at significantly increasing bone union rates – especially with regard to treating tibial fractures which tend to result in minimal union rates.

ESWT therapy can also aid non-unions by encouraging angiogenesis and epithelialization, speeding healing time, and improving chances of full recovery – an especially helpful benefit for burn injuries patients.

Interested in exploring ESWT as a potential treatment option for your injury? Consult your physician. They’ll be able to give more details about this therapy, whether or not it would benefit your condition and refer you to experienced medical professionals who can provide ESWT. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, additional sessions may be required before experiencing optimal results – though ESWT remains cost effective compared with surgery procedures.


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