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A Resonant Frequency Therapy Device For Cancer

City of Hope researchers joined forces with colleagues at Caltech to design an all-in-one device that simultaneously delivers photosensitizer, measures tumor size and transmits this data – currently under human testing.

The team has also developed an estimation formula for resonance frequency with individual characteristics, eliminating the need to conduct assessments at medical institutions.

What is Resonant Frequency Therapy?

Normal cell membrane channels have very different natural resonance frequencies from cancerous ones, and it has been suggested that by applying electromagnetic fields at their respective resonant frequencies to tumor tissue it will cause resonance with its membrane channel a-helices and disrupt their functions, leading to cell death. This theory rests on the assumption that mechanical models of cellular resonance can be created from dimension data like density and elastic modulus as well as fluid properties within cells’ environments.

Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) and resonant frequency therapy provide relaxing and restorative treatments that stimulate and exercise your cells to address dysfunction, one of the leading causes of illness and disease. Every cell in your body has a distinct electrical charge that must remain optimally charged to work correctly.

Resonant frequencies tend to lie much higher on the electromagnetic spectrum than their harmonics; for instance, audio tone resonant frequencies typically lie above 100Hz compared to their lowest harmonic frequency which may only reach 60Hz – making it hard for conventional radiofrequency (RF) or electromagnetic wave devices to generate exact cancer cell resonant frequencies.

However, methods have been devised that make it possible to quickly and effectively identify therapeutic or beneficial frequencies shifted upward or downward in the electromagnetic spectrum, suitable for use with existing frequency-emitting devices. This is achieved by dividing genomic material’s resonant frequency by an integer positive value to create two frequency “harmonics” and two subharmonics that can both be programmed into electromagnetic devices for simultaneous emission.

Resonant frequencies of various strains of bacteria and viruses have been determined using methods that can also be applied to other forms of genetic material. Laboratory testing showed that exposure of Escherichia coli bacteria to its own genome-related resonant frequency produced a statistically significant reduction in colony formation.

Similar methods are applied when determining the frequency of cancerous tumor envelope waves using methods applicable to other cellular materials as well. Estimations suggest the envelope frequency for cancers such as melanoma, adenocarcinoma and lymphoma is roughly 200kHz – two orders of magnitude lower than fundamental oscillation frequencies used by electrophysiology studies or two to five orders of magnitude lower than carrier or envelope frequencies used by LEAM RF EMF devices.

How Does Resonant Frequency Therapy Work?

Every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies emit their own electromagnetic frequencies and signature. If our energy balance becomes imbalanced, our optimal energy blueprint may become discordant with reality. Resonant frequency therapy works by broadcasting a rich electromagnetic field containing each of these healthy frequencies to trigger natural corrections within ourselves. PEMF and RF therapy treatments are noninvasive, painless and safe solutions; many patients report significant benefits including increased energy, improved sleep, and decreased pain from treatment.

These devices deliver low-frequency pulses into a patient’s body via electrodes on his/her chest and abdomen, allowing him/her to focus or simply relax during sessions (15-60 minutes). Patients typically report experiencing pleasant warmth sensations as well as deeper relaxation; many also report improved mental clarity and focus.

Research into Resonant Frequency Therapy may only just be beginning, yet several studies have already demonstrated its beneficial effects in various medical conditions, including cancer, arthritis, tinnitus, blood pressure and asthma. Resonant frequency therapy also appears to increase parasympathetic nervous system activity while simultaneously decreasing sympathetic activity; these physiologic changes may help modulate immune function while inhibiting tumor growth and decreasing inflammation.

Resonant frequency therapy is used in combination with other therapies to complement conventional treatments, and one study combined resonant frequency therapy and hyperthermia to treat liver cancer in a phase II clinical trial, and found it significantly increased survival compared to using just hyperthermia alone.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of Resonant Frequency Therapy to minimize chemotherapy and radiation side effects, with one trial investigating its impact in terms of nausea and vomiting reduction for cancer chemotherapy patients in phase II clinical trial settings. This proved significant reduction of side effects.

Another study examined the impact of Resonant Frequency Therapy on chemotherapy drug toxicity during a Phase III clinical trial and concluded that Resonant Frequency Therapy significantly decreased its toxicity for some patients.

Researchers have discovered that resonant frequency therapy is an effective form of cancer therapy by employing patient-specific envelope wave frequencies to target various tumour types. These frequencies were determined through measuring haemodynamic changes induced by LEAM RF EMF exposure, and have shown evidence of tumor shrinkage or volume decrease when used on mouse xenograft models of HCC tumours.

How Does Resonant Frequency Therapy Kill Cancer Cells?

Resonant frequency devices employ pulsed electromagnetic fields to directly deliver energy directly to cancer cells, without harming healthy tissue or normal cells in the process. Their electromagnetic field interacts with molecules and atoms within cells, altering magnetic resonance properties and altering intracellular temperature accordingly, eventually raising cancer cell energy levels enough for them to decompose without impacting normal cells, then being eliminated by your immune system.

Methods employed to derive therapeutic resonant frequencies through this invention involve genes, gene sections or constituent components of genomic material that correspond with therapeutic resonance frequencies. For instance, studies have revealed that one specific therapeutic resonant frequency associated with Borrelia burgdorferi’s genome that causes Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis leads to an effective therapeutic response.

When exposed to certain electromagnetic fields, the patient’s immune system responds by activating and destroying cells that possess genetic codes for malignant transformation. This allows resonant frequency devices to target cancerous cells while sparing healthy ones from being destroyed.

Clinical studies with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) employed personalized therapeutic frequencies identified during a 30-minute discovery phase of AutEMdev exposure as part of treatment plans. This open-label study demonstrated that Resonant Frequency Therapy brought antitumour effects and an improvement in health-related quality of life; additionally its ability to induce subclinical haemodynamic responses reflective of changes in mitochondrial function was used as an indicator of effectiveness.

Resonant frequency therapy offers another advantage for chemotherapy and radiation patients: its ability to alleviate physical and psychological burdens of treatment on their bodies. As it requires no surgery or invasive interventions, its risks of nausea and fatigue are significantly decreased; especially important for elderly and comorbidity-suffering patients; it may even serve as a complement for other medical therapies like immunotherapy and chemotherapy therapies.

How Can Resonant Frequency Therapy Help Cancer Patients?

Radiation therapy uses electromagnetic waves tuned to the natural resonant frequency of cancer cells, which differs from that of normal cells, to produce thermal effect upon cancerous ones and kill them off, creating an antitumor response. It allows compartmentalized alteration of tumors or atherosclerotic plaques while protecting surrounding healthy tissue from radiation exposure. Radiation therapy may be combined with other therapies in order to maximize treatment effects and maximize outcome.

An integral component of this new approach to cancer is identifying its resonant frequency. This can be accomplished through measuring magnetic properties of tumors and atherosclerotic plaque using nuclear magnetic resonance or electron spin resonance techniques; or alternatively by comparing cancer cell frequencies to normal cell frequencies using acoustic impedance spectroscopy or surface acoustic wave imaging; in addition biophysical properties like permeability and electrical conductivity may provide clues.

Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of LEAM RF EMFs in treating liver cancer patients. Tumour-specific envelope wave frequencies inhibited cell line growth in vitro and mouse xenograft models while sham exposure had no such effects. Furthermore, patients treated with therapeutic resonance frequencies related to human tyrosine kinase gene messenger RNA showed significantly better outcomes compared with those receiving randomly chosen envelope waves as treatment.

To better comprehend the relationship between resonance frequency and individual physical characteristics, 122 healthy volunteers underwent multiple regression analysis using resonance frequency as their target variable as well as various personal characteristics such as age, sex and height as explanatory variables.

An estimation formula was then created based on these parameters and its validity was tested against applying it to patients with incurable cancers. A box-and-whisker diagram was prepared to demonstrate correlations between this estimation formula and actual resonance frequencies measured for these patients – showing it could indeed be applied. As per results, this estimate formula proved valid and applicable even to incurable cancer patients.
