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Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy

amino neuro frequency therapy does it work

ANF Therapy involves applying ANF Discs – frequency emitting wearable discs-patches – directly onto your skin for therapeutic use. They’re made from NASA patented material developed originally to monitor astronaut health, but now have applications mirroring and releasing neuro frequencies.

These frequencies are picked up by your nervous system and set into motion a healing and regulatory process that works effectively and quickly, improving nervous system signaling directly at a cellular level for faster and longer lasting results.

What is Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF) is an emerging therapy that has proven particularly successful at relieving pain. ANF achieves this by targeting invisible inflammation which has been implicated as the source of many chronic illnesses and auto immune conditions, rather than through medications; ANF works through nervous system signals to control frequencies.

ANF uses frequency-emitting discs placed on the body that emit neuro frequencies into your neurons, inducing self-healing and self-regulating processes at a cellular level to help alleviate pain, optimize muscle groups, produce hormones, generate antibodies and increase strength and endurance.

Danish researchers have developed a non-invasive technique which has proven successful at significantly decreasing visits to doctors or chiropractors and is already being utilized by professional athletes, including some NFL players. Their treatment does not involve surgery, medication or chemical injections – making it both safe and non-invasive.

ANF therapy utilizes a specific frequency to stimulate cells oscillation and promote normal function. It has the power to target and remove toxins and waste products within cells while stimulating vital enzymatic reactions within them for proper body functioning.

Studies have demonstrated that stress and negative emotions can trigger many unconscious body functions, such as inflammation. ANF Therapy has proven itself capable of correcting this imbalance by rebalancing the autonomic nervous system.

Stressed individuals send signals that cause their cells to overreact, leading to inflammation that may not be visible but which still has serious repercussions for health, such as contributing to autoimmune diseases, chronic infections and cardiovascular disease. ANF can address this invisible inflammation by restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system (ANS), thus increasing healing capabilities within your body – in turn alleviating pain relief, muscle/joint issues, anxiety/ADD/ADHD issues fatigue thyroid disorders blood pressure issues allergies among other symptoms.

How does Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy work?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is an innovative new way of treating inflammation that takes an alternative approach than traditional therapies. Using noninvasive, drug-free techniques, it targets inflammation at its source cellular level to promote healing and decrease discomfort.

At an ANF therapy session, patients wear an ANF disc attached to their skin that contains frequencies sent into the body by internal heat and activated by cells located throughout the nervous system for use as self-healing mechanisms. Furthermore, ANF therapy improves signal transmission at a cellular level by correcting signals that may not be transmitted properly in order to speed healing faster and provide more effective treatments.

ANF therapy has no negative side effects and uses no chemicals or drugs, making this treatment safe and effective for anyone wanting to reduce pain while improving overall health.

ANF Therapy is an innovative new technique employed by chiropractors, physical therapists and massage therapists to assist their patients in alleviating inflammation issues. ANF Therapy works on the principle that your nervous system transmits signals throughout your body via neurons; these signals control all bodily functions as well as providing immunity. If these signals become misdirected or weakened due to stress or environmental factors then ANF Therapy works to restore them by transmitting specific frequencies through your nervous system – helping restore health to all parts of the body.

What sets ANF apart is its combination of cutting-edge technology and holistic treatment methods in treating inflammation. ANF’s natural and noninvasive solutions help alleviate pain caused by many conditions and conditions, giving relief from inflammation in a noninvasive fashion.

ANF therapy uses thin circular discs applied directly to the skin that transmit neuro frequencies directly into neurons in the body, stimulating them to start their own self-healing and self-regulating processes. ANF can be used to treat pain, fatigue and stress symptoms as well as improving performance by increasing energy levels and strengthening immunity systems.

How long do the Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy discs last?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is an innovative holistic solution to manage pain and inflammation. The therapy uses wearable discs that hold electrical charges at specific frequencies for total body wellness; NASA designed these discs made from carbonized metal with neuro frequencies to aid the body in self-healing and regulation.

These discs can be worn directly on the skin and activated by body heat to send neuro frequencies directly to neurons in your nervous system, stimulating electro molecules within neurons to trigger healing and self-regulating processes in the nervous system. Furthermore, these discs help with signaling at cellular level for more effective and long-term results.

Non-invasive electroacupuncture treatment is an invaluable complement to other modalities and movement therapies, providing relief for pain, pulse rate, lactic acid accumulation in muscles, stomach issues, stress, cramps and cramping; in addition to improving quality of sleep, blood circulation, hormone production, immune function and lymphatic drainage systems. Furthermore, electroacupuncture helps normalise anything not functioning optimally to decrease inflammation, pain and oxidative stress levels.

Amino neuro frequency therapy offers an alternative solution to traditional injections for herniated discs that often fail to seal tears and can releak out from where they were administered; by decreasing inflammatory markers in your nervous system and thus treating their source directly, amino neuro frequency therapy offers more efficient ways of relieving herniated disc symptoms and hernias altogether.

At our office, we begin by screening you through a questionnaire and performing a hands on assessment in order to pinpoint the source of your discomfort. It is essential to remember that symptoms often just manifest themselves elsewhere in your body – that’s why our main priority is finding its source first.

Once we have identified your source of discomfort, we will apply discs to areas of concern on your body. It is essential to remain hydrated throughout this process as the detoxifying effects can sometimes be uncomfortable; however, you can easily stop detox by taking off the discs if necessary; to do this more easily though, take one glass of water every hour and a half after having meals to ensure optimal results.

Are there any side effects to Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

amino neuro frequency therapy works differently from painkillers by directly targeting their root causes of discomfort. Therapy sessions consist of small discs that transmit a weak electromagnetic field into your body through skin contact, activated by body heat. They work to reinforce any weak frequencies within your system to normalize system functions – perfect for relieving pain in any part of the body and have proven successful for many different conditions.

ANF Therapy uses thin circular discs made from carbonized metal that are applied directly to your skin and activated by natural body heat, emitting neuro frequencies picked up by neurons within your body and helping initiate the self-healing process. They can be used on any part of your back, neck, shoulders, knees, ankles and feet that is inflamed or injured – they even work without interfering with any medications being taken and is perfectly safe!

As soon as ANF Therapy discs are activated, they immediately go to work on your body to reduce inflammation, optimize muscle groups and organs for production of hormones and antibodies production, strength endurance, mental focus improvement. You may notice pain shifting around in response to ANF Therapy disc activation; this is a good sign as this indicates your body releasing toxins and healing itself.

After your session, detox symptoms such as headaches, nausea and fatigue may arise due to your body releasing toxins that have been stored therein for too long. It is recommended to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water during this time and take any ibuprofen or naproxen medication prescribed if necessary; once finished with treatment you should no longer experience further detox symptoms and your pain or inflammation should have subsided considerably.
