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Frequency Healing Therapy

Frequency healing therapy uses sound to promote health and wellbeing. It works on the basis that every organ, bone, and cell in your body vibrates at its own frequency.

Gongs, crystal bowls, tuning forks and synthesizers are instruments which produce sound frequencies associated with healing; one such frequency is 432Hz.

Quantum healing frequencies

Quantum healing frequencies are an emerging technology used to balance body, mind, and spirit. They may even help you reach higher states of consciousness. Their use works by matching frequencies from your symptoms with those from instruments like singing bowls, Tibetan gongs and modern synthesizers that create these healing frequencies.

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Quantum frequencies have an incredible effect on both body and mind. According to Melissa Hocking’s book ‘A Healing Initiation’, quantum healing frequencies can activate DNA healing codes and induce feelings of well-being and inner peace while decreasing stress, pain and other disorders. Furthermore, quantum frequencies may reactivate every cell’s natural vibrational frequency to promote regeneration and healing in cells throughout your body.

432 Hz is believed to be in sync with natural vibrations and the universe, and known as the Love Frequency; it can help enhance relationships and harmony in personal relationships. 396 Hz from Solfeggio frequencies is said to release fear and guilt while 528Hz healing frequencies is often known as Healing Frequency or “Healing Frequency.” 741Hz frequency from Solfeggio Frequencies of Intuition may facilitate spiritual development and awareness.

Isochronic tones

Isochronic tones are a type of auditory brain wave entrainment and belong to the subset of binaural beats. Used to help relax and sleep better, as well as for healing purposes. They consist of repeated, short interval tones played either through speakers or headphones and typically accompany soothing sounds like bubbling water or music for maximum benefit.


Isochronic frequencies can help create chakra opening tones and help you feel centered, grounded, and connected with your intuition. They are also said to alleviate pain, anxiety and stress relief while simultaneously encouraging creativity and improving psychic abilities. Furthermore, these frequencies may enable an intuitive relationship with spirit guides while increasing energy flow in your body.

Isochronic tones work by inducing a Theta (5Hz) brainwave, widely believed to be effective at alleviating anxiety. Also referred to as the healing tone, its frequency has also been found to lower blood pressure and improve sleep quality while being shown in research as useful for treating depression as well as increasing serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain which boost mood.

396 Hz

396 Hz is one of six Solfeggio frequencies used for centuries in various healing modalities. This frequency has long been associated with root chakra and may help you overcome fears and insecurities which prevent you from reaching your life goals. Furthermore, it helps relieve feelings of guilt while turning grief into joy.

Sound frequency healing can have a powerful impact on both body and mind when combined with other techniques like acupuncture. Its noninvasive technology has been clinically tested to prove effective at treating various conditions.

To utilize this sound frequency healing technique, place the CD player or digital audio file in a quiet area that’s free from distractions and sit in a comfortable position and relax, letting yourself fully immerse in its soothing sounds. Once the 396 Hz frequency begins vibrating, focus your attention for approximately 20 seconds on it and allow your attention to shift onto another aspect of soundscape until all parts of its resonance resonate with both you and other parts. The frequency should continue resonating until its work has been accomplished.

528 Hz

The 528 Hz frequency is an effective healing frequency that can be utilized for multiple applications. Also known as “love frequency”, 528 Hz may resonate with nature and the universe to bring healing and harmony into everyday life. Integrate 528 Hz into your daily activities for greater spiritual and physical well-being.

Studies have demonstrated that 528 Hz frequencies can stimulate water molecules within the body to form crystal formations that aid detoxification and healing processes, as well as providing DNA repair stimulation and increasing cell regeneration.

528 Hz can also help break through emotional blockages and help you feel more connected to your spiritual self. It has long been associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra and may serve to increase spiritual awareness.

Experience the power of 528 Hz by listening to Solfeggio music composed specifically for this frequency or using a tuning fork calibrated for it, then visualizing sound waves filling every cell of your body and encouraging DNA repair and well-being.

417 Hz

The 417 Hz frequency has long been used to energize and heal our second energy center – our sacral chakra. Additionally, this frequency has proven particularly helpful in breaking negative patterns and initiating change; many believe it assists individuals dealing with trauma or overriding self-limiting beliefs such as shame-based thinking.

Cultivating creativity and intuition through meditation may also help people tap into their true potential, clearing away negative energy that can cause health issues in both your environment and aura.

The 417 Hz frequency is widely utilized in music therapy and other wellness practices for its calming effects. It can promote endorphin production, boost metabolism, reduce stress and promote emotional healing as part of addiction recovery efforts. Studies have demonstrated that 417 Hz frequency can help reduce cravings and encourage positive behavioral changes, improve sleep quality and relieve symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Anecdotal evidence points towards the 417 Hz frequency providing numerous health benefits, including relieving physical pain and improving mood. While more research should be conducted, its benefits should not be used as a replacement for more established treatment methods.

639 Hz

Numerous frequencies have been associated with healing by stimulating cell healing processes. Some frequencies, like 528 Hz tone can reduce stress hormone levels and improve sleep quality while 639 Hz frequency has been shown to help bring harmony between relationships while encouraging communication and love.

Solfeggio frequency known as the ‘love note’ promotes harmony and love between individuals by increasing understanding, tolerance, and communication – helping families, partners, or friends overcome relationship problems as well as healing any inner heart or mind wounds that cause pain.

The 639 Hz frequency activates the heart chakra, responsible for feelings of compassion and empathy. This can improve emotional equilibrium and make you feel more connected to the world around you while helping release negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and frustration – creating more space for forgiveness, love and intuition in life. You can listen to this frequency using gong, crystal bowl or tuning fork; its roots lie in ancient Gregorian chants believed to offer spiritual blessings.

741 Hz

Practitioners of sound healing believe that different frequencies affect both your mind and body differently, such as 528Hz sounds being associated with love and connection; 741 Hz may promote intuition or spiritual awakening; it has also been found to stimulate gamma brain waves which could potentially improve memory; it has even been proven to reduce beta-amyloid plaques while strengthening immunity systems.

741 Hz has long been considered beneficial to physical health; now it may also improve emotional stability and self-awareness, facilitate communication with others and foster connection among its listeners. Regular listeners report experiencing greater emotional stability with reduced anxiety, stress and depression symptoms; this frequency also opens the throat chakra for enhanced self-expression and communication with those listening in real time.

Frequency healing therapies may help relieve chronic back pain, neck pain, and menstrual cramps by using sound frequencies to relax the body and mind. You can listen to these frequencies on their own or combine them with treatments such as massage therapy or light therapy; additionally they may also be effective against anxiety disorders, chronic headaches, insomnia and insomnia – visit one of SoftWave clinics near you to see how sound frequencies could benefit your health!


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