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High Frequency Current Therapy

High frequency current can help stimulate cell renewal, increase collagen and elastin, help diminish fine lines and wrinkles, shrink enlarged pores, remove impurities from skin care product absorption as well as enhance blood circulation and oxygenation. It is an excellent way to rejuvenate our bodies!

HFES produces long-term changes to mechanical and cold pain sensitivity at both homotopic C6 dermatome sites (depotentiation) as well as contralateral test sites, providing further evidence that HFS influences spinal neurotransmitters.

Interferential Current Therapy (IFC)

Physiotherapy clinics typically rely on interference current therapy to treat muscle spasms, sports injuries and joint damage in their patients. The technique can also be combined with massage or chiropractic care for maximum effectiveness; additionally it may even help treat nerve conditions like peripheral neuropathy and neuralgia.

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Treatment employs two medium-frequency alternating currents that intersect within the body to produce an interference pattern and modulating effects for therapeutic modulating therapy, offering relief to pain while speeding up natural healing processes.

Interferential Current Therapy provides similar effects as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units, yet with stronger pulses and deeper penetration of signals. It does so by employing two separate frequencies – one around 4000Hz and another up to 400Hz. When these currents intersect each other, this difference in frequencies creates an interference effect and generates therapeutic pulses transmitted into muscles and tissues under the skin.

Interfering currents create a stimulation effect on nerves, prompting them to release endorphins – your body’s natural painkillers – as they increase blood flow to an area, providing oxygen and nutrients while clearing away waste products. IFC therapy offers both pain relief and improved tissue healing, making it a suitable therapy choice for treating various conditions.


During a session, electrodes are applied to the skin in the area where electrical impulses need to be sent and sent into damaged muscle tissue and nerves by means of electrical pulses from a device. This feels similar to having your skin pinged gently by small pinpricks; most find this experience to be comfortable rather than painful.

There are certain patients who cannot benefit from this therapy. For instance, those who have implanted medical devices like pacemakers or are pregnant cannot undergo this therapy as the electrical currents could interfere with them and cause harm. Also not advised are individuals suffering from severe cases of dermatitis or taking blood thinners – also wearing metal jewelry may allow it to penetrate through the layers to cause harm and other precautions include not touching adipose fat as the treatment could penetrate this.

High Frequency Facial

High frequency facials are an advanced treatment that utilizes safe electrical current to oxygenate the skin. An electric current passes through an electrode of clear tempered glass in different shapes and sizes to treat different contours of the face, reacting with inert gas inside each electrode to produce healing light energy and purifying ozone; these infusions of oxygen molecules result in an exhilarating “zapping or tingling sensation that also stimulates blood flow and cell renewal, helping increase collagen and elastin levels, soften wrinkles, reduce pores for even tone and texture.

Electric current can also kill bacteria that cause breakouts, making this treatment effective against blackheads, whiteheads, oily skin and acne. Furthermore, its anti-redness and inflammation properties make it effective against certain skin conditions like rosacea.

Non-invasive and relaxing, this non-invasive facial is painless and soothing. An aesthetician starts by cleansing the client’s face before gently moving a small hand-held device over their skin to deliver electrical current to areas such as fine lines and wrinkles, acne or dark circles that need attention. This type of treatment offers immediate results which can then be continued at home for long-term benefits.

High frequency treatments are an ideal way to keep aging skin looking vibrant and younger-looking, stimulating cell turnover to maintain youthfulness in its complexion and reduce fine lines and wrinkles with increased blood flow to the skin resulting in firmer and plumper complexion. Furthermore, this procedure may help improve pore size while simultaneously decreasing wrinkles around mouth/chin areas.

High frequency facials are an excellent solution for those with sensitive skin as it’s very soothing. Not only is this treatment great at reducing large pores by tightening skin cells and encouraging cell renewal, but they can also be used to improve skin texture, tone, reduce discolorations caused by sun damage or age, as well as improving texture and tone as well.

High Frequency Scalp Massage

High-frequency scalp massage is one of the most sought-after hair treatment methods, used to address issues like dandruff, itchy scalp, hair fall and thinning hair. This technique works by stimulating hair follicles, improving blood circulation and revitalizing the scalp to promote faster hair growth while neutralizing pH levels and creating an ideal environment.

The High Frequency Scalp Massage is an advanced technology that utilizes electric currents to rejuvenate and promote hair growth. This device features three separate functions – rubbing massage, red light therapy and essential oil infusion – making it a powerful weapon against hair loss for trichologists and restoration professionals.

HF Comb offers micro-electric stimulation during massage to stimulate and kill bacteria on the scalp and moisturize hair, increase penetration of essential oils and improve cellular turnover, provide heat to relax tense scalps, as well as decrease pain/tension levels in scalp areas.

HF scalp massage offers several advantages that make it worth its investment, including its ability to combat bacteria that cause dandruff. Furthermore, it encourages new cell formation while stimulating sebaceous glands for maximum stimulation resulting in a natural and healthy cell cycle that successfully eliminates dandruff from hair roots while protecting them.

Additionally, HF scalp massage enhances body production of nitric oxide gas that increases blood circulation to the scalp and accelerates hair growth. Furthermore, this massage reduces production of inflammatory substances responsible for dandruff and other scalp issues.

HF scalp massage can also be used to address various skin conditions, such as acne, fine lines and wrinkles, dark eye circles, puffy eyes and uneven pigmentation. Furthermore, it helps remove excess oil from your skin as well as help prevent persistent acne and enlarged pores from returning – it is especially suitable for patients with sensitive skin as it does not irritate it and has no downtime associated with its use.

High Frequency Back Massage

High frequency current is an innovative treatment to firm and tone skin, using safe circulation that rushes blood vessels, pushes away toxins and hydrates cells to promote cell renewal. This increases production levels of collagen and elastin which soften wrinkles, reduce pore size and enhance overall skin texture – perfect for treating acne, aging skin conditions or simply maintaining radiant complexions.

Vibration massage can be an effective therapy for back pain, especially when performed regularly. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at alleviating chronic low-back discomfort while simultaneously relieving stress and anxiety. For maximum success, clients should receive both deep tissue back massage and high frequency therapy treatments together for maximum benefits.

The study examined the effectiveness of vibration massage on back pain and anxiety among patients suffering from congestive heart failure (CHF). They discovered that patients experienced reduced physical discomfort and emotional distress after receiving vibration back massage therapy.

This promising new treatment for back pain could offer effective and consistent relief. Similar to spinal cord stimulation (SCS), but with far fewer adverse side effects. SCS relies on producing areas of numbness to mask pain; HF10 produces similar results without inducing such areas of numbness.

Vibration therapy offers another advantage over TENS machines in that it addresses all components of pain feedback loop, rather than targeting one part only. For instance, TENS uses low-frequency electrical stimulation to block spinal cord gates responsible for sending pain signals while 100Hz vibration targets C fibers responsible for muscle tension.

At a massage session, the patient lies on their back with eyes closed as the therapist applies pressure to induce muscle contractions. This increases strength and range of motion in muscles that could otherwise become tight, helping reduce back pain. Studies have also demonstrated how vibrators can prevent stretch reflex and thus help avoid injury when stretching – an advantage used by many athletes prior to exercise for improved performance.


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