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High Frequency Therapy – A Powerful Acne Fighter

High frequency therapy (HFT) is an effective treatment that can prevent acne breakouts, shrink enlarged pores, fade dark eye circles, brighten dull skin and promote hair growth. Furthermore, HFT also has antimicrobial effects and helps with nutrient absorption.

Results revealed that frequency of HF sessions was an effective predictor of improvement and recovery during treatment; adjustments for other independent variables did not alter its effect.

Acne Treatment

High-frequency treatment is an effective acne fighter that can help you achieve clearer skin. Not only does high-frequency kill the bacteria causing breakouts, it also promotes collagen and elastin formation – two benefits which make high-frequency therapy ideal for anyone struggling with adult acne. Safe for all skin types, results can often be seen after just one session! Combinations such as chemical peels or microneedling often deliver optimal results when combined with high-frequency therapies.

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While its exact mechanism remains unknown, high-frequency treatment has been shown to be successful at killing the bacteria responsible for acne. A study published in 2022 discovered that high-frequency electrical currents kill P. acnes similarly to antibiotics and also significantly reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.

This study’s results are derived from in vitro tests; more research will need to be conducted before being applied to humans. Still, their findings were promising and suggest high-frequency electricity may be used as an effective treatment option for various cosmetic and health conditions.

High-frequency facials use low-level electricity transferred via bulb-shaped tips on an easy-to-hold wand to transfer low-voltage currents over the face, producing oxygen molecules which combat bacteria while dissolving dead skin cells to create clearer, younger-looking skin.


High-frequency treatment can also be applied to the neck and scalp for enhanced blood flow and circulation, helping reduce fine lines and wrinkles while decongesting puffy eyes, reduce cellulite appearance and rejuvenate hair follicles for healthier hair growth.

If you want to do away with acne and its scarring permanently, we suggest combining a high-frequency facial with dermal fillers or laser treatments. Our team can create a plan tailored specifically to you; for instance DOT, Fraxel Re:pair and Fraxel Re:store are laser treatments specifically developed to address scars left behind by acne.

Anti-Aging Treatment

High frequency current tightens skin safely and gently without burning or electrocution, stimulating an immediate circulation rush and subtle tissue warming that causes cells to contract gently – much like how muscles tone in a gym! This contraction promotes collagen and elastin production while eliminating toxins, improving skin elasticity, shrinking pores, diminishing age spots fine lines wrinkles as well as helping balance out overall tone of the skin tone.

Within one session with a professional esthetician, you’ll see dramatic improvements. Acne scars will fade, age spots less noticeable and skin will appear brighter with an even complexion. Furthermore, high frequency treatments help enhance penetration and absorption of skincare products so your at-home regimens work more effectively between treatments.

High frequency treatment combined with an ozone electrode kills acne-causing bacteria and reduces inflammation associated with breakouts. The oxygen molecules produced by electrical current help diminish enlarged pores, soften skin and control excess sebum production which leads to blackheads. Its “oxygenation” action stimulates lymphatic drainage while dispersing excess fluid, helping decongest puffy eyes and fade dark circles more quickly than before.

Rejuvenating scalp health and stimulating healthy hair growth are other key benefits, making this an attractive solution for both men and women looking to reverse signs of age, sun damage or thin hair.

For optimal results, a series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced a week apart should be completed over several months, followed by monthly maintenance treatments. While you can purchase your own high-frequency machine at home for use with this treatment option, for optimal results it is best left in the hands of spa professionals who understand how various electrodes can treat acne, dark spots, wrinkles and more.

Scalp Treatment

This revolutionary treatment utilizes high-frequency energy to restore hair’s health and promote its growth, targeting issues such as dandruff and alopecia by stimulating hair follicles on your scalp to encourage healthier hair follicles to grow back stronger strands. Furthermore, blood circulation to your scalp allows your body to absorb essential nutrients into your strands for proper nourishment.

Quick oscillation also tightens pores, evening out skin tone and complexion, and relieving common skin issues like stubborn acne, enlarged pores, redness, dullness, fine lines and wrinkles, dark eye circles as well as puffy eyes, age spots or hair loss. It has proven especially helpful when applied regularly over a prolonged period. This device also makes an effective addition to a skincare regimen intended to shrink puffy eyes, reduce age spots appearances or prevent hair loss altogether.

High frequency facials are commonly referred to as the “Tesla facelift”. First developed by famed scientist Nikola Tesla during the late 1800s, its initial uses included treating strep throat, fungal infections and wound healing. Later developed and commercialized as skin rejuvenating treatments by French biophysicist Jacques-Arsene d’Arsonval.

Electrical current used during a high-frequency facial treatment increases blood circulation to the skin, increasing oxygen and nutrient flow, flushing out toxins, and stimulating collagen and elastin production – leaving your complexion looking firmer and brighter than before. Furthermore, this treatment serves as an alternative to more drastic plastic surgery procedures, chemical peels or Collagen injections.

High-frequency hair treatment can also be an excellent way to combat hair loss and thinning. It works to remove dead skin cells, prevent oil buildup and distribute natural oils evenly over the scalp – as well as strengthen individual strands so they’re less prone to breakage and thinning.

As this treatment is generally safe, it’s essential to note that for optimal results it requires multiple sessions and visiting a qualified therapist who understands both the technique and equipment properly. A thorough understanding is also key in order to prevent side effects like irritation or dry scalp.

Body Treatment

High frequency oscillation energy works to tighten pores, even skin tone and complexion, promote collagen and elastin production and help destroy acne-causing bacteria. This treatment makes an excellent addition to any facial, and can even improve absorption rates of creams, lotions and serums under the surface of the skin.

High frequency current produces oxygen molecules with germicidal properties that help heal and restore the health of skin, leaving it instantly revitalized and noticeably softer. Furthermore, this treatment method can also be used for any kind of skin lesion such as acne, burns, waxing procedures, cold sores and wounds.

This gentle, oscillating and oxygenating treatment improves blood circulation, increases collagen and elastin production, clears away toxins that contribute to acne breakouts, promotes lymphatic drainage and exfoliates skin cells. Furthermore, fibroblast cells responsible for producing collagen have also been stimulated; leading to firmer skin with reduced fine lines and wrinkles as a result.

Most patients find the treatment experience to be non-painful; however, some may experience a slight tingling or buzzing sensation during therapy. Should anything unusual arise during your session, notify your practitioner immediately as this could indicate an inflamed area that needs soothing.

High frequency electrical treatment differs from most others by not employing electrodes coated in metals that may heat up and cause discomfort, instead using special technology to safely heat up skin quickly without damaging deeper tissues.

Similar to how it takes multiple visits to a gym for building muscle, cultivating healthy skin requires multiple high frequency treatments over time – three to six treatments spaced out over multiple weeks followed by monthly maintenance appointments will lead to optimal results.


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