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High Frequency Ultrasound Therapy

HIFU can be an effective treatment for severe tremors caused by essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease. Utilizing focused ultrasound waves, this therapy uses heat from them to heat brain tissue and block the signals responsible for creating the tremors. You can access HIFU at dedicated treatment centres.

HIFU can also be used to treat varicose veins. A metallic probe coated in gel penetrates the skin evenly for effective treatment.


HIFU emits ultrasound energy that penetrates deep into your body, specifically targeting diseased tissue. It provides a non-invasive alternative to more invasive procedures like surgery while relieving pain relief and relieving pregnancy complications. Furthermore, its non-invasiveness makes HIFU an excellent option for pregnant women as well as patients with metal implants such as hip replacements.

Ultrasound energy can be precisely directed toward an area of your body, similar to how magnifying glasses focus sunlight on a target. During an HIFU procedure, providers utilize ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to locate targeted tissue before positioning an ultrasound probe over it. Depending on your treatment option, you may remain fully conscious, lightly sedated or under general anesthesia before the provider delivers bursts of ultrasound waves directly onto that area – you may feel warmth or pain as the waves heat the tissue and destroy it; they may even cause localized bleeding as the ultrasound waves heat tissue destruction without harming surrounding tissue nearby – it all can also cause bleeding in that region!

HIFU can be used for many medical applications, including tremor therapy. It may help treat essential tremor or Parkinson’s disease as well as treating fibromyalgia and migraines. Furthermore, it has even been proven to alleviate symptoms related to some forms of cancer like breast and prostate.

HIFU provides several advantages over other forms of treatment, including reduced discomfort and quicker recovery time than other modalities like surgery or radiation. Furthermore, the procedure is less expensive than alternatives like surgery or radiation and can even be conducted in private practices if desired.

Ultrasound technology works on the principle of reflection and refraction of sound waves due to variations in tissue density and refractive index. Each of the skin’s three layers have differing echogenicity or brightness levels: epidermis is composed largely of keratin that strongly reflects ultrasound waves while dermis contains collagen which less brightly reflects them; subcutaneous fat tissue mixed with collagen also tends to reflect less.


High frequency ultrasound therapy has proven itself safe and effective for many patients, using a handheld probe to emit acoustic waves into a target area of tissue and have them reflect back off it before returning to a transducer connected to a computer that interprets signals sent back by it, then displays results as images on screen. Furthermore, computer algorithms can adjust power of ultrasound waves as well as depth penetration to achieve the desired result.

Mechanical vibrations generated by ultrasound energy can impact both the cell membrane and nucleus of a cell depending on their frequency, as well as increase protein synthesis by stimulating new blood vessel growth and proliferative effects; such effects are referred to as proliferative. Unfortunately, all aspects of US responses remain unexplained.

Ultrasound has long been used in dermatology as an invaluable diagnostic tool, often relied on for early cancer diagnosis and noninvasive cost effectiveness. Numerous studies have proven its efficiency when applied to skin lesions as it provides early identification and improved detection accuracy over clinical exams alone. Furthermore, ultrasound has also proven its worth when used to measure thickness differences between healthy and diseased skin layers.

Focused ultrasound (HIFU) differs from other imaging techniques in that it does not use radiation and is non-invasive. The procedure can be conducted under local anesthesia; patients can be awake or lightly sedated during their session with their provider using ultrasound or MRI to identify tissue that requires attention; focused ultrasound can be used to treat prostate cancer, breast lesions and varicose veins among other ailments.

Before receiving HIFU treatment, patients will undergo screening appointments that involve magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and prostate biopsies to help determine if this method of therapy is the appropriate choice for them. In addition, their therapist will conduct a urinalysis to check for prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

Although most patients tolerate therapeutic ultrasound well, some may experience minor side effects. While these tend to be mild and last only briefly following treatment, they could include foot unsteadiness or heat sensation; in rare instances these symptoms could become permanent.

Side effects

HIFU is generally safe, with lower risks of side effects than more invasive forms of treatment. Furthermore, this technique is less costly and allows patients to quickly return to regular activities after treatment. Patients should speak to their healthcare team first before making their decision regarding this therapy option.

Ultrasound energy has both physical and chemical effects on the body. These vary depending on its frequency; generally speaking, higher frequency ultrasound waves produce greater effects. Ultrasound waves may cause localized cavitation of tissues that leads to tissue heating and cell damage; however, ultrasound imaging doesn’t emit ionizing radiation and the FDA advises health care providers adhere to the principle of As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

Before beginning the HIFU procedure, your provider will utilize either an MRI or ultrasound scan of your abdomen to locate diseased tissues and deliver bursts of ultrasound waves targeted towards those areas. Once they’ve finished with their ultrasound treatment, an imaging test will be run to verify whether or not any target tissues were destroyed; any necessary adjustments will then be made as they repeat this process until all target tissue no longer exist.

Patients may experience temporary sensations of numbness or tingling in the area being treated. These side effects typically last only briefly; in 10-15% of cases these sensations may remain permanent.

Some patients have reported experiencing a slight feeling of pressure on the skin due to gas bubbles moving through their tissues; however, most do not report feeling this sensation regularly.

As with any medical procedure, there may be risks associated with HIFU treatment; such as the possibility of creating tumors from destroyed cells, and possibly losing hair in areas shaved off by HIFU. However, most risks associated with this procedure are considered very minor in comparison to its potential benefits.


Ultrasound has been used extensively in dermatology for more than four decades, being included in residency training programs in several countries and reimbursed by some health insurance providers. Ultrasound has proven itself invaluable, increasing diagnostic accuracy while also helping detect malignant lesions missed on clinical examination. Furthermore, ultrasound can identify lesions such as “jellyfish” sign of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans or saw-tooth pattern of cellulite that might otherwise remain undetected on physical examination alone.


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