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How Frequency Therapy Devices Can Promote Chakra Healing

Frequency therapy uses natural frequencies found within nature to restore balance in your body and promote chakra healing.

Microcurrent refers to an electric current comprised of several millionths of an ampere that each cell in your body produces itself, without stimulating sensory nerves and therefore without being painful.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

FSM (Functional Stimulation Methods) is a noninvasive energy therapy using low-level electrical currents to stimulate cell functions and speed healing. FSM has also been shown to aid with pain relief as well as reduce symptoms like fatigue, stress, fibromyalgia and other chronic health conditions.

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Human beings are natural electrical conductors. Each tissue in our bodies has its own resonant frequency that, when damaged or altered, can lead to symptoms and conditions. At sessions we utilize specific frequencies plugged into a programmable microcurrent device which are sent directly into targeted tissues, helping the tissues “learn” their optimal resonant frequency to help alleviate pain and restore equilibrium.

FSM has been shown to restore communication links within the brain, brainstem and spinal cord that control and process pain signals; helping heal tissue by increasing ATP production (the main source of energy for our cells).

At a session, you lie on a massage table with clips attached that have been dampened with towels, which connect with clips on the machine that connect to electrodes which are then linked up to a small battery-operated device that delivers frequencies. Current usage is extremely low – around one millionth of an ampere – so most clients only experience either mild tingling or warmth in the area being treated.


Our FSM technician will initially utilize frequencies known to treat your condition, while also exploring various other frequencies until finding one with optimal effects for you. When applied directly to affected areas, you will notice an immediate difference in tissue feel – our tech can then interpret this change to determine whether or not the frequency is having its intended impact.

Auto Care 1300 device we utilize for sessions contains over 120 FSM protocols programmed into it for sessions, which cover pain, trauma, visceral, emotional and miscellaneous categories. Each protocol has a set of frequencies which work together in a specific sequence – and have proven very successful with many conditions such as nerve pain, fibromyalgia, chronic sinus infections, inflammations diseases myofascial pain syndrome kidney stones among others showing remarkable improvements.

Sound Healing

Sound healing works on the principle that every organ, tissue and cell in our bodies produces unique vibrational frequencies. Dis-harmonized cells may be returned to their original frequency through resonance therapy in an effort to restore their health.

Sound therapy is a versatile technique used to address both overall body ailments as well as specific areas of discomfort or tension. It works by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, as well as clearing away emotional blockages. Many clients report feeling deeply relaxed after participating in sound therapy sessions – oftentimes time seems to slow down during a session, while some experience visuals or memories from their past during sound therapy sessions.

Sound healing sessions involve lying or sitting down in front of a table where various instruments are set up to produce sounds in sequence, such as gongs (large metal cymbals), tuning forks and chimes – although practitioners may utilize other instruments depending on client preference or session goal.

Vibrations of these frequencies travel through the ear canal and affect each organ and biological system in your body, from organs like your spleen directly through to your brain and tissues throughout. For instance, Solfeggio frequencies re-energize mitochondria within cells to produce more Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the most efficient method for cells to generate energy.

Chanting can also help facilitate healing; it is an ancient form of meditation often done as part of group sessions and has many health benefits such as lower blood pressure and stress reduction while simultaneously encouraging spiritual awakening and connection with the divine.

Some practitioners utilize a frequency machine called Bioresonance that analyzes body cells and organs to identify and neutralize abnormal frequencies that contribute to disease. This tool is an effective way of diagnosing cancer as well as treating it effectively.

Light Therapy

Light therapy devices emitting low levels of UV rays can be effective treatments for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or vitiligo, in which skin loses pigmentation, among others. They’re also commonly used to relieve pain, promote skin rejuvenation and boost hair growth.

MIT researchers are exploring 40-Hz sync sessions as a potential therapy to assist those suffering from Alzheimer’s, who experience memory loss and other symptoms. This therapy synchronizes brain frequencies using beat sounds and light flashes; its effect may enhance production of gamma waves linked to cognitive processes in the brain; ultimately the aim is to restore any activity disrupted by Alzheimer’s.

Animal studies conducted by MIT researchers demonstrated that rhythmic therapy prompted more cerebrospinal fluid to flow into the brain. This fluid carried beta-amyloid waste away through special channels. Thus, their results suggest sensory therapy might prevent or delay dementia progression among people living with Alzheimer’s.

Note that 40-Hz gamma sound and light therapy should not be seen as a cure for Alzheimer’s; rather, it’s meant to supplement existing medications and therapies for Alzheimer’s that offer only temporary relief.

Adaptive Sound Technologies Inc has developed the Sound+Therapy device, using 40-hertz gamma frequencies to improve sleep quality and boost brain function. By pairing beat sounds with synced brain frequencies, this audio-visual stimulus is intended to decrease anxiety levels, promote relaxation and help create healthier sleeping patterns.

Before using any home-based device, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a physician or counselor. They can suggest an optimal amount of time spent using the device and an effective daily schedule that will support a healthy circadian rhythm. In addition, they can assist you with selecting a lightbox type and its settings to ensure an effective therapy session and can advise if taking medications or herbs which could cause photosensitivity.


Biofeedback therapy is a type of frequency therapy that allows individuals to become more conscious of and control over their physiological responses. Patients attending sessions sit before a video monitor while sensors attached to their bodies monitor changes such as skin temperature, muscle tension or blood pressure changes – and instantly and continuously magnify these signals so they can become aware of them and learn to modify their behavior accordingly.

Frequency therapy was the precursor to neurofeedback and became widely popular during the 1970s. It works by teaching patients relaxation techniques they can use at home.

Therapy’s aim is to retrain patients’ bodies to relax and rebalance their nervous systems, leading to significant health benefits. Chronic stress and anxiety sufferers can find relaxation difficult; heart rate and breathing regulation may become unmanageable; those diagnosed with PTSD, bulimia or bipolar disorders could gain from learning how to relax more efficiently while controlling how their body reacts when exposed to stressors such as loud noise or sudden noise may benefit immensely from learning how to relax more effectively and control how they respond to it.

Patients are instructed on how to identify muscles that tighten, then relax them subtly – this technique has proven successful at relieving lower back and abdominal pain, TMJ disorders or fibromyalgia symptoms, while it has also proven successful at reducing severity and frequency of migraine headaches.

Biofeedback therapy should be combined with other forms of psychotherapy in order to maximize its effects and reap maximum rewards. Biofeedback can help retrain the body to minimize stress and anxiety; research indicates that individuals using it alongside mood therapies experience better results than those relying solely on psychotherapy alone.

As this therapy requires active participation and practice, it may not be suitable for children or those with cognitive impairments. However, qualified healthcare professionals can assess individual suitability and offer appropriate recommendations based on your needs; in some cases they may suggest more targeted approaches or other treatment solutions tailored specifically for your condition.


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