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Light Frequency Therapy for Beauty and Wellness

Light frequency therapy, or photobiomodulation (PBM), is a noninvasive solution that stimulates cell energy and multiple nervous system and metabolic processes while improving growth and repair in cells.

This was a randomized, blinded, crossover study with a 48 hour supine period between each condition/intervention. Participants underwent retinal imaging, blood pressure measurements (5 min), and HRV testing (5 minutes before receiving either MLT or placebo light therapy interventions.

Red Light

Red light therapy uses low-power red wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin without producing heat, to activate mitochondria – sometimes known as energy generators – within cells to increase production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) for tissue repair and rejuvenation as well as promote gene expression and cell signaling, helping the body heal itself faster.

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As well as its many dermatological advantages, this therapy has also been shown to relieve neuropathic pain, relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia, reduce stretch marks and acne scars and aid in decreasing Alzheimer’s symptoms by decreasing amyloid deposits found in the brain.

This therapy has long been recognized for its success at alleviating joint pain in knees, elbows, hips, wrists and shoulders. By decreasing inflammation and increasing blood flow to target points of discomfort, it helps manage pain more effectively while simultaneously increasing range of motion and decreasing pain medication intake. Furthermore, cellular rejuvenation occurs and oxidative stress decreases which helps with improving musculoskeletal disorders.

Red light therapy offers many additional advantages that can boost muscle and tissue healing by stimulating protein synthesis and increasing ATP production, as well as stimulating cytokines and growth factors to accelerate wound repair, reduce oxidative damage, and modulate inflammation.


Red light therapy has long been utilized as a form of anti-aging treatment, acting to reverse sun damage by increasing collagen production in the skin and decreasing fine lines and wrinkles, providing even skin tone and texture. Furthermore, red light therapy may also help decrease symptoms related to psoriasis, rosacea, acne and minimize scar size associated with burn scarring.

Studies have also demonstrated the therapeutic value of red light therapy on arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions, helping reduce pain and improve function for those living with osteoarthritis while offering relief to rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Red light treatment can also be used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome and slow vision loss due to age-related macular degeneration.

Blue Light

Blue light has the shortest wavelength among visible light frequencies, meaning it has low penetrating power and is unlikely to damage skin cells. Blue light works at the surface level to eliminate bacteria that cause acne while helping regulate circadian rhythm and reduce fatigue among those suffering from sleep deprivation. Furthermore, it may be used with medications used to treat psoriasis for plaque reduction and improvement of erythema appearance.

Recent studies demonstrated how blue-enriched light therapy could help people suffering from seasonal affective disorder avoid relapsing with their psoriasis and depression. Furthermore, chronic insomniacs showed improvement in sleep quality thanks to blue-enriched light therapy treatment as fatigue was decreased and mood improved through clinical trial results. Furthermore, blue-enriched light therapy significantly reduced fatigue associated with traumatic brain injuries in 10 International Space Station crew members undergoing clinical trials onboard this space station.

Blue-light therapy can enhance the efficacy of medications used to treat inflammatory conditions like rosacea and psoriasis, helping make them even more effective. It may also be used as an aid in treating acne by killing bacteria that trigger oil production; further, blue-light treatment stimulates cells that produce collagen which firms and plumps the skin. Blue-light can be utilized both at dermatology offices as well as with special devices at home.

Blue-light treatment may cause “bronze baby syndrome” in newborns with isoimmune hemolytic deficiency, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency or cholestasis; this occurs when both skin and urine turn gray-brown during therapy sessions; typically this condition will go away once treatment concludes. Blue-light devices may also lead to sunburn; therefore it is wise to apply sunscreen before using one at home.

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Green Light

Green light therapy works by regulating melatonin and improving our circadian rhythm, as well as alleviating negative moods like depression. Research suggests that its green wavelength helps release natural painkillers such as enkephalins. Furthermore, green light therapy is believed to aid weight loss by prompting our bodies to burn fat more efficiently.

Researchers have recently discovered that green light (530 +/- 10 nanometers) can significantly lower migraine headaches. Their study involved 29 migraine patients exposed to green light for one or two hours a day for 10 weeks; results demonstrated that those exposed to the green light experienced much fewer migraine attacks and higher quality of life while the placebo group experienced increased headache frequency with decreased quality of life.

Green-light treatment was found to decrease migraine frequency among patients by creating smaller electrical signals between their brain and eyes, thereby decreasing pain levels, nausea and fatigue associated with migraines.

Ibrahim’s research has demonstrated how exposure to green light can aid people suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue – which are both prevalent ailments among the general public. Their respective cellular signaling causes are similar to what migraine patients experience; furthermore, his animal studies demonstrate how green light increases enkephalins (natural painkillers produced in our brain and spinal cord) three-fold.

Studies have also indicated that green light stimulates IGF-1 production, a hormone responsible for increasing muscle mass and strength. More human studies are necessary to better understand exactly how this occurs.

Recent green-light research has yielded some very exciting findings, including its ability to improve bone health. A 2021 study comparing red light, infrared light and green light on dental stem cells found that those exposed to green light could differentiate into more specialized cells with specific functions including bone-forming and wound healing. Furthermore, green-light groups experienced less incidence of root resorption following dental procedures.

Yellow Light

LED light therapy treatments have become a staple of beauty and wellness practices in recent years, offering non-invasive solutions that address skin concerns while supporting radiant health. Most are familiar with red light therapy benefits; however, yellow light therapies have equally powerful advantages when implemented into skincare regimens.

Yellow light therapy (sometimes referred to as amber or yellow hued light) is an effective means of relieving inflammation and soothing skin conditions, thanks to its ability to stimulate collagen production resulting in smoother and younger-looking skin as well as reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Yellow light stands out from red and blue lights because its penetration level is shallow, making it the perfect treatment choice for skin conditions such as inflammation and irritation such as rosacea, acne and sun damage. Furthermore, studies have also demonstrated its use to aid wound and scar healing processes.

Yellow light therapy has proven itself especially useful for darker skin tones, helping reduce hyperpigmentation that commonly plagues this demographic. Furthermore, yellow light treatment has also proven its worth at stimulating collagen and cell renewal – two benefits not often considered when choosing skincare treatments.

Like red light, yellow light can be used alone or combined with other LED wavelengths for polychromatic LED therapy, which has proven more efficacious than single wavelength treatments. It is advised to start out with several light treatments followed by maintenance sessions depending on the condition being treated.

Investing in a portable yellow LED light device can be an economical and convenient way to give your complexion the boost it needs. Most devices offer customizable settings for intensity of treatment as well as duration allowing you to tailor sessions specifically to the type of skin condition or skin type being treated – taking several weeks or months of regular sessions may produce noticeable results.


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