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What Are the Benefits of Microcurrent Therapy?

Each tissue in your body has an electrical frequency, which can become disrupted due to disease. Microcurrent therapy restores these frequencies and leads to significant decreases in pain and inflammation while improving function.

After just 90 minutes of treatment, inflammation markers decreased while feel-good chemicals like adenophins increased, which can be seen on a blood test.

Microcurrent is an electrical current

Microcurrent is a low-level electrical current designed to rebalance body’s cellular electricity and accelerate healing processes within cells. Microcurrent works to produce ATP levels up by 500% in four minutes while decreasing inflammation by 62%, helping increase collagen production, relieve pain, increase range of motion, relieve discomfort and increase range. Results have proven powerfully effective; animal studies revealed increases of 500% for ATP production while inflammation reduction by 62% within four minutes following treatment; additional benefits include the acceleration of healing of damaged tissue.

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Frequency specific micro-current (FSM) is an innovative treatment option used for chronic pain and inflammation using a small hand-held device that produces extremely low levels of electrical current. These frequencies correspond closely with those found within human cells, leading to significant improvements in both pain and inflammation symptoms.

People often experience some discomfort after attending FSM sessions, which typically subsides after several visits over a short period of time (usually one or two). Some clients may require more sessions to address their symptoms effectively.

Frequency specific microcurrent therapy has provided impressive results in treating fibromyalgia patients, providing both pain relief and significant changes to inflammation-linked cytokines – offering hope to 2 million sufferers of this condition. Furthermore, studies have shown FSMT’s ability to remodel scar tissue quickly while simultaneously healing new injuries fast.


While considered safe, microcurrent should not be used by pregnant women or people with pacemakers as its currents could interfere with how these devices function. Furthermore, metal fillers or Botox should not use microcurrent, nor should people suffering from diabetes, epilepsy or other chronic illnesses use it either. Finally, anyone undergoing facial surgery should wait at least six weeks until having microcurrent sessions; even then most can benefit greatly. Nonetheless, it’s always wise to consult a licensed professional first to ascertain if microcurrent therapy will work for them; before starting treatment it’s essential that this therapy will fit right.

It works within the cells

Microcurrent therapy restores the normal frequency of cells to help relieve pain and inflammation caused by illness or injury, improving metabolism, enzyme activity, protein and lipid production and ATP synthesis in addition to relieving pain and discomfort.

At a treatment session, a practitioner wraps black straps containing electrodes around your forehead, wrists and ankles. These electrodes connect to an EPFX shoebox-sized device which transmits imperceptible microcurrents into your cells through their EMF receptors. In addition, this machine scans your body while simultaneously showing vivid graphics on a monitor displaying problem areas of concern – a great way to identify those needing work or pain relief! After 90-minute session you should expect both relief from pain as well as mood elevation!

Radiofrequency microneedling provides more than pain relief; it also tightens loose skin. Furthermore, it has been found to get rid of wrinkles and reduce pore size – as evidenced in a 2014 study which demonstrated this benefit among participants in that experiment. Furthermore, smooth uneven skin surfaces, acne scar reduction, hyperpigmentation removal are other possible side benefits from using microneedling techniques.

FSM (Frequency Specific Micro-Current) treatments utilize a dual-channel multi-frequency micro-current system that produces low-level electrical currents similar to what your cells produce, to penetrate deep within cells and restore normal frequencies and relieve pain and inflammation quickly while speeding healing. FSM treatments have proven particularly helpful with conditions like fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic muscle and nerve pain, arthritis and back/neck issues as well as strengthening immunity systems and decreasing anxiety.

It breaks down resistance

Frequency Specific Micro-Current (FSM) is an electrical therapy technique that works in harmony with your natural energy system to provide painless, noninvasive relief from discomfort. FSM mimics your own cells to generate microamps which work to normalize tissue and decrease inflammatory pain mediators while improving circulation, increasing collagen and elastin production – essential components in cell repair processes – and strengthening tendons and muscles. Furthermore, FSM can be used to treat chronic injuries quickly as it has been shown to speed up wound healing by 500% within four minutes while remodelling scar tissue quickly – hence why the US Postal team chose it when treating new injuries during Tour de France races.

FSM electrotherapy devices differ from other electrotherapy devices in that they deliver microamps, which penetrate deep into the body to help heal and balance its meridians and chakras. Furthermore, FSM can be used on skin to firm and tone it – something important in reducing cellulite appearance while improving blood circulation.

Microcurrent breaks down resistance in the body by stimulating ATP, an energy-carrying molecule responsible for all cell activity, including healing and repair. Studies show that microcurrent increases ATP levels by at least 10 times while simultaneously decreasing inflammation by an equal amount; it has even been proven to strengthen tendons and increase muscle protein synthesis.

One of the keys to successful treatment with this device is consistency. When choosing one that will best serve your lifestyle and schedule, consider your lifestyle and daily habits when making your selection – ensure it will fit within them so you use it regularly for maximum effectiveness and find one that is easy to use with maximum effectiveness! For optimal results look for one with comfortable features for user ease of use and no complicated controls or settings needed to use.

Microcurrent devices work by producing current with targeted effects on the body based on electrode polarity, frequency rate and waveform. For instance, Arc4Health devices utilize bipolar alternating current to cycle between positive and negative going pulses which has been proven to promote body fat reduction, muscle growth and remodeling as well as lessen delayed-onset muscle soreness.

It energizes the cells

Microcurrent therapy provides numerous health benefits, one of which is stimulating cells. The energy released by its tiny electrical pulses stimulates production of new ATP molecules – vital for all aspects of cell health such as photosynthesis, muscle reeducation, protein synthesis and more. Furthermore, its electrical pulses also increase circulation while stimulating collagen and elastin production for a more youthful and toned appearance in skin cells.

Microcurrent can help break down lactic acid build-up in muscles, leading to faster recovery times for athletes or people suffering chronic pain or injury. Furthermore, it stimulates production of nitric oxide that increases oxygen flow while simultaneously decreasing oxidative stress levels.

MCT produces subsensory currents that mimic the bioelectric injury currents found in all living tissues, thus optimizing growth and healing (Poltawski and Watson 2009). Studies have also demonstrated that MCT stimulates ATP synthesis by increasing proton concentration across mitochondrial inner membrane. Mitchell’s Chemoiosmotic Theory states that moving protons phosphorylate ADP into ATP production (Mitchell 1976).

MCT has been shown to stimulate both ATP synthesis and multiple cellular pathways, such as mitosis and autophagy, activating mitosis and autophagy to treat conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic inflammatory diseases, and neurodegeneration.

MCT has been proven to improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients. Professional athletes also rely on it for healing injuries and improving performance; Terrell Owens used Frequency Specific Micro-Current Therapy to heal his shoulder injury much faster.

MCT employs frequencies tailored to different tissues, such as muscle, bone and adipose tissue. These frequencies are selected through Qest4 Bio-Energetic Testing – which analyzes body energy imbalances – which provides accurate frequency testing results to select appropriate frequencies for treating client conditions using microcurrent with colored light treatments applied via device that delivers microcurrent.


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