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What is Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is a non-invasive approach that addresses the source of pain and inflammation rather than simply masking symptoms. This holistic approach ensures better overall health and long-term healing.

ANF uses circular discs made of carbonized metal that contain NASA frequencies and when activated by body heat release them to improve nervous signaling. Once recognized by the brain as its own frequencies they begin repairing itself.

What is ANF?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANFT) is an innovative noninvasive and holistic pain relief approach, developed by NASA that utilizes discs of carbonized metal which emit frequencies picked up by neurons throughout the body to refocus nervous systems and begin healing on a cellular level.

ANF is an effective and safe method to reduce inflammation, heal chronic pain issues and enhance mobility and overall health. It can also be used in tandem with other physical therapies or movement modalities for greater results.

At first, ANF treatment’s primary goal is to alleviate existing pain and inflammation. A professional ANF therapist will apply numerous discs across your body in order to minimize pain levels and help heal damaged muscles more quickly.

The discs can remain on the skin for up to 72 hours and continue to emit frequencies that help the nervous system reset and rebalance itself, providing long-term relief from aches and pains.

ANF has proven itself as an extremely effective treatment for numerous conditions, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis and back pain. Furthermore, ANF therapy has also proven highly successful at relieving acute injuries like sprains, strains and bruises.

Patients receptive to ANF therapy (approximately 95% of the population) tend to notice significant improvements within just one treatment session with their ANF therapist assessing your symptoms and creating a customized treatment plan that includes various ANF discs for optimal results.

Once pain and inflammation have been reduced during the healing phase, ANF therapists will initiate muscle tissue regeneration. This usually takes three stages, during which your ANF therapist will monitor your recovery, making sure that pain and inflammation have decreased significantly. Once all tissue has been rebuilt, balanced, restored or rebuilt once more they will transition to maintenance treatment: wearing discs less frequently but only as necessary to relieve symptoms such as pain or inflammation.

How does ANF work?

ANF utilizes wearable discs containing a range of frequencies embedded into carbonized metal, activated by your natural body heat and then transmitted directly into your nervous system to improve nerve signaling directly at a cellular level for improved nerve signaling and self-healing processes. This process helps your body recover more effectively from injuries or illnesses rather than just masking symptoms with painkillers.

At your in-clinic session with ANF Therapists, they will assess your specific issue and then use various ANF discs to target its cause. Within 5-20 minutes after application you should experience changes to your symptoms; to maximize this benefit it is also essential to drink plenty of water both before and after treatments so your body can flush away all released toxins more effectively.

ANF Discs may be worn for up to 72 hours after treatment and continue working throughout the night and day as they are continuously being absorbed and transmitted through your nervous system. As a result, their effects last much longer than other therapies which require multiple sessions over weeks or months.

ANF therapy is an invaluable treatment option that can be utilized alone or alongside other treatment modalities, such as physiotherapy. A trained ANF Therapist will assist in improving movement patterns and training the body so it can better heal itself, thus reducing future injuries and helping avoid future incidents. At its core, ANF works best at getting to the source of problems instead of just masking or managing symptoms.

ANF’s healing phase focuses on decreasing pain and inflammation to allow your body to rebuild stronger muscle tissues. This phase usually takes from several days or weeks until regeneration kicks in to strengthen injuries further. Once healing and regeneration have concluded, maintenance phase aims at preventing recurrence by wearing discs less often or only when symptoms present themselves.

What are the benefits of ANF?

ANF offers many advantages, including pain reduction, detoxification and healing of cells, muscle regeneration and improved sleep. ANF therapy also strengthens immunity as it restores hormonal and neurotransmitter balance within your body’s hormonal systems and neurotransmitters; plus it’s noninvasive so no medications or medical devices are needed!

ANF operates on the principle that we all “run on frequencies.” All cells, tissues, organs, and glands emit and receive EMF signals which the nervous system then picks up and sends back out to those cells that emit or receive weak electromagnetic field (EMF) signals from our environment. When any frequency breach occurs due to injury or disease a cell begins to slow down and malfunction leading to inflammation and other symptoms – this is where ANF’s nervous signaling process comes in – by sending “correction frequencies” back out through nervous signaling this helps brain and body parts send correction frequencies back out again allowing the brain and body parts help correct errors back at once!

Once assessed by an ANF Therapist, the initial phase of treatment entails placing ANF discs over the affected area to reduce pain and inflammation; typically lasting several days. Some patients may also experience “detoxification effects”, a normal sign that their bodies are responding positively and healing itself.

Once inflammation has been reduced, an ANF Therapist can initiate phase two of treatment which aims to regenerate injured tissues and enhance muscle strength. In many instances, this process may only require several sessions. At that time, they will apply various ANF discs suited for specific conditions all over your body.

ANF has proven particularly effective at treating chronic pain issues like fibromyalgia and arthritis. Additionally, acute injuries like sprains and strains can also benefit from ANF treatment, by decreasing inflammation levels and speeding healing – effectively decreasing or even eliminating associated discomfort.

ANF can also help address more general health concerns such as digestive dysfunction, fatigue, immune suppression and emotional trauma. By targeting their source and working towards lasting solutions for overall betterment of health.

What are the risks of ANF?

Opposed to painkillers which simply mask or cover symptoms, ANF works at getting down to the source of your discomfort and helps your body heal itself from within. Not just for pain relief but all associated issues like swelling and tissue damage as well as improving sleep and increasing energy levels.

ANF uses small, painless discs activated by your body heat that release electrical frequencies similar to those used by nerve signals to communicate. Retraining these nerves back to their correct frequency and oscillation allows them to more effectively signal muscles to work correctly reducing inflammation, pain and the progression of chronic conditions.

At your first appointment with an ANF Therapist, they will conduct a comprehensive assessment that includes questionnaires, histories and palpation to pinpoint pain or dysfunction areas. Once this assessment is complete, ANF discs will be applied according to an individually tailored protocol to suit your specific condition and its treatment protocol; safe with no side effects though patients may experience detox symptoms during initial stages.

ANF discs are made of carbonized metal that can hold and store a specific frequency. When activated by body heat, these discs will harmonise frequencies lost or weakened due to inflammation or pathologies in your nervous system, thus supporting its ability to produce antioxidants, regenerate muscle tissue regeneration, regulate hormones, self-heal, etc.

ANF has been proven to be safe for both adults and children. As a non-invasive, drug free treatment option, ANF therapy quickly addresses the source of your discomfort while helping your body heal itself naturally. ANF therapy offers many advantages, including decreased pain levels, increased range of motion and mobility gains – not to mention being an ideal alternative to medications for those who prefer not taking them or are allergic.

ANF discs can last up to 72 hours on your body when used according to the directions from your therapist, but it is advisable to apply them every day as recommended by them. We suggest purchasing extra discs so they’re ready for when your next therapy session arrives!
