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What is Frequency Microcurrent Therapy?

FSM therapy is an effective solution to manage pain and inflammation associated with chronic injuries, while speeding recovery in injured tissues.

FSM generates an electrical current which closely resembles that produced naturally by cells and applies it directly to the body via skin gel pads or damp towels.

What is FSM?

FSM can help reduce pain, inflammation and scar tissue through non-invasive and drug-free procedures that use specific frequencies to support and encourage the body’s natural healing ability. FSM frequencies have been found to boost production of ATP in cells which repairs damaged tissues while aiding lymph circulation which reduces swelling.

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Microcurrents when applied to muscle tissue penetrate deep into its cells, where they stimulate and increase collagen and elastin synthesis – two essential structural proteins in our bodies which play an essential role in maintaining flexibility of muscles and joints. This can help restore elasticity while increasing flexibility of muscles and joints.

As a result of this work, many patients report reduced pain and improved mobility – though the results can differ depending on your particular case. Furthermore, muscle changes created through treatment are long lasting; although patients may require maintenance treatments.

Effects are believed to be caused by resonance of frequencies with cell energy, increasing cell energy while simultaneously improving communication among them. Frequencies chosen for each session vary depending on what condition is being treated – these therapies have proven successful with treating over 300 conditions such as nerve and muscle pain, inflammation and dissolving scar tissue.


At the center of each treatment is the client laying comfortably while currents are administered through clips attached to towels on their body. Treatment typically does not cause discomfort and often leaves clients experiencing either tingling sensations or feelings of warmth over the area being treated.

Hydration is essential both before and after receiving a treatment as electric current passes through cells of your body, altering hydration levels in cells and having an impactful effect on their effectiveness. We advise drinking at least one quart of water on treatment days; for optimal results we advise drinking additional quarts in advance of your appointment.

How Does FSM Work?

Frequency microcurrent therapy works like an invisible push on your body’s natural healing system, using tiny electrical currents similar to what nerves use to target areas in need of assistance and reduce pain, inflammation, or speed healing from injuries. It may help alleviate discomfort while speeding recovery time after injury has taken place.

FSM utilizes different energetic frequencies that resonate with different cellular functions to provide effective treatments for numerous conditions, from muscle pain relief and flexibility improvement, eliminating toxins, improving circulation, breaking down scar tissue and relieving headaches to relieving headaches altogether. FSM offers many advantages that make it such an effective remedy for treating so many health issues; its broad array of benefits is what allows it to be so successful at treating numerous issues effectively. These advantages include reduced muscle pain, improved joint function and flexibility improvements, elimination of toxins, improved circulation enhancement as well as relieving headaches from headaches etc.

FSM frequencies can be combined in various combinations to address specific clinical issues. One combination has been proven to quickly eliminate pain associated with shingles within 20 minutes; another frequency has shown to dissolve and soften scar tissue quickly and completely; plus FSM has proven successful at treating chronic pain syndromes like Fibromyalgia.

FSM uses gentle frequencies that are safe to use on virtually anyone, making sessions almost universally suitable. If you have implanted devices such as pacemakers or similar, however, it’s wise to discuss their function with your practitioner first as no one knows whether any interference may arise with them. Furthermore, pregnant women are advised against scheduling FSM sessions as some frequencies can alter uterine changes during gestation.

Prep yourself for your treatment sessions by staying properly hydrated – at least eight ounces of water should be consumed over the four hours leading up to your appointment, ideally with electrolytes added for even greater benefit from treatments. Hydration also helps your body alleviate any negative side effects associated with frequency therapies; some individuals may initially be sensitive to these frequencies but this can be minimized by beginning at lower dosage levels and gradually increasing it as necessary.

What are the Benefits of FSM?

FSM therapy can benefit many conditions by decreasing pain, inflammation and improving function. Scar tissue removal may be used as part of treating chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia; furthermore it appears capable of altering muscle structure as well as ligaments and tendons to increase mobility while simultaneously decreasing pain levels.

Studies have demonstrated that FSM can increase ATP production by as much as 500% in injured tissues, which allows more energy to flow freely and encourages healing more readily. Other research indicates that its frequencies also stimulate anti-inflammatory molecules while simultaneously decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines – leading to decreased pain, swelling, redness, stiffness in muscles joints bones discs nerves.

FSM works by interfering with a cell’s electromagnetic field. This interaction may help depolarize cell membranes more easily so nutrients can enter cells more readily, stimulate repair mechanisms within cells, or increase protein synthesis which both support tissue healing.

FSM treatments are non-invasive and gentle; its currents are so low that patients often do not feel them; however, patients may notice warmth or softening of the area treated which indicates the frequency being used is having the desired impact.

FSM can be very successful at treating neck and back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, FSM has also proven useful in treating some forms of shingles, ear infections, sinus issues and bladder conditions; and is sometimes combined with acupuncture.

Everyone can benefit from frequency microcurrent treatments; it is just important that if you are planning to try them you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated before the treatment and avoid caffeine or stimulants on the day of your appointment. Also if you have a pacemaker some frequencies shouldn’t be used across your chest; during pregnancy they aren’t advised either.

What are the Side Effects of FSM?

FSM treatments provide patients with a soothing warmth and palpable tissue softening without stimulating sensory nerves, making the treatments completely painless. FSM has also been proven to decrease cortisol levels which may help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Electrical currents used in FSM are very mild – approximately one millionth of an ampere – and completely safe for most people. FSM frequencies have been specifically chosen to facilitate natural healing of affected tissues while simultaneously relieving pain. If you suffer from shoulder pain arising from muscles, tendons, bursae, nerves or bones – there will likely be an appropriate frequency available that will provide relief and bring comfort.

FSM can even work on conditions that are hard to treat, like shingles. Studies have revealed that certain frequencies combined together have successfully eliminated pain within 20 minutes and led to lesions drying up within two days; FSM is also highly effective against pain associated with sprains and strains.

Although FSM cannot yet fully explain how it alters muscle tissue, we do know that its frequencies help remove scar tissue and adhesions in muscles, leading to long-lasting changes – many of our patients have reported permanent results after just one treatment!

Due to this, it’s essential that you drink lots of water both before and after sessions to ensure you stay well hydrated. Your body acts as an excellent conductor of electricity, so drinking ample amounts will only add more value and enhance any benefits from your sessions.

Not everyone will benefit from receiving this form of therapy; those with pacemakers or implanted pumps should not get this done; pregnant women should consult their physician first before having this therapy done; there are certain frequencies which should not be used on new scar tissue (within six weeks), so make sure your practitioner knows if you’re eligible before beginning.

FSM can be an excellent complement to other forms of manual therapy and is an invaluable treatment option for virtually every condition, including circulation issues, inflammation reduction, pain relief and nervous system stimulation. Give this exciting and revolutionary method for chronic pain management a try today and schedule a free FSM consultation!


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