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What is Frequency Therapy?

Frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) therapy is a low-energy approach that uses frequencies to alter pain, function and structure in order to create change in pain, function, structure and other aspects. FSM has been successfully used to treat many conditions including fibromyalgia, arthritis, back and neck injuries, shingles rash, kidney stones as well as many others.

FSM utilizes microcurrent, which is measured in millionths of an amp and produced by your own cells – providing noninvasive therapy solutions.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) uses a unique device to deliver healing currents to the body non-invasively and painlessly. It’s a non-invasive, painless technique that boosts cellular energy production while stimulating tissue repair. With its combination of frequencies it has also been shown to decrease pain levels and speed recovery. Currents used are extremely mild – only one millionth of an ampere is produced – just as cells in your own body produce currents!

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FSM therapy works to reset communication links between the brain, brain stem and spinal cord that regulate and perceive pain signals, while simultaneously increasing ATP production – the main energy source for all cell functions and processes – and increasing oxygen levels in the bloodstream to allow quicker tissue healing. FSM can also improve circulation while decreasing pain in joints and muscles.

FSM can be used to treat various conditions, such as migraines and headaches, joint pain, back pain, arthritis and asthma attacks. Furthermore, it can ease breathing by decreasing inflammation in the lungs, alleviate anxiety and depression as well as improve sleep by using frequencies in FSM to “reset” or reset your brain – and reverse any imbalances causing such symptoms.

FSM can be an invaluable addition to physical therapy sessions. Its key strength lies in treating hard-to-reach areas of the body that cannot be addressed through massage or other manual techniques; using its soft connective tissues like muscle and fascia that may be holding on to scar tissue or mineral deposits contributing to pain and dysfunction, FSM is used as an add-on treatment method.


Tri-Life Health licensed physical therapists Jeanne Scheele and Pat Alomar use FSM in their plans of care for their patients, finding it helpful in relieving inflammation and pain associated with various clinical conditions like fibromyalgia, back and neck injuries, arthritis, IBD/IBS as well as softening scar tissue.

FSM therapy can be an invaluable addition to your treatment plan for chronic pain or injury. To find out if FSM could be beneficial to you, schedule a consultation appointment with one of our qualified healthcare providers.

It is safe

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) therapy is an excellent noninvasive solution to many ailments, making it suitable for almost any part of the body. A physical therapist inputs specific frequencies into a programmable microcurrent device; then these frequencies are sent out through specific areas on the body in order to entrain tissues back to their optimal resonant frequency, relieving tension and encouraging healing.

As part of your treatment, you may experience slight tingling and the sensation that your muscles are moving in ways they hadn’t before. This is because frequencies working on a cellular level to improve communication and nerve signalling in the affected area; microcurrent also stimulates new cell production to speed healing processes more quickly while reaching deep, skeletal muscles which other manual therapies such as massage cannot.

Chronic pain sufferers frequently report that receiving therapy helped alleviate their symptoms, as the frequencies help to reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and ease muscle tension. Furthermore, they may help ease respiratory ailments or asthma symptoms as well as raise oxygen levels which helps prevent flare-ups of symptoms.

FSM therapy not only relieves pain, but can also aid gastrointestinal conditions such as acid reflux and IBS, increase range of motion and improve sleep quality – it has even been shown to enhance other treatments like acupuncture and massage!

FSM can be safely used for treating many health issues, and may provide an effective alternative to medications and surgery. However, certain conditions do not make for suitable FSM use; such as acute infections and newly sustained strains or sprains (within six weeks).

FSM can not only treat pain and other symptoms, but can also provide a means to relieve stress and anxiety. Furthermore, FSM helps balance energy centres known as chakras in your body – for instance the 417Hz frequency from Solfeggio scale has been suggested to be beneficial in harmonizing sacral chakra.

It is effective

Frequency specific microcurrent, or FSM, is an emerging treatment system which employs frequencies and microamperage current to alleviate symptoms and promote health. It works by restoring appropriate vibrational patterns to cells while simultaneously increasing production of ATP energy sources that fuel all cellular reactions – as well as helping decrease pain while increasing range of motion.

Microcurrent therapy employs extremely gentle frequencies; microcurrent is a tiny electric current measuring one millionth of an ampere that works much less powerfully than your body’s natural cell current. Microcurrent can be safely used on all skin types and provides effective relief for chronic pain or difficulty moving joints.

Frequency specific microcurrent not only facilitates healing, but it can also reduce toxicity and balance chakras. The frequencies utilized are part of the Solfeggio frequency scale which has long been linked with healing power; such as 417Hz known to restore harmony to sacral chakra and 432Hz considered sacred tone of peace and love.

FSM therapy can be particularly useful in relieving nerve, muscle and joint pain as well as inflammation and dissolving scar tissue. FSM has also proven itself effective at helping patients suffering from conditions like fibromyalgia, shingles and inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, FSM has also shown itself beneficial at improving heart function by lowering blood pressure as well as eliminating toxins associated with kidney stones while simultaneously relieving pain from this painful condition.

Many physical therapists are now offering this technique as part of their client treatment plans. A skilled practitioner typically uses a small device that emits high-frequency pulsating electrical current that penetrates deeply into muscles and cells for effective muscle relaxation and healing. It can also be combined with other therapies, including acupuncture or massage therapy treatments for optimal results.

Though its precise effects remain to be established, clinical trials and research suggest that FSM frequencies resonate with biologic tissue to alter its structure and function; scars often soften over time while trigger points become easier to manage with FSM using appropriate frequencies.

It is affordable

Frequency therapy is an innovative healing approach that has recently experienced explosive growth, employing electromagnetic frequencies to facilitate natural healing and balance the body’s energy centers. It has proven successful for treating stress relief and chakra healing among many other conditions; frequency therapy devices like tuning forks and solfeggio frequencies may even be used to treat cancer and other serious medical conditions.

Frequency healing works on the principle that every cell, tissue and organ possess its own electromagnetic frequency that may become disrupted or out-of-balance due to illness and disease. As an alternative therapy approach to invasive treatments like surgery and pharmaceutical drugs, frequency healing provides an alternative safe means of relieving pain while improving overall health.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is a noninvasive treatment that uses electrical current to deliver specific frequencies into the body. This low amp current is safe for all body areas and used to stimulate cells in tissues to produce more ATP, the primary fuel used by all cellular reactions and recovery processes. FSM frequencies have been mapped against thousands of health conditions; many clients report improvements within five sessions of FSM treatment.

Sound frequency healing has also proven highly successful, as it activates the vagus nerve to trigger your body’s rest, digest, and restore mode, or parasympathetic nervous system. This process reduces muscle tension while improving circulation and encouraging healthy energy flow throughout the body.

Sound frequency therapy is both cost-effective and straightforward to administer at home, making it the ideal treatment solution for busy individuals who may otherwise struggle to access traditional therapy services. Instead of needing expensive equipment and training programs for traditional therapies such as aromatherapy or physical therapy, this alternative therapy uses everyday items like tuning forks or your voice for treatment purposes – making it more accessible than ever for busy people who want an easy solution that has potential to treat chronic pain, anxiety or depression.


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