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DNA Can Bend Or Wrap Light Around Itself

Geneticists and linguists have recently made an important discovery: DNA can bend light around itself! This could have profound ramifications for how we understand life itself.

Science Advances published the results of their experiment. Here they discussed their experience observing strange replica structures in DNA samples exposed to red and IR light radiation.

How did he come up with the idea?

Peter Gariaev first observed what has since become known as the DNA Phantom Effect while conducting correlation spectroscopy on DNA, ribosomes and collagen samples in the mid 1980s. When exposed to electromagnetic fields at certain frequency ranges, luminous phantom images would appear around it that mimicked its shape as well as other objects around it; these would last 10-15 seconds and could be recorded onto film for further study by other scientists around the world. Since its discovery this phenomenon has been replicated many times.

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At this juncture, Peter realized that what mainstream science had deemed junk DNA was actually quite the contrary – in fact, non-coding sequences of nucleotides in DNA functioned like an organic language with grammar rules similar to spoken language! Peter and his team (composed of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic Scientists) came to recognize that human genome holographic coding could serve as a powerful tool in understanding health conditions such as illness while even potentially being reprogrammed using sound frequencies from sound or light frequencies.

Dr Gariaev conducted numerous other experiments to demonstrate that DNA contains information in the form of electromagnetic and acoustic holograms that can be captured and transmitted via resonant frequencies. One notable experiment involved shone low-power laser light through Salamander embryos in one container into Frog embryos in another container, which later developed into adult Salamanders.

Another experiment involved placing a bacterium in a quartz cuvette and then exposing it to a high-frequency electromagnetic field. As a result, the bacteria changed its form, reproducing itself with great accuracy after being exposed to such an electromagnetic field – providing further proof that cellular memory exists and our genetic code represents an encoded version of who we truly are.


What are the implications of his work?

Gariaev‘s breakthrough discovery that our DNA functions not just biochemically but also via wave phenomena has profound ramifications for understanding genetics. Additionally, his research suggests that our genes could be reprogrammed through exposure to electromagnetic fields of specific frequencies – something with profound potential applications in medicine as well as other scientific areas of investigation.

Gariaev‘s experiments employ an innovative approach to studying DNA. His team includes biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguistic experts who have made some amazing discoveries – for instance finding evidence that non-coding sections of DNA exhibit structural similarities to human language – suggesting our genes could possibly use both biochemical and informational coded messages as their means of communicating. This has given rise to an entirely new field known as genetic linguistics which could one day show us our genes “speak” an interpretive way.

Gariaev‘s research into the holographic properties of DNA has demonstrated its reprogrammability with electromagnetic frequencies. Furthermore, he was able to transmit electromagnetic signatures of specific DNA sequences into water via homeopathic dilutions of this DNA in PCR for reconstruction; showing its potential as an instant genetic communication medium over long distances.

His groundbreaking research also includes transmitting the correct resonant frequencies of healthy cells or even whole organisms to damaged organs, helping them heal by transmitting healthy resonant frequencies back into them. This was demonstrated when laboratory rats were fed with pancreatic toxin that causes diabetes and then given treatment with healthy pancreas resonant frequencies; within 10 days 90% survived and had returned to normal function!

Dr Gariaev conducted numerous experiments that utilized the principles and technology of his Sound Matrix. For instance, in one such test he utilized healthy cell resonance frequencies to treat autoimmune disease in animals as well as serious illnesses in other ways. One experiment even involved giving laboratory rats toxic substances that typically kill them within days but over 90% survived to regain normal pancreatic function- even those that lived more than 20km away from the source of Sound Matrix!

What are the results?

Experiments conducted using ultraviolet radiation yield intriguing results, including what are tentatively understood to be replica images of either DNA samples or five red lamps used to irradiate them as well as white phantom variants.

Peter Gariaev, inventor of the Phantom DNA Effect and founder of Wave Genetics passed away in 2020 but his pioneering work will live on. He served on the DNADJ Advisory Board and published numerous groundbreaking scientific papers during his life.


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