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Dr Irene Caesar Talks About Remote Management of Biosystems by Bioholography

dr peter gariaev irene ceasae

Dr. Irene Caesar, President of WAVE GENOME LLC, addressed “REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF BIOSYSTEMS BY BIOHOLOGRAPHY” at BIT’s 9th World Gene Convention-2018. Her theory, which incorporates DNA fractal representations, human verbal expression/speech patterns and wave genome theory explains how genetic collapse may be prevented!


WAVE GENOME LLC’s first pharmaceutical products produced for individual clients by WAVE GENOME LLC are customized digital drugs. These medications are based on Dr. Irene Caesar’s theory regarding Wave Optics in chromosomes, which states that every person differs in his/her Refraction Code towards Zero Center of their quantum wave-state of their chromosomes.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Refraction code is encoded into pharmaceutical drugs’ bioholograms by means of modulation to their scalar wave diffraction gratings, caused by reflection off of Zero Center of Wave Optics within their clients’ chromosomes, providing nonlocal, vibrational energy-free information delivery into the body through nonlocal information delivery channels such as bioholography holograms that link on-pack product authentication with supply chain management, market enforcement, and forensic support services.


Dr. Irene Caesar of WAVE GENOME LLC discusses their digital pharmacy products for personal bioholography drugs that will become available as of January 2021. (c) IRENE CAESAR and WAVE GENOME LLC

Gurwitsch investigated rays that appear to emanate from our bodies and are transmitted across space, but were discredited by Irving Langmuir as pathological science. Anna carried on this research after his death and demonstrated its existence at a laboratory in Novosibirsk in 1962.

These rays, often referred to as the “ether of life”, travel throughout our environment just like electromagnetic spectrum waves but at higher frequencies than light or radio waves. Their use ranges from communicating between cells within our bodies to transmitting information between ourselves and the outside world.

The RA SARCOPHAGUS is an innovative scientific device which records holographic signals of pharmaceutical drugs as recreated bioholograms on electret chips, providing bioholograms which can be encoded on nanolevel modulators allowing delivery of personalized bioholographic digital drugs that contain information on your client’s genetic matrix.

Quantum BIOCOMPUTING technology forms the basis for a new era of rejuvenation and health; being utilized to produce pharmaceutical products to address rejuvenation, health, agriculture, as well as providing insight into WAVE OPTICS IN CHROMOSOMES by Irene Caesar; creating “lenses” that aid chromosomes to correct their refraction to focus genetic bioholographic information both locally and remotely through our cells’ DNA/RNA molecules diffraction grating patterns; this allows for creation of the new AGE OF REJUVENATION/HEALTH AND GREEN TECHNOLOGY; while serving as the underpinning technology behind our new global network known as the QUANTUM BIOINTERNET.


Dr Gariaev has discovered that genetic code does not merely consist of nucleotide triplets but forms an entire biological language similar to spoken speech. As a result, his theory holds that DNA exists as part of a holographic continuum which can be reprogrammed via frequencies; potentially leading to biosystem creation as well as life-changing technologies like remote healing.

As part of his research, Peter Gariaev employed homeopathic dilutions of bacterial DNA that transferred their signature frequency to pure water and then reconstructed them to discover that they still maintained the ability to form original DNA sequences. This approach is similar to that used by Luc Montagnier when conducting his E/M coil experiment; although his approach was much less sophisticated compared to Gariaev who utilized more advanced technologies like torsion lasers.

Data generated from this experiment revealed that, when DNA is exposed to radiation, it produces what are tentatively interpreted as replica images of both its actual DNA sample and the five red lamps used to irradiate it. When this irradiated DNA is then scanned by another machine, its same polarized modulations is recorded onto photographic plates – this being evidence that DNA holds information about its environment from which it originated.

Furthermore, irradiated DNA can transmit its electromagnetic radiation to other materials, including gold. When exposed to gold it caused an electrical current to flow through in a similar fashion to when transmitting electromagnetic radiation through itself; similar results were achieved with silver as it acts as a conductor for DNA’s electromagnetic radiation.

Dr Gariaev‘s research has led him to believe that the holographic principle applies not only to physical matter, but also energy and information. Therefore, he proposes the establishment of “Linguistic Wave Genetics”, where genomic DNA can be considered a hologram whose frequency can be encoded or decoded to translate between human languages.


Irene Caesar has revolutionized the field of digital pharmacy by recording not frequencies (waves), but holographic signals of wave matrices in digitized bioholograms that she created herself of pharmaceutical drugs. Holographic signals encode electrets on nanolevel and can be recorded using lasers in much the same way photons are detected by cameras; she has also recorded digital bioholograms of healthy human embryonic stem cell waves as well as single cells from healthy organs – creating technology which will enable remote management of these systems.

Humankind needs bioholography as the only solution to stop its imminent genetic collapse and to extend human life beyond our current limitations. All transhumanist models of gene editing that rely on global AI or brain-computer interfaces are obsolete technologies from before the Quantum Era; bioholography provides the solution by mastering its geometric optics of chromosomes with their holographic signals.

At BIT’s 9th World DNA Day-2018 in Dalian, China (April 25-27th 2018), Irene Caesar presented the Information-Wave Technology of Laser Bioholography for Remote Management of Biosystems By Harnessing Wave Optics of Chromosomes.

Human chromosomes are not simply sequences of genes but instead act as nonlocal wave matrices that focus individual genetic information via its scalar wave diffraction gratings. A gene expresses itself differently between dysfunctional individuals who carry an acrocentric chromosome and functional ones who carry metacentric ones – leaving many wondering why this occurs.

This unique property of the chromosome allows digitized bioholograms of embryonic stem cells to be remotely analyzed and managed via an advanced computer program, creating the basis of a revolutionary new paradigm in medicine and biology: Quantum Biocomputing has many applications in biomedical engineering and rejuvenation applications, according to Dr. Irene Caesar (President of Wave Genome LLC and founder of Quantum Biointernet, which pioneered remote management bioholography technology and preservation of nature).


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