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Dr Peter Gariaev and the Function of DNA

Dr Gariaev and his team of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists, and linguistic experts revealed that DNA functions on both an informational and wave level; non-coding DNA follows grammatical structures and logic rules as well.

He conducted an experiment in which laboratory rats were administered pancreatic toxin and died, while another group that received DNA information taken from healthy pups survived and had their pancreases regrow and become functional again.

Dr. Peter Gariaev’s Diabetes Cure

Dr Peter Gariaev, an Eminent Scholar of both Russian Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Science of New York, knew it would take more than sequencing nucleotides and codons to successfully examine DNA. To assemble his team for study of DNA, Dr Gariaev brought in Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic experts – they discovered that so-called junk DNA that mainstream science had discounted was vital to cell function – with codon sequence following rules similar to spoken language!

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His team discovered that this information exists as vibrations throughout an organism and forms nodes on a universal hologram. Furthermore, they determined that this field can be altered with sound frequencies through words; leading them to create “Linguistic Wave Genetics”, an innovative technique for altering DNA through sound rather than chemical modifications.

Gariaev‘s team conducted one of their most notable experiments by administering laboratory rats a pancreatic toxin that caused diabetes. While control rats died within six days, those that received information encoded from healthy pancreases survived with functional pancreases.

This proves that information from healthy organs can be passed along to those with unhealthy ones and cause them to regenerate, similar to what natural healing products such as herbs or royal jelly employ.


Dr. Peter Gariaev’s Diabetes Treatment

Dr Gariaev, who was an honorary member of both the Russian Academy of Sciences and New York Academy of Arts and Science, understood that to fully comprehend DNA he needed more than simply sequencing nucleotides and codons. To this end he assembled an interdisciplinary team composed of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguists; ultimately this lead him to discover that so-called junk DNA, usually disregarded by mainstream science, was actually essential in comprehending how cells worked!

Gariaev and his team have demonstrated that DNA contains genetic information in both particle and wave forms, as well as possessing grammatical syntax for controlling protein translation through language. Furthermore, their discovery shows that the entire genome exists as an alterable holographic continuum that can be altered using frequency such as sound or words.

His team conducted numerous experiments exposing laboratory rats to a pancreatic toxin that caused diabetes. All control rats died within six days while those exposed to the DNA hologram of a healthy pancreas survived and experienced functioning pancreases – similar experiments were done over an area of 20 km with similar results!

Gariaev and his team have captured the DNA holograms of healthy individuals to treat those suffering from various medical conditions – such as diabetics, cancer patients, asthmatics and those living with autoimmune diseases. Their treatment method involves taking their photo shortly after birth and then transmitting their DNA hologram through a speaker system; some have reported full recovery whilst others reported reduced symptoms.

Dr. Peter Gariaev’s Diabetes Prevention

Dr Peter Gariaev was a renowned Russian geneticist who pioneered Wave Genetics. His groundbreaking research helped pave the way for Linguistic Wave Genetics (altering DNA with sound). As both a member of both the Russian Academy of Sciences and New York Academy of Science, Gariaev recognized that his approach would require more than simply sequencing nucleotides and codons; so he assembled an inter-disciplinary team consisting of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists as well as Linguistic experts; together they discovered that what had been disregarded or disregarded by western mainstream science is actually vitally essential in cell function.

Gariaev discovered that DNA functions both wave- and particle-wise, carrying information in electromagnetic and acoustic waves as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms. By harnessing healthy organ information to correct dysfunctional ones back into health, he conducted an experiment in which rats were administered pancreatic toxin that caused diabetes; control group rats died within six days while those exposed to DNA from healthy pup rat survived with functional pancreases once more.

Prevention is always preferable to cure, and Gariaev‘s approach offers an effective and natural means of doing just that. By having your baby photographed soon after birth and listening to it regularly according to instructions, you can rest easy knowing your body will continue functioning optimally throughout your life.

Dr. Peter Gariaev’s Diabetes Recovery

Dr. Peter Gariaev, an honorary member of both the Russian Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Science in New York, knew that studying DNA would require much more than sequencing nucleotides and codons. To aid his research he assembled a team consisting of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic experts; together they discovered that so-called junk DNA, often ignored and disregarded by western mainstream science, actually contains vital information necessary for cells to function normally.

He also discovered that DNA works on both wave and particle levels, and its genetic code contains grammatical syntax which can control protein translation using language. He demonstrated this with an experiment where lab rats were given pancreatic toxin which caused diabetes; those exposed to DNA information captured from healthy pup rat survived and their pancreases began functioning normally once more.

He proved that information contained within DNA could be altered using frequency such as sounds and words, thus opening the way for Linguistic Wave Genetics (altering DNA with sounds). Unfortunately, when he passed away in November 2020 with only his work barely being acknowledged in national or scientific media outlets.


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