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Dr Piotr Gariaev and the New Wave Genetics

Gariaev and his team of geneticists and linguists have shown that DNA sequences exhibit structural similarities to human languages. He has also shown how DNA codon sequences can be modified through sound and language to reprogram them for use.

His research led him to form his groundbreaking theory: Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics. Not only are its characteristics linguistic and holographic in nature, but his experiments demonstrate how DNA can travel instantaneously over vast distances!

DNA as a Hologram

Classical genetics emphasizes how nucleotides in DNA are translated to proteins for transcription and translation. Dr Gariaev‘s research indicates that our DNA operates like light waves in holograms. According to his theory, we could transmit genetic information instantly over long distances by altering electromagnetic and sound frequencies surrounding our DNA molecules.

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Gariaev used a laser to monitor the polarization of DNA samples exposed to low-energy electromagnetic waves. He observed an interference pattern similar to what one finds with holograms; this suggests that DNA displays an anamorphic nature, permitting it to store large volumes of data within small volumes.

This groundbreaking discovery could revolutionise genetics. Scientists could use DNA holograms to transmit genetic programs capable of correcting mutations, reversing age-related effects and healing diseased cells. Dr Gariaev and his team have conducted successful tests using mice; and results proved their theory successfully healed mutant mice via their newly reprogrammed DNA.

Another surprising finding was that DNA reprogramming didn’t just affect one gene or protein; rather, it affected all genes within an organism as well as interactions among them – suggesting that our genetic code isn’t just composed of linear codons but encompasses complex interconnected networks with intertwined information fields.


Gariaev and his team have demonstrated that creating a physical vacuum around a sample of DNA can alter its electromagnetic and sound frequencies surrounding it, leading to changes in electromagnetic and sound frequencies surrounding it, which in turn cause changes in electromagnetic and sound frequencies surrounding it, leading to changes in electromagnetic frequencies surrounding DNA that ultimately result in its reprogramming at long distances.

This groundbreaking research has led to the establishment of a revolutionary new discipline known as Wave Genetics or Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics. Also known as Lingvistiko-wave genetics, this discipline brings together concepts from biology, physics, quantum theory, linguistics and Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics into one theoretical construct which views our genes as Quantum Biocomputers with consciousness components – functioning with both holographic and soliton properties which help solve many medical issues such as curing diseases or lengthening lifespan.

Transmitting Genetic Information

Genetic information can often raise ethical considerations that differ significantly from those raised by other medical, technological or scientific fields. Much of this distinction can be explained by how people view genetic information: as a book of life or blueprint for an organism; Rosetta stone or Holy Grail. Such powerful metaphors have captured public imagination and fuelled debate about genetic exceptionalism.

Gene-related information raises complex privacy and confidentiality issues, particularly when used for medical diagnosis. Physicians must obtain consent before disclosing testing results to patients or family members; this may prove challenging when the test results reveal serious medical concerns that require further attention from healthcare providers. Furthermore, genetic tests reveal intimate details about an individual’s family tree that violate their right to privacy.

Employer use of genetic information can pose ethical dilemmas. While such information may provide useful insights for businesses, it runs counter to workers’ rights of nondiscrimination for health reasons as well as protecting their privacy rights. Existing antidiscrimination and privacy legislation may provide them with protection.

As well as its linguistic and holographic properties, DNA appears to possess quantum characteristics. Scientists have observed that genetic sequences from different organisms can be instantly accessed or transmitted across vast distances. This could suggest quantum entanglement as a form of instant genetic communication.

Security of genetic information is of utmost concern for various stakeholders, including insurers, patients and the general public. All parties involved must take measures to protect genetic information systems against compromise by either malicious actors or human error; this includes protecting biorepositories as well as transporting, storing and disposing biological samples securely.

Genetic information systems must be safeguarded against cyberattacks and insider threats to ensure maximum protection. To do this, an exhaustive audit must be undertaken of all hardware, software, networked communications that handle genetic data as well as their vulnerabilities; standard security tools and techniques such as vulnerability scanning, packet monitoring, threat modeling, configuration assessment, digital forensics assessments or full-stack assessments must also be utilized to protect genetic data systems.

Reprogramming DNA

Scientists have recently developed methods of turning nondescript adult cells into astonishingly life-like versions of specific cell types using specific mixtures of molecules, known as reprogramming. Reprogrammed cells provide insight into how our bodies work by watching as cells transform into neurons, kidney cells, or other tissues – as well as studying diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and heart disease develop over time.

Reprogramming relies on activating certain genes that govern how cells form their characteristic shapes and functions, including c-Myc. By itself, c-Myc can revert differentiated cells back to pluripotency and spur formation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Reprogramming becomes even more effective if fused with other pluripotency-promoting genes like Oct4, Sox2, or Esrrb; such combinations enable transformation of mammalian somatic cells into iPS cells or induced pluripotent stem cells.

One major barrier to reprogramming is DNA methylation, which silences genes in differentiated cells. Methylation often occurs at gene promoters surrounded by CpG dinucleotides known as CpG islands; such sites lead to gene silencing by either inhibiting transcription factor binding or drawing in repressive histone proteins that bind directly to promoters to block interactions between proteins and promoters. Reversing DNA methylation requires multistep enzymatic reactions including recruitment of enzymes directly onto genome sites followed by demethylation followed by base excision repair of damaged DNA repair of damaged bases.

In the lab, DNA containing instructions for reprogramming is packaged into a small molecule and delivered to cells growing on plates for cultivation. When bound to its target region of DNA, this reprogramming molecule triggers cellular responses leading to pluripotency stem cell formation. Scientists are actively exploring remaining obstacles preventing complete and efficient reprogramming into specific cell types; studying genomic imprinting as well as other mechanisms which regulate this process and exploring remotely activating DNA using laser.

Healing DNA

Dr Gariaev has scientifically demonstrated the capacity of sound and light to heal DNA. To investigate, he assembled a multidisciplinary team composed of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic experts. Their investigation discovered that “junk DNA”, previously considered useless leftovers of evolution by Western mainstream science, actually contains highly intricate linguistic structures which can be programmed using frequencies similar to how spoken words follow grammatical rules – thus opening up an entirely new field called wave genetics!

Gariaev‘s research has unlocked one of the greatest discoveries yet in genetic information storage; that DNA holds genetic information as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms that emit weak beams of light (biophotons) throughout our bodies that can be transmitted over long distances, or even used to repair damaged DNA. His team conducted several experiments that demonstrated this idea successfully: they successfully transferred information captured from healthy pancreas rats to damaged ones with successful results in 90% of cases; 90% survived and their pancreas regained normal function after 20 km transmission! This information could even repair damaged DNA!

DNA’s holographic quality is further strengthened by its strong connections to water; every turn of DNA double helix contains one water molecule between each turn; this allows homeopathic dilutions of DNA to transfer its signature frequency into “blank” pure water, where it can then be recreated using PCR technology. Similar phenomena have also been witnessed with other sequences and signals such as electromagnetic or acoustic frequencies.

Gariaev‘s team has made another fascinating discovery with DNA’s ability to polarize or bend light and wrap it around itself. This was demonstrated when exposed to different wavelengths of red light; replicas formed that were identical to images produced by five red bulbs, suggesting its ability to store genetic information as a holographic signal.

Gariaev‘s team has also discovered that specific frequencies can activate certain regions of DNA to turn them active, effectively reprogramming it to correct mutations and reverse some diseases like autism. This method could potentially create an individual Matrix that would provide personalized prevention against disease and promote optimal health throughout their lives.


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