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Holographic Quantum Computer

Dr Gariaev captured DNA information of healthy pancreases and delivered it to sick rats at distances up to 20 km away, where 90 of them survived and returned to normal pancreatic function – this discovery marks an incredible breakthrough! This revolutionary breakthrough stands as evidence that science can work!

He discovered that our seemingly useless junk DNA contains grammar rules and creates its own biochemical language, giving rise to the concept of the genome-biocomputer continuum as a quantum hologram.

What is a Holographic Quantum Computer?

Our universe may be an intriguing hologram constructed out of quantum information, an intriguing notion dating back to black hole theorist John Wheeler and other researchers speculating during the 1980s that space-time could emerge like a hologram from bits of information. Leonard Susskind later elaborated upon this idea by suggesting that any region described by general relativity is equivalent–or “dual”–to a system of quantum particles on its lower-dimensional boundary.

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Physical scientists have been exploring holography for decades, yet its true potential to reveal hidden dimensions of our universe was unclear. But in 2016, Ping Gao and Daniel Jafferis from Harvard University and Aron Wall of the Institute for Advanced Study found a way to prop open wormholes without time travel paradoxes associated with gravity physics – their method making use of qubits’ strange laws; their work hinged on an entirely new theory of quantum gravity which suggested gravitational physics may actually lie hidden somewhere within these weird laws!

Juan Maldacena, a quantum gravity theorist at Princeton University, made great strides toward proof with his experiment. He found that anti-de Sitter, or AdS, space behaves just like the traversable wormholes seen here on Earth – in other words it contains particles which act just like those seen when viewing through its dual dimension in another dimension.

To demonstrate their teleportation method, physicists had to demonstrate they could create and transport information through a holographic wormhole. They accomplished this feat by entangling qubits–quantum bits of information–in minuscule superconducting circuits and then using quantum computers to change parameters of these qubits and create tunnels through which information could pass, according to Nature journal.


But in order to do this, they had to significantly simplify their protocol. To run a full teleportation scheme on Google’s state-of-the-art Sycamore 2 quantum computer – still relatively primitive – would require them to entangle almost infinitely many qubits and use hundreds of thousands of circuit operations; instead they used only seven qubits and hundreds of operations instead, as well as “sparsifying” their SYK model by only encoding its strongest four-way interactions for each qubit while leaving out any weaker interactions altogether.

The Holographic Quantum Computer Concept

Physicalists have long been fascinated by the notion that our three-dimensional world is a projection of processes occurring on a two-dimensional surface, like an aquarium’s 2-D surface. This belief helps explain why shining coherent light through fuzzy-looking overlapping waves in a 2D hologram can reconstruct images from it in three dimensions; and further suggests that our universe could be seen as an intricate network of frequencies emitting information as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms.

Physics scientists have spent over thirty years exploring how they can use the principles of holography to build quantum computers. To do so, physicists first must understand how physical laws permit virtual teleportation of particles entangled with one another; to teleport a particle, capture its polarization which corresponds to one qubit in a quantum system, and send its “blueprint”, the holographic pattern associated with its respective qubit, to another location in either the same or different quantum system.

Gariaev noted in the 1980s that when DNA molecules were exposed to laser light, their electromagnetic signature could still be measured and reproduced even after they had been physically removed from a scattering chamber. He concluded that such “phantom fields” served as evidence for nonlocality and holography.

As part of his and his colleagues’ efforts, they have developed a protocol that can teleport quantum particles through a wormhole. To test their work, the physicists turned to Sycamore, an advanced supercomputer designed for solving difficult problems. They were amazed to find that their prediction worked exactly as anticipated! Furthermore, when they examined quantum entanglement they discovered perfect size winding which is characteristic of holographic wormholes.

Though this breakthrough is significant, it remains too soon to conclude whether a holographic quantum computer will become practical. Jafferis and Spiropulu plan on publishing their results in Nature; their findings raise several interesting questions including whether holographic teleportation principle could be applied to quantum computing and whether subatomic particles can communicate instantaneously across distance and time gaps.

The Holographic Quantum Computer Design

The Holographic Quantum Computer design posits that information is encoded within the space-time fabric of our universe, meaning a quantum processor could send and receive instantaneous information over long distances without speed limits imposed by classical communications, as well as store it holographically so it would be accessible by any connected device – opening up many possibilities such as accurately predicting complex system behavior.

Holographic quantum computation may be more efficient than traditional models due to its non-local properties, where single qubit gates on bulk logical qubits are implemented as non-local boundary operations that collect and process information from multiple boundary qubits (see figure below). This non-locality may lead to faster algorithms for solving certain problems with natural geometric structures.

Holographic quantum computers also boast advantageous scaling properties; the code distance scales linearly with physical qubit count (unlike surface codes which scale logarithmically), which could enable larger logical qubit counts than current architectures allow while maintaining low error rates – an integral feature in creating fault-tolerant quantum computing solutions.

As another benefit, holographic quantum computing allows for efficient measurement across many boundary qubits simultaneously – something which could prove invaluable in quantum sensing applications such as Holographic Optical Tomography which allows doctors to examine patients’ brain structures without needing to remove them from an operating room environment.

Holographic quantum computing may also be utilized in performing complex network analyses, as many real-world networks exhibit hyperbolic structures which make them suitable for holographic algorithms. A team of physicists has already demonstrated how the holographic model can efficiently prune connections compared to traditional methods.

Holographic quantum computers could also have various other potential uses, including simulating curved spacetimes or post-quantum cryptography. Unfortunately, implementation in physical devices remains far off; one promising approach involves using ultracold atoms trapped in optical lattices to simulate the tensor network structure of holographic codes.

The Holographic Quantum Computer Simulation

Holographic quantum computing offers an innovative new framework for understanding and simulating quantum physics at the quantum level. Leveraging AdS/CFT geometry, it uses natural error correction mechanisms as well as faster algorithms with more connections to fundamental physics. Furthermore, its geometric interpretation suggests more efficient ways of encoding information within systems which could eventually lead to new scalable quantum architectures.

Holographic models take an approach that uses circuit depth as a geometric dimension, similar to AdS/CFT [63]. This provides a new way of considering quantum computer design, potentially leading to more efficient algorithms and lower computation times overall.

Holographic quantum computers can efficiently simulate large tensor networks by quantum-classically partitioning their computation. First it classically contracts outer layers of the network before encoding its core tensors into a quantum holographic state and performing quantum operations on it; finally the quantized state produced is measured and combined with classical outer layers for measurement; ultimately this approach leads to quadratic speedup over the most popular classical algorithms used for network contraction.

Holographic quantum computers can also be used to accelerate the application of quantum algorithms for problems like integer factorization and quantum cryptography. Shor’s integer factorization algorithm involves two steps – modular exponentiation and quantum Fourier transform (QFT). By employing the holographic approach, these two steps can be completed within O(n2 log n) boundary operations in the holographic model; this represents a considerable improvement over implementations using standard quantum computing models which require O(n log n).

One promising approach for implementing holographic quantum computing involves trapping ultracold atoms in optical lattices using ultracold atoms with Feshbach resonances to engineer its geometry, followed by quantum phase estimation for extracting information about holographic codes.

Holographic quantum computers can also be created using single atoms that serve both as qubits and scalers – an approach which could substantially lower costs associated with building such machines.


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