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Is Dr Peter Gariaev a Hoax?

What is Dr. Peter Gariaev?

Dr Gariaev claims he can alter DNA through soundwaves – which many scientists have dismissed as completely unbelievable. However, his work is slowly beginning to gain ground within scientific circles.

Dr Gariaev has assembled a team of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguistic experts. His research has demonstrated that what Western mainstream science considers “junk DNA” is actually an intricate genetic language containing codons which follow grammar-related rules similar to spoken languages.

His experiments have demonstrated that DNA can be altered using electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies, to reprogram a person’s genes into making them healthier again – even purporting to cure cancer and other illnesses! His methods also aim to reverse effects of aging and death by altering someone’s DNA before they die.

Why is he claiming to be able to cure cancer?

Dr Gariaev has developed the field of Wave Genetics. According to this science, DNA works like waves or information channels and can be programmed through frequency. He assembled a team of Biophysicists, Molecular biologists, embryologists and Linguistic experts in order to study this theory further and discovered that what mainstream scientists considered useless “junk DNA” actually played an essential role. They also discovered non-coding DNA had an intricate linguistic structure similar to spoken languages.

DNA’s unique relationship to water has long been understood. As evidenced by Luc Montagnier’s discovery that each gap in a double helix contains water molecules, and his use of homeopathic dilutions of water to transfer DNA signature frequency, PCR could reassemble its sequence. Later Gariaev expanded on this idea further by showing that the DNA hologram can also transmit its information in light form.
