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Peter Gariaev and Wave Genetics

Gariaev suggests that DNA exists as part of an evolving chromosome continuum that can be reprogrammed through frequency as language; this alters our conception of how DNA functions in ways previously thought impossible.

He suggests that over time the instructions of a perfectly healthy organism stored on DNA video tapes become corrupted over time and errors accumulate (DNA mutations). With this new understanding of our genetic apparatus becoming available, completely new technologies for healing individuals and extending their lifespan become feasible.

What is Wave Genetics?

Peter Gariaev has developed a revolutionary genetics technique that allows human bodies to communicate at the molecular level, using sound and light waves to program DNA. The method provides a way for the human body to heal itself in many different ways while providing greater understanding about itself as it grows and develops properly. However, for maximum effectiveness of this method it is imperative that its frequency be correct; otherwise it won’t work effectively; for this reason it is advised to consult a professional who can assist in finding out the optimal frequency for you personally.

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Gariaev‘s method involves using a laser and two orthogonal optical modes to record polarized modulations in biological structures scanned with laser light, then translating that data into a genetic program for application on living organisms’ DNA. Experiments have demonstrated how genetic programming can change DNA structures and alter gene expression patterns; their effects can even be observed within organism behavior.

This work holds significant ramifications for future medicine, as it demonstrates how our genomes can be programmed using language and thought alone. This represents an unprecedented breakthrough in understanding life itself and how our bodies operate – something which could potentially help cure or prevent diseases, create artificial organs and even complex machines!

Peter Gariaev made another groundbreaking discovery: DNA can bend and wrap itself around itself to attract photons and bend light – creating an effect similar to that of a hologram. This ability may play a part in certain diseases like Alzheimer’s.


Gariaev and his team’s research also demonstrated that DNA molecules can change their helicity from B-DNA to Z-DNA depending on brain function and stress. This change alters gene function which in turn modifies its overall shape and structure of DNA molecule.

How does Wave Genetics work?

Wave genetics is based on the concept that DNA possesses special abilities to attract photons and bend or wrap them around itself, enabling it to communicate and heal the body by sending information via waves. Furthermore, wave genetics suggests our genes are affected by environmental influences or emotional stressors and can change as our surroundings change – making it a revolutionary approach to the study of human genome that goes against established scientific knowledge.

Wave Genetics utilizes a frequency-stabilized Helium-Neon laser with two orthogonal optical modes to transfer genetic information between donor tissue and recipient tissues. Polarized laser photons transmit directly into DNA of donor tissues before being transformed into broad genetic-signal modulated radio waves for transmission onto recipient tissues as an encoded genetic code; then these radio waves are read out by recipient tissues, creating new cells with identical genetic information as the original cell.

Scientists have observed this phenomenon in numerous organisms, from mice and humans alike, and it has been dubbed the “DNA Phantom Effect.” It appears to cause DNA changes which cannot be explained using traditional genetic theories – for instance if two women engage in sexual intercourse they will eventually give birth to offspring with genetic characteristics from either partner – this evidence supports Wave Genetics theory as DNA leaves its mark in every generation.

Experiments conducted with dog’s tooth show that genetic information could be transferred between recipients via modulated photon polarization polarization; then transferred directly into their DNA where it was converted to canine genetic code and allowed regeneration in much the same manner as human gene information would.

Physical fields have long been employed as tools to influence biosystems in medicine and biology, usually through trial-and-error approaches for selecting modulations involving laser radiation, radio waves and acoustic signals sent through mechanical, electromechanical or acousto-optical modulators.

What are the Benefits of Wave Genetics?

This new theory of genetics draws upon laser physics, holography and quantum nonlocality as its foundation. This model proposes that DNA not only functions as chemical instructions but is also an accurate record of an organism. Furthermore, electromagnetic and acoustic waves could transmit information through DNA for transducing vital knowledge to revolutionary technologies in medicine, agriculture, computing and communication.

Gariaev made this point through homeopathic dilutions of bacteria to transfer their signature frequencies into pure water, which was then used to reconstruct their genomes. He conducted similar tests using frog and Salamander embryos whose DNA can be affected by electromagnetic and acoustic forces; Gariaev* discovered that living organisms could transmit their genetic codes using sound, words and holographic language – something with profound ramifications for future health as it shows our bodies can communicate long distances. This research could even open new avenues in terms of medical treatments as it shows us all how our bodies communicate over distances.

Gariaev has conducted multiple experiments to demonstrate his theory of wave genetics. He discovered that DNA can bend and fold itself under certain conditions, which may impact on living organisms’ behavior, as well as alter its shape when exposed to acoustic or electromagnetic energy.

In his most recent experiment, Dr. Levine used one of the most powerful lasers available to capture and record polarized modulations in biological structures. This allows him to create an exact digital copy of an organism’s entire genetic code – including all its chromosomes, cells, tissues and organs – enabling reconstruction using similar genetic code as its original.

Gariaev recently published a paper in which he proposed that genetic code in living organisms isn’t just chemical instructions; rather it can also be transmitted as sound, words and holographic languages. His theory built on research conducted by previous researchers who discovered that cells transmit genetic information via electromagnetic waves as well as carrying genetic instructions needed to build specific structures like eyes or hearts.

What are the Drawbacks of Wave Genetics?

Wave Genetics can be a confusing concept to most. This technique involves scanning photographs and converting them to sound frequencies for listening by patients; the theory being that listening to these sounds will help heal themselves; results have been impressive: regeneration and healing cases such as eye maculopathy recovery with vision recovery as well as cystic fibrosis cure have occurred using this approach.

Wave Genetics proposes that there are two genetic programs within our bodies; one geometric program and another text-based program which contains instructions and explanations on how to use each other – this latter one could be seen as our DNA video tapes.

Over time, DNA video tapes become damaged. As a result, our bodies become sick and eventually die; however, with Wave genetics’ help it is possible to renew and correct these videos so as to bring our bodies back into good health.

V. Adamenko in Russia conducted an interesting experiment in 1975 by placing cut leaves into an electromagnetic field and creating a visual image of it that appeared for 10-15 seconds, lasting on film. Scientists concluded this phenomenon could only have occurred due to quantum nonlocality of DNA; additionally they noted chromosome laser radiations were related to radio waves’ polarization planes in some way.

One important discovery was that one’s DNA can have traits from their first sexual partner, thanks to male or female DNA having phantom signatures that cannot be explained from traditional genetics perspective; such as when women who had sexual interactions with men of different races give birth to children that carry some of their genes.

Wave Genetics’ key strength lies in its ability to transfer biologically active substances’ properties directly into creams. This enables us to achieve results not possible otherwise and bypass potential stability and toxicities associated with chemical products; providing the basis for Quantum Information Cosmetology as a new direction in cosmetology.


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