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Peter Gariaev – The Matrix

Dr Gariaev‘s discovery of a sound matrix capable of recording a person’s DNA may seem futuristic at first, but its significance could transform lives! While his death in November 2020 was tragic, his legacy lives on.

He worked closely with biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguists in order to prove that DNA operates at both wave and particle levels and follows rules of grammar syntax; this led him to create Wave Genetics.


Dr Peter Gariaev discovered that organisms emit weak laser radiation through their DNA, making this one of the primary ways they communicate between cells of an organism. Furthermore, these laser rays serve both transmitters and receivers of information – as evidenced by his experiment wherein low-power light was shone through Salamander embryos in one container while Frog embryos in another; those belonging to Salamanders developed into adult Salamanders while those in Frogs did not. This suggests that genetic information sent via biophotons could “reprogramming” embryos as early as development by “reprogramming” them using biophotons rather than light.

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All living organisms, from plants to humans and viruses alike, produce biophotons – ultraweak photon emissions of electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum – which differs from bioluminescence which involves visible light emission using the luciferin-luciferase mechanism observed in some organisms.

These light pulses are released spontaneously by living systems and often remain hidden to the naked eye. Biophotonic wavelengths range between 300 and 700nm with no sharp peaks in their spectrum distribution, estimated intensity being several hundred photons per second.

Biophoton emissions can be absorbed by natural chromophores such as porphyrin rings, flavi1nic and pyridinic rings, lipid chromophores, and caromatic amino acids; in turn they reflect off biological structures they’re found within. Biophoton emission has been seen to significantly increase at two major time points during metamorphosis: before pupal ecdysis and afterwards.


Changes in biophoton activity are apparent under various physiological and pathological conditions, including mechanical or thermal stresses, mitochondrial respiration, metabolic stress, the cell cycle, cancer growth and aging. They also appear during neural communication signals such as stimulation of one end of spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulting in significant biophoton changes at its other end.

Frohlich suggests that changes to biophotonic activity result from quantum mechanically coupled resonances between vibrating cell constituents. Their natural vibration period determines their frequency; higher frequencies correspond to smaller molecules.


Holography is the science of creating three-dimensional images using light. First developed in 1948 by Dennis Gabor – who won the Nobel Prize for Physics that year – this process allowed realistic holograms that retain parallax and depth that can be seen without needing special glasses to view them.

Holograms work similarly to mirrors; their images initially appear as stripes and whorls, but when illuminated by coherent light (such as laser beam), it reassembles all scattered light to form an exact copy of its source object – this process is also known as reconstruction holography.

Holograms are three-dimensional representations of physical objects that accurately capture their shapes, sizes and other physical characteristics. Holograms consist of laser beams interacted to produce images which mimic physical reality; diaphragms, musical instruments and vibrating steam turbine blades can all produce images that capture mechanical vibrating systems such as diaphragms.

At movies, you may have witnessed 3D holograms of characters from Star Wars or other sci-fi films. While these holograms may be easily identifiable as such, their creation requires advanced technology and takes considerable work and expense to produce.

Looking at a hologram from the side, it will appear right-side up; flip it over, however, and it becomes inside-out – this effect is known as pseudoscopic; for orthoscopic holograms which are normally seen from in front of film, the opposite applies.

Holograms can serve many functions, from advertising displays to bringing deceased musicians back to life, teaching subjects like chemistry or math, to advertising advertisements. Holograms are powerful tools that have the power to change lives; however, it’s important to keep in mind they aren’t foolproof – careless people could damage a hologram easily; therefore it is critical that it is protected with some form of enclosure such as a case or something similar.

The Matrix

Young hacker Neo is recruited to lead an army of rebels against the machines that have enslaved humanity and his arrival was prophesied by an Oracle. While fighting to free his people, Neo discovers that real life is hell and that the Matrix serves only to control its hosts.

Violence: Whilst drawn-out sequences feature gun battles and hand-to-hand combat including kung-fu fighting, bodies are repeatedly battered against walls or burned with electrical blasts resulting in bloody scenes such as one where Neo’s stomach explodes with an insect-like creature bursting out from within it – there are moments of sexual tension but this movie remains mostly gore free.

The Wachowskis’ vision of an unsettling dystopian future was an overwhelming success, leading to multiple sequels such as The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions as well as short film Animatrix and video games in their franchise. All films written and directed by them explore religious and philosophical topics while offering multiple sequels with further sequels planned for release.

Filming of The Matrix took place across various locations, but most production took place at Fox Studios Australia in Sydney, helping create its distinctive visual aesthetic and style. At the time, its use of special effects and digital photography was revolutionary compared to other science fiction films of its day. The Matrix has generated many theories about its meaning, with some believing the film may revolve around the concept that human bodies contain a code which can be deciphered by computers. Many fans have even speculated that the series serves as a commentary on current technology and society trends. These arguments rely on the fact that characters in The Matrix constantly fight against an oppressive society represented by The Matrix itself, though others have noted the movie may contain more ambiguous themes than is widely assumed.

Wave Genetics

Dr Gariaev believed that our DNA contained information about all that has ever existed in a multidimensional wave continuum that traveled along our double helix DNA and was encoded as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms, providing nodes in an universal hologram which serve as records of genetic blueprint. When these holograms become corrupted over time (DNA mutation), illness, old age, and even death can ensue as result of these distortions to genetic information stored therein.

Dr Gariaev proposed that it was possible to capture this holographic information and restore it, using his Wave Genetics technique involving taking photos of babies with special laser devices to capture their DNA information and reconstructing this image using special software. With this technology he was able to trigger self-healing in many people including conditions deemed incurable by traditional medicine.

Wave Genetics has received both praise and criticism; however, many doctors and scientists have also voiced support. One prominent supporter of this technique is Dr Steven Rosch who used it himself to cure himself of a brain tumour using Wave Genetics; Dr Rosch now believes this technique could also benefit cancer patients in general and has written a book about it!

Wave genetics offers many unique advantages, and one of its greatest draws is its use for correcting DNA of those born with defects such as congenital heart disease or cleft lip and palate. Using Wave’s technique of “capturing healthy person DNA then recoding to correct defects”, Wave genetics provides hope to many who would otherwise succumb to these conditions by giving them longer and healthier lives.

Dr Gariaev‘s work has been described by his peers as revolutionary and he faced much criticism for not publishing them in peer reviewed journals. But Dr Gariaev remained true to himself and shared his vision with the world; so many have found relief using his method, thanks to Dr Gariaev‘s persistence. That so many have managed to heal themselves with it is testament to his dedication and passion for his research.


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