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Peter Gariaev’s Linguistic Wave Genome

Gariaev‘s Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics is an innovative concept which can cure any illness and extend life indefinitely. It works by using radio wave frequencies to encode DNA information into data files (MP3) that are then translated back into audio signals for human consumption.

Scientists propose that 97% of the genome could be altered by electromagnetic and acoustic waves, creating genetic texts similar to natural context dependent texts… Read More.

What is LWG?

Lingvistiko-wave genetics (LWG) is an emerging branch of biology and medicine based on the idea that living organisms contain within their genetic apparatus holographic, soliton, fractal structures. Additionally, this quantum biocomputer displays distinct elements of consciousness and thought.

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LWG’s central discovery is that DNA can be altered through human speech. This is possible as human genome emits waves with genetic and sign-modulated frequencies which can be detected and recorded using lasers. When certain words are spoken at specific carrier frequencies, they can alter physical structure of DNA molecules as well as alter genetic code; potentially curing diseases or lengthening life span.

LWG is an innovative new way of looking at biology and the universe. Combining concepts from quantum physics, biology, linguistics and bioinformatics into one theoretical construct that proposes that DNA acts like an infinitely scalable information storage and transmission system with holographic properties; likened to an intelligent biocomputer. LWG proposes that genetic information can be transmitted from one person to the next by exchanging wave replicas of individual DNA molecules between persons.

V. Adamenko conducted an experiment in 1975 that proved this theory’s effectiveness. He discovered that when part of a living plant was cut and placed into an electromagnetic field at high frequency, an image of its leaf suddenly appeared for 10-15 seconds and could even be recorded onto film; this provided proof of how electromagnetic fields may store and transmit biological cell data.


Russian scientist Peter Gariaev has made significant strides forward with this theory by creating an innovative technique to record DNA polarization with laser beams. His technique involves using a helium-neon laser equipped with two orthogonal optical modes. One mode records modulations in biological structures while the other measures birefringence; then both signals are combined into one 3D image that can then be extracted and interpreted using computer software.

How does LWG work?

Dr. Peter Gariaev has made the discovery that our DNA is a wave that can be altered through sound and words; that it can be programmed through sound frequencies; that our genetic code uses spoken-language syntax coding; thus allowing us to record our individual cellular-level DNA data file using only our voice; that certain frequencies can heal our bodies and even reverse disease – with many people providing testimonials of healing from strokes, IBS symptoms and life-changing injuries in just a matter of days – with these discoveries being transformed through sound frequencies alone!

He has created a method for converting the resulting data file to audio (mp3) or video formats – which can then be utilized by qualified practitioners as part of therapeutic treatment plans. He begins his process using a laser capable of producing photons with variable polarization; this allows him to record information from samples such as blood, placentas, metabolites and photographs into data files for processing later.

Data is then processed by a computer program which converts polarized information into digital form for recording in a special type of helium-neon laser which then transmits modulations between sample and laser and back again, translating it all into an MP3 file that can then be played back for playback to patients.

Dr Gariaev‘s team has discovered that DNA codon sequence reprogramming can be accomplished by modulating coherent laser light or radio waves with semantics – meaning of words. They even demonstrated this method working on an in-vivo scale by shone a low power laser beam through salamander embryos in one container to frog embryos in another – with many of those latter turning into adult salamanders!

This scientific discovery represents an incredible scientific achievement and challenges the current genetic code model. The DNA language shows its grammatical syntax is indicative of computational processing operating with quasi-intellect, rather than codon by codon selection seen today in translational machinery. Understanding and applying LWG principles are therefore vitally important in comprehending how our bodies and minds work and function.

What are the benefits of LWG?

Lingvistiko-wave genetics is an emerging field in biology and medicine that studies genetic systems as Quantum Biocomputers with consciousness components. LWG employs laser technologies, holography and quantum nonlocality principles for operating its QBs; applying it can solve various biological issues including treating diseases, reversing mutations or increasing longevity.

Dr Gariaev‘s most astounding discovery is his demonstration that DNA can be reprogrammed through sound and language, using specific codon sequences similar to how spoken words follow grammar rules. This allows him to reprogram his code by altering frequencies used to encode triplets; ultimately affecting his DNA molecule itself.

Torsion field frequency has been shown to effectively correct DNA mutations and even reverse certain diseases, like autism. Studies have also demonstrated how an Individual Matrix created by their closest blood relative can reprogramm their DNA using this technique and store changes within their chromosomes like holograms for storage later. Reprogramming of DNA may also help with congenital conditions like Down’s syndrome.

Dr. Gariaev‘s research has also demonstrated how DNA can be affected by environmental factors like electromagnetic radiation and sound. His work has demonstrated how plants can be made to grow more quickly simply by speaking directly to them; and even helped wheat and barley seeds withstand lethal doses of radiation exposure! In addition, he invented a device which transforms human speech into electromagnetic signals understood by plants, instructing them what to do.

These findings represent a breakthrough in genetics, and have the power to significantly enhance life for humanity as a whole. If properly harnessed, this technology could lead to cures for many diseases as well as longer lives than ever before – proof that ancient Chinese proverb “Man who says something cannot be done should not stop others who are trying to do it” certainly applies!

What are the drawbacks of LWG?

The theory of wave genome is founded upon the belief that DNA operates at both material, physical, and wave/field levels simultaneously, providing genetic information via electromagnetic (EM) and acoustic waves to particular proteins, which then create unique shapes characteristic to individuals; this process is known as “genetic fingerprinting”.

Gariaev also noted the existence of an order and logic to DNA’s sequence of codons, prompting him to suggest that DNA serves as a biological language with set rules that follow suit with spoken languages’ grammar rules.

Gariaev and his team conducted numerous experiments to test this theory. Most notable among these was when they used a laser beam to record photons from DNA samples, and then analyzed them – this revealed that codon sequences in DNA corresponded perfectly with photons recorded from them, leading them to conclude that DNA acts like an information storage system containing records of what has occurred throughout a species’ lifespan.

Gariaev‘s team performed another experiment by passing low-power laser light through some salamander embryos, then scanning their chromosomes with a photometer. They discovered that some chromosomes emitting frequencies related to salamander embryos – this confirmed that chromosomes contain an encoded information matrix which could be read using a laser spectrometer.

Gariaev and his team carried out other experiments that further supported their theory of a wave genome. For instance, they found that physical vacuum can be created around pieces of DNA to alter its structure and use this to reprogram DNA by changing electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies.

While Gariaev‘s theory remains unverifiable, its implications for medicine and biology are clear. His theory implies that we may be able to use genetic code correction and healing processes to correct and heal diseased cells, leading to “wave medicine”, an approach where DNA could be harnessed for improved health and wellbeing.


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