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Peter P Gariaev

Utilizing a specific frequency, he was able to destroy viruses such as herpes, polio, influenza and tuberculosis as well as cure cancer and other ailments.

He discovered that DNA has the ability to absorb light. When exposed to UV irradiation, light spirals around its helical structure.

He used a laser beam to pass over healthy seeds before redirecting it towards damaged ones – and succeeded in bringing dead ones back to life!

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Peter P. Gariaev (born 19 April 1940) was a Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist. He was a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and was nominated for a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2021.

As a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and nominee for a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2021, his research focused on DNA molecule structure.

He developed an innovative theory of genetic coding known as Wave Genetics that has revolutionized how scientists view DNA. Now being used in medical treatments.

Gariaev‘s research demonstrated that DNA molecules possess an unusual memory; specifically, electromagnetic waves stored on DNA can store and transmit information between living things as well as non-living objects like photographs containing healing information for diseases or injuries to reverse itself. For instance, a photograph can contain healing data needed to treat cancer patients by sending this corrective data directly into their cells.


According to this theory, all forms of energy – including sound waves, light pulses, electromagnetic radiation and vibrational waves – have an immediate and direct impact on DNA. Energy can impact individual atoms within DNA molecules and alter its shape resulting in changes to gene expression patterns. Gariaev was able to document these effects through correlation laser spectroscopy.

His research showed that the genetic code is more than just letters: it contains biological functions required by our bodies and can even be altered by emotions and music. A large portion of DNA does not involve setting up genes; instead it is known as silent DNA and can be affected by external forces such as stress.

Gariaev conducted experiments that revealed DNA’s unique ability to interact with other molecules. For instance, healthy chrysanthemum plants’ DNA interacted with that of their predators’. He also discovered how DNA can teleport itself via electromagnetic signals that water molecules could pick up and transfer elsewhere.

Gariaev made another groundbreaking discovery when he showed how healthy DNA can store all the necessary information to repair itself and reverse any damage. To illustrate this point, he gave each patient the original blueprints of their DNA so they can repair damaged organs themselves. Furthermore, damaged DNA could even be reprogramed to produce healthy proteins and chromosomes again!

Gariaev‘s work has revealed one of its greatest marvels – his theories can be applied to find cures for virtually every illness regardless of their source. His theories laid the groundwork for what has since become known as “Linguistic-wave genetics,” with companies such as NovoCure already using this type of technology to produce healing frequencies and sound structures to program DNA and promote cell regeneration.

His research focused on the structure of the DNA molecule.

Gariaev was the pioneer of linguistic wave genome theory. He demonstrated that DNA works not only as genetic code, but also an optical hologram storing vast amounts of data in its electromagnetic spectrum. Furthermore, he demonstrated how DNA molecules could act like laser emitters modulating their electromagnetic spectrum according to specific frequencies used for sound or language, thus reprogramming living cells using these frequencies.

Gariaev‘s research also examined the vibrational behavior of DNA molecules and demonstrated that they vibrated like mechanical waves. He and his team performed numerous experiments using lasers to amplify these vibrations of the molecule; this allowed them to create an image lasting 10-15 seconds that could be captured on film without physical interaction from DNA itself, but rather generated through quantum fluctuations in electromagnetic fields around it.

Gariaev Group conducted further experiments which have demonstrated that human genome can be controlled at a quantum level using electromagnetic frequencies, with these frequencies encoded into electromagnetic vectors by means of polarizations. As a result, they believe DNA to be an actual holographic device capable of recording space-time atomic/molecular dynamical behaviour that transmits this data across organisms.

Gariaev‘s research led his group to create Wave Genetics technology, which allows humans to control their bodies at a quantum level and restore damaged tissue and organs using laser light modulating DNA molecules to restore function and regenerate damaged tissues and organs in animals. They successfully demonstrated this through successful regeneration of damaged pancreas regeneration using laser light modulating DNA molecules for repair purposes and successfully regenerating damaged pancreas tissue in animals.

Gariaev Group recently conducted three further sets of experiments based on Wave Genetics principles and technology, and their results are truly astonishing. Gariaev Group performed an experiment where a low-power laser shone through the DNA of adult Salamanders into that of frog embryos; those embryos then transformed into adult Salamanders. Gariaev Group scientists achieved remarkable success, proving their laser mirror recording technology capable of recording and transmitting the genetic code of living organisms directly. These discoveries demonstrate that DNA molecules are multiwavelength bio-holograms which transmit nonlocal biological information at light speed, having profound ramifications for understanding life itself. Furthermore, they imply that genomic computers could serve as universal solutions.

He was a co-founder of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Dr Gariaev demonstrated that our cells’ genetic information is organized as a chromosome continuum. Additionally, he discovered that electromagnetic holograms exist within intracellular water networks within cells which can be read by laser. He coined this new paradigm of biology ‘Wave Genomics’ or ‘Lingvistiko-wave Genetics’ based on quantum optics principles as well as wave linguistics to understand biology better.

Gariaev began his study of DNA molecules in 1984 and discovered two unusual forms of memory within them: “memory of DNA”, which could be recorded using correlation laser spectroscopy; and reversible DNA memory which could reverse mutational effects.

As the result of his work, he developed the “wave genome” or “Lingvistiko-wave genetics”, which holds that each gene contains an inexhaustible supply of words which can be transformed by altering context. This theory draws inspiration from coherent physical radiations, holography and solitons principles; furthermore it incorporates fractal representation of natural (human) languages along with genetic ones as well. Furthermore, its practical applications include regeneration healing of damaged cells and tissues.


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