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The DNA Phantom Effect – Can Thoughts and Emotions Affect Matter?

Russian scientist Peter Gariaev discovered that physical DNA can store wave/field type memories. This discovery, known as the “DNA Phantom Effect,” has been scientifically documented and lends credence to ancient traditions which believe thoughts/emotions can influence matter.

Gariaev‘s experiments measured vibrational modes of DNA molecules suspended in solution using laser photon correlation spectroscopy. He and Vladimir Poponin were amazed to discover that these vibrational modes caused an entirely novel field structure known as the “DNA Phantom Effect.”

What is the phantom dna?

DNA is a molecule that stores genetic information. When someone is born, they inherit their parents’ DNA as an inheritance; over time however, mutations occur which affect appearance, personality and health in some way; sometimes this change is caused by environmental or disease factors or by some external force; later passed down through generations.

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Scientists have recently identified a new type of DNA mutation called the Phantom Mutation. It occurs when organisms are exposed to laser radiation that causes DNA molecules to vibrate. Vibrations can be measured by measuring light scatter from DNA molecules.

Phantom mutations can create errors in DNA sequencing. They may also hinder phylogenetic analysis and make it impossible to tell between true mutations and false ones – leading to inaccurate medical and anthropological studies as a result of such mistakes.

Gariaev and Poponin conducted an experiment that measured vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a laser photon correlation spectrometer in 1992. Their experiment revealed that when laser beams were shone upon it, DNA performed a distinct “dance” or “sang,” due to an entirely new field structure called the DNA Phantom Effect which they published their findings through Lebedev Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences journal.


These results demonstrate how phantom DNA fields interact with electromagnetic fields in various ways, because they are nonlinear dynamical systems with long life-times that exist as both stationary and slowly propagating forms – similar to nonlinear localized excitations of anharmonic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices (FPU).

This discovery has far-reaching ramifications for human genomics and medicine, including new tools and techniques for testing for mutations that do not appear on traditional DNA sequence analysis, helping resolve forensic mysteries, and understanding how the body heals itself.

How does the phantom dna work?

Scientists Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin were able to generate vibrational modes of DNA using standard laboratory equipment, creating the DNA phantom effect which results from interaction of DNA strands with electromagnetic energy from laser light sources. They discovered this new field structure caused vibrations caused by interactions between DNA strands and electromagnetic energies released by laser lights sources, and these vibrations.

Scientists were able to observe and capture vibrations caused by photon correlation spectroscopy and found that DNA fields created by the DNA phantom effect produced distinctive spectral fingerprints, suggesting it as a new field structure that interacts with and influences our physical reality.

Researchers have demonstrated that vibrational fields can be activated by various external stimuli, including sound and light. Researchers also showed how vibrational fields could help heal DNA when exposed to certain external factors like helium laser radiation or heat; DNA could then start healing itself as it underwent these treatments.

Gariaev and Poponin’s experiments have demonstrated the ability of ghost DNA molecules to transmit information across cell membranes. Their studies show how an invisible DNA molecule can transfer data both ways from healthy cells, by reacting with their vibrational energy.

Information exchange occurs via morphogenetic translation. Here, ghost DNA can use wavelike structures to translate genetic information from one cell to the next and transfer it between cells – often associated with its ability to bend and wrap itself around itself.

Another intriguing characteristic of Phantom DNA is its capacity to transmit human emotions. In one incident, a female murdered by an unknown killer managed to cause psychosomatic disorders in those responsible by channeling her Phantom’s emotions through DNA transference. Her identity was later discovered through trace DNA evidence found on items like tea cups, cookies, and syringes found at crime scenes where fingerprints or visual evidence had been absent.

What is the theory behind the phantom dna?

Gariaev first recognized what would become known as the DNA Phantom Effect in 1985. This phenomenon involved physical DNA affecting light in ways which cannot be explained using conventional electromagnetic theories; Gariaev came to realize that DNA contained an energy which can be harnessed for manipulation of matter.

Scientists conducted numerous experiments to verify this phenomenon, and discovered something truly unexpected: when placing physical DNA in a container with light photons, light suddenly started aligning itself to its geometry – suggesting there exists some kind of energy associated with DNA.

Results of these experiments were recently published in Nature Communications Physics by scientists at the University of Surrey who believe that the phantom DNA can interact with light particles using tunnelling – a quantum mechanical process which allows quantum particles to pass through solid walls. With tunnelling as its foundation, scientists believe it may also transfer information between sides of DNA molecules using this process.

These researchers conducted a detailed computational analysis of Phantom DNA sequences. Their research demonstrated that these elements contain bonafide class 2 transposon elements (TEs), with similar structural and coding features to Mutator TEs. Their phylogenetic distribution in animals shows they appear widely. Phantom sequences also appear among some distantly related protists and two insect viruses.

Finally, the team conducted a filtering process on their phantom DNA data sets. They compared them against benchmark sets to identify suspicious sequences before resequencing these suspect sequences to eliminate phantom mutations – helping detect errors which would otherwise go undetected.

Filtered mtDNA data sets can help researchers distinguish phantom mutations from genuine ones, helping to avoid mistakes that might lead to misleading evolutionary interpretations. Phantom mutations may skew DNA sequencing results and produce misleading inferences about organism evolution history.

Can the phantom dna heal?

Gariaev performed one of his most striking experiments to explore whether DNA could heal. To do so, scientists placed some calf DNA in a tube before irradiating it with laser beam. Scientists observed that when exposed to laser radiation, the DNA attracted photons from its environment which then bent around or “wrapped around” itself – an unexpected yet astonishing discovery which demonstrated its power over physical reality.

At first, the scientists were puzzled as to why this phenomenon was taking place. Soon, however, they realized that when DNA was removed from their experiment, photons still organized in the vacuum chamber suggesting it influenced how light particles behaved within it. Gariaev and Poponin were stunned at this discovery which seemed to support ancient metaphysical beliefs that emotions have an immediate influence over physical reality.

The DNA Phantom Effect first emerged as an unexpected surprise during experiments performed to investigate vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated laser photon correlation spectrometer. Published results published in 1992 in Lebedev Physics Institute journal revealed how physical separated DNA could attract and manipulate photons from its surrounding environment to form new field structures that they dubbed DNA Phantom Effect; such structures were easily detectable using standard laboratory equipment and easily identifiable.


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