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The Secrets of DNA Discovered by Soviet Scientist Peter Gariaev

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Dr Peter Gariaev assembled his research team for DNA investigation with an expansive approach, comprising biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguistic experts – taking an integrative approach.

Their experiments demonstrated that DNA codon sequences follow grammar rules similar to spoken languages. By modulating laser light or radio wave carrier frequencies, they were able to reprogram DNA.

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What in the World is DNA?

Since DNA was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, its applications have been used for solving crimes, diagnosing medical conditions, creating genetically modified crops and many other purposes – though we still only understand a fraction of what its potential holds.

Western science has only managed to interpret about 5% of our DNA encoded information due to focusing on it from an inadequate angle. But Gariaev‘s group of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists, linguists and Linguistic experts took an altogether broader perspective and discovered that junk DNA that we previously considered useless actually contains vitally important information that Western scientists ignored.

Research undertaken by their group demonstrated that DNA has a double helix structure with water molecules occupying gaps between turns of this helix, as well as being filled with one atom of water at each turn. If an electromagnetic signal was transmitted along this helix to an adjacent pure water molecule nearby it was possible to use Polymerase Chain Reaction to reconstruct an exact copy of its original sequence; due to signature frequencies being transferred into vibrations in water molecules.

Gariaev‘s team discovered that the acoustic waveform of DNA can be captured using specially designed instruments that record sound frequencies similarly to supermarket checkout scanners, then translated back into exact DNA sequence using software with programmed instructions.

Dr Gariaev discovered that DNA can be edited, altering its text. Codons that make up our genetic code can switch positions within their string! This finding is monumentally significant because it means our genome can be programmed differently to create entirely different organisms.

His team also discovered that DNA itself is a waveform containing quantum information which exists on a holographic plane of the universe, carrying our genetic blueprint with it. Dr Gariaev also demonstrated how this acoustic wave form, holding this quantum information, can be easily altered by signal noise such as white noise or improper tuning radio receivers.

Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistic-Wave Genome

Western science continues to debate whether studying so-called ‘junk DNA’ found at the ends of chromosomes is worth its time, while Soviet Union research groups of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic experts took an altogether more comprehensive approach in studying its entirety. They discovered that what western science considers useless or redundant was actually stored holographic information that contained genetic material; indeed the whole genome itself consists of electromagnetic and acoustic holograms that hold genetic information.

Gariaev postulated that laser light could be used to’recode’ DNA in such a way as to produce an equivalent but functionally different organism. He demonstrated this effect by shining low power laser light through salamander embryo DNA into that of developing frog embryo DNA – and completely changing both! Gariaev achieved this transformation, completely changing both organisms’ genetic makeups into each other!

This experiment represents an essential step toward developing a revolutionary theory that could revolutionise medicine, agriculture, computing and communications. It proves that DNA is an interdisciplinary continuum and the physical genome stores information to allow instantaneous metabolic control throughout an organism’s entire metabolism. Furthermore, this experiment may pave the way towards fulfilling humanity’s dream of distant non-invasive healing, organ regeneration and significantly increasing lifespan.

Fritjof Capra published “The Tao of Physics,” an attempt at linking quantum mechanics and Eastern mysticism, in the 1980s. More recently, authors like Deepak Chopra and Nick Herbert have written books exploring this relationship between consciousness and quantum theory.

However, most accounts use basic concepts of quantum theory metaphorically; they assume that principles like entanglement, superposition, and collapse can be applied directly to psychological systems in some similar fashion. Unfortunately, however, applying quantum phenomena requires considerable mathematical and theoretical work before becoming understood fully.

Wave Genetics

Wave genetics is a method for communicating consciously with our DNA using specific frequencies, with the power to reprogram our bodies back to optimal health and well-being. Although not an overnight process, rather a gradual healing one. Establishing healthy communication with DNA takes patience; learning its guidance requires good diet and lifestyle choices too. Wave genetics is used for treating genetic disorders, improving crop yields and creating novel methods of gene engineering; however not every frequency used works the same – some individuals require different frequencies before being successful connecting with their genetic material.

Gariaev‘s research indicates that understanding DNA as a wave biocomputer requires us to reconsider how we think about our genetic code in order to optimize its function and therefore its cellular structure. He asserts that current models for understanding it as flawed, therefore leading him to suggest replacing it with an approach based on quantum theory which uses quantum computing principles instead.

Gariaev states in his book that the current genetic code model is founded upon an outdated understanding of DNA’s structure. He proposes that DNA’s true underlying structure consists of two antiparallel helixes containing holographic planes/gratings which store 3 dimensional image data of organisms.

He further states that amino acid selection within the translation machinery must operate with quasi-intellect, rather than following a literal codon by codon mechanical process, but rather take into account contextual and linguistic information gleaned by whole mRNA scanning.

Vladimir Poponin, a Russian researcher working at the Heartmath Institute in the US, recently conducted experiments similar to Gariaev‘s experiments using his own team. Their results show that when DNA samples are irradiated with specific frequencies, physical vacuum changes and field structures appear, creating hologram planes/grittings containing genetic information.

The Phantom DNA Effect

Gariaev made an astonishing discovery while conducting DNA experiments at the Institute of Physics/Techniques Problems Academy of Science of the USSR in 1985: when light was shone into a scattering chamber with DNA inside, its return illuminated in an orderly pattern which persisted after removal from its presence; an effect dubbed the DNA Phantom Effect.

Gariaev saw this finding as evidence that DNA’s information exists in holographic form. He believed this holographic information can be recorded within its double helix structure as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms, potentially changing physical reality of living cells and organisms.

In one experiment where the Phantom DNA was used to assess damage from FLASH radiation, its holographic DNA information seemed capable of telling damaged strands how they should repair themselves. Furthermore, its presence had an influence on living organisms; when shown to Salamander embryos for instance it caused them to progress into adult specimens.

This experiment and others like it suggest that DNA phantom may provide a new form of energy which can be harnessed to create life. Furthermore, using its information and properties stored within, the DNA phantom may even assist in curing disease.

Vladimir Poponin repeated Gariaev‘s work at the Heartmath Institute in 1995 at Heartmath Institute, United States, using a laser photon correlation spectrometer. Like Gariaev before him, Poponin demonstrated that when DNA contained within a quartz cuvette is moved from one location to another and later removed, it leaves behind a trace or “phantom” which can be identified and detected as torsion fields – this discovery being of critical significance as they have the power to change matter structures.


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