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Holistic Health Nurse Practitioner Degree Programs

holistic health nurse practitioner degree programs

Are you fed up of watching patients take medications for their pains and ailments? A holistic nurse practitioner could be an ideal career option. These nurses focus on both physical and emotional healing for their patients.

To embark on this path, it is necessary to obtain a nursing degree. Start off with an RN to BSN program before embarking on an advanced degree with an emphasis in holistic health.

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Master’s Degree

The Master’s Degree program offers a clinically focused curriculum with holistic healthcare approaches and integrative healthcare approaches, such as naturopathic medicine, alternative therapies, ancient healing traditions, self-healing and holistic philosophy as part of its coursework. Graduates will be able to apply this knowledge in clinical settings; additionally this course of study helps prepare nurses for taking the American Holistic Nurse Certification Corporation examination.

Holistic nurses can be found working in various settings and with various individuals. Their focus often involves integrating traditional medical practices with holistic ones such as massage therapy, meditation or acupuncture – often offering these as complementary options alongside conventional care procedures. Some holistic nurses specialize in certain forms of care such as women’s health or cancer patients.

Studies show that patients tend to be happier with the care they receive when nurses employ a holistic approach. This may be attributed to holistic nurses actively listening and offering emotional support; in addition, nurses who practice holistic nursing believe it essential for the wellbeing of all aspects of their patients’ health such as physical, emotional and spiritual needs to be addressed simultaneously.

Holistic nursing has seen rapid expansion over the last several years due to an aging population and rising demand for integrative, natural healthcare. Holistic nurses are uniquely qualified to deliver this form of care by targeting disease at its source rather than treating symptoms only.

No registered nurse needs additional education or experience to practice holistic nursing; however, in order to become certified as one, additional education and nursing experience are necessary. Once graduates of either an associate or bachelor’s degree program in nursing have passed the National Council Licensure Examination and obtained their license; additionally they must complete specific nursing experience before sitting for the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation exam which grants the title “American Holistic Nurse, Board Certified.” To maintain certification requirements a specified amount of continuing education hours (CNEs) are completed annually to ensure current practices can keep pace with current advances.

Post-Master’s Certificate

Drexel University provides a post-master’s certificate in complementary and integrative health for registered nurses with master’s degrees who want to become holistic nurses, giving them access to skills needed for treating patients holistically, including physical, emotional, spiritual healing. Students learn holistic healing techniques as well as ancient indigenous wellness practices that they can integrate into their professional practices.

Graduates of this program will be qualified to serve as holistic nurses in various healthcare environments, such as hospitals, clinics, private practices and community health organizations. Furthermore, graduates can use their newfound knowledge to design wellness programs or collaborate with individuals on creating personalized health plans tailored specifically to each patient’s lifestyle goals.

Holistic nurses strive to promote holistic healthcare practices with their educational approach and adhere to a foundation of holism as part of their philosophies. Holistic practitioners believe the physical, emotional, and spiritual components are interdependent – when one aspect fails, it affects others as a result. Holistic nurses strive to improve patients’ well-being by attending to all aspects of health in an individual and encouraging clients to make healthier lifestyle choices every day.

As healthcare evolves toward an integrative model, more nurses are opting to specialize in holistic care. Even traditional healthcare providers have begun adopting holistic principles; and this trend should only increase as technology enables practitioners to provide integrated care remotely and regulatory frameworks adapt accordingly for greater insurance coverage of holistic services.

There are numerous nursing schools that offer graduate programs in holistic health, such as New York University College of Nursing and Tennessee State University. If you’re interested in becoming a holistic nurse practitioner degree candidate, request information from these and other programs regarding their curriculums, clinical training requirements and application processes. In addition, The American Holistic Nurses Association can be an excellent way of learning about this field while building connections among other professionals within it.

Continuing Education Requirements

Holistic nurse practitioners (HNPs) are an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) that combine traditional nursing duties with holistic therapies that treat mind and body. Individuals seeking integrative healers often turn to holistic nurse practitioners, such as aromatherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, breath work meditation. HNPs may also utilize techniques like hypnosis balneotherapy Eastern healing practices reiki hydrotherapy in order to help their patients relax emotionally from illnesses or injuries they’ve sustained.

To become a holistic nurse, one must first obtain an academic background in nursing – be it an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or bachelor’s of science in nursing (BSN). Many RNs with ADN degrees take advantage of accelerated BSN programs which allow them to earn their RN license in 11-18 months; those with bachelors degrees in fields other than nursing may find entry-level RN positions at hospitals or private clinics before eventually going on to earn an advanced masters in holistic or integrative health nursing.

Once a graduate student has finished their master’s degree program, they can apply for certification as a holistic nurse through the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation. To do this, 14 didactic hours must be dedicated specifically to holistic topics followed by 500 clinical hours completed over time.

Holistic Nurse Practitioners can work in any healthcare or wellness setting. Their duties overlap with that of other Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), including taking patient histories, ordering or performing medical tests, diagnosing conditions, creating treatment plans and educating patients. Furthermore, holistic NPs use alternative techniques in addition to conventional medicine in order to create comprehensive recovery plans that address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing needs of each individual patient.

As is true of all nurses, holistic nurses must feel at ease discussing their beliefs and values with patients and colleagues alike. Furthermore, holistic practitioners should understand their limitations – some treatments don’t have scientific research behind them – as well as when their approach has proven ineffective, encouraging patients to seek traditional medical solutions instead.

Work Schedule

As in any nurse practitioner career, holistic health nurse practitioners will find themselves working in various healthcare environments such as emergency rooms, hospitals, clinics and private practices. Furthermore, they may travel frequently for clinical hours fulfillment as well as continuing education requirements.

Holistic nurses are encouraged to utilize mindfulness techniques as part of their practice, to stay present when working with patients and set intentions before meeting with patients – this may help foster a strong bond between patient and nurse.

Holistic nurses go beyond traditional nursing skills by being knowledgeable of other healing modalities like acupuncture, aromatherapy and herbal medicine. Additionally, holistic nurses offer advice about diet and exercise – key components to overall wellness according to holistic nurses. Furthermore, some opt to specialize in specific areas like hypnosis, Chinese medicine or Reiki for maximum effectiveness in care delivery.

Individuals seeking to enter holistic nursing should look for programs accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Nursing Education. In addition, it’s essential that they understand and abide by state regulations concerning their scope of practice – some states require licensed registered nurses consult with physicians in order to prescribe medications.

Students should investigate all possible healthcare settings where holistic nurses work, from medical offices and yoga studios, hospitals and alternative therapy clinics, as well as nontraditional sources such as online learning or webinars.

Salaries for holistic nurses will vary depending on factors like geography, years of experience and healthcare setting in which they work. Those working in more in-demand settings typically earn higher salaries. Registered nurses in the US generally earn an annual average salary of $75,330, while holistic nurse practitioner salaries often fall somewhere in between that figure and traditional NP salaries. The American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation offers a certification exam that confers the title “American Holistic Nurse, Board Certified (AHN-BC). Please be aware that this designation should not be confused with Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), which only applies to nurse specialists or certified nurse midwives who have completed an APRN program.


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