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Infopathy and the Gunner Coin

Informational Copies (ICs) are electromagnetic signals emitted by substances known to possess healing, therapeutic or other beneficial properties. Similar to homeopathy, Informational Copies help trigger natural responses within the body that promote health and well-being.

Gunner Coin and Infopathy, leaders in IC device technology, have formed a strategic partnership to combine financial growth with personal health to open up exciting possibilities for both communities.

Personalized Health Treatments

Infopathy has long been at the forefront of this space, providing devices that imprint water or other substances with ICs derived from known health-promoting compounds – including vitamins, herbs, coffee and pharmaceuticals.

Utilising these intracellular copper (ICs) can be effective at treating numerous common health issues, and even be combined to form complex IC complexes to meet more specific requirements.

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Access to a Large Library of IC Complexes

Infoceuticals (ICs), also known as information carrier signals (ICN), are electromagnetic recordings from substances which have healing or therapeutic benefits, much like homeopathy does. Like its counterpart, Infoceuticals work by stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities to combat illness or injury.

Infopathy provides access to over 400 ICs and IC Complexes that range from St John’s Wort and coffee, through Viagra to just about everything else you could imagine.

Infopathy devices provide access to ICs from a range of other sources, such as our bodies’ vibrational energy field. With its ability to imprint any frequency on water or ourselves, Infopathy makes for an enthralling device.

Calm and Clear Remedy IC is an aromatherapy product containing flower essences such as Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia Crowea Jacaranda Little Flannel Flower Paw Paw to promote a healthy nervous system while creating feelings of tranquillity and clarity. A great choice when trying to take some time for yourself and relax!

Gunner Coin Partnership

The Gunner Coin is more than a digital currency; it serves as a living reminder of man and horse’s longstanding connection and an emblematic commitment to preserve natural resources and ensure their survival. Gunner Coin and Infopathy have joined forces to deliver transformative healthcare benefits to the crypto community, and show the way forward for combined health and financial ecosystems. This partnership showcases the power of Informational Copies (ICs), electromagnetic signals that facilitate healing by tapping into your body’s natural healing mechanisms. These electromagnetic signals are produced by recording electromagnetic spectrum of substances known for their therapeutic benefits, then stored and replicated using QED theory – providing more than financial gain but increasing quality of life as well.

The Future of Integrated Health and Financial Ecosystems

Health care ecosystems offer a potential pathway towards seamless patient journeys and value-based care, but many initiatives can be hindered by a lack of collaboration among key stakeholders and regulatory requirements. With digital transformation continuing its march across many industries, health care players must move quickly in adapting quickly or risk falling behind.

One effective strategy is the ecosystem approach, which brings all involved parties together towards a common goal. According to a recent survey, respondents generally agreed that digital health ecosystems will generate great economic impact (86 percent), be essential in providing existing customers with value (82 percent) and need integration with other products (77 percent). Some respondents did express concern regarding privacy and security risks related to data liquidity in digital health environments.

Health care ecosystems must scale quickly in order to achieve network effects in order to thrive, learning from the success of mobility and food-delivery platforms that grew country by country or city by city. Unfortunately, many healthcare ecosystems have launched too early and attempted to offer too many services and features before reaching critical mass, often becoming difficult for users which ultimately hinders their success.

Rethink the traditional concept of organization via service lines and move towards team-based care that addresses patients holistic needs – this will require significant organizational, financial and operational adjustments.

Healthcare ecosystems must ensure a clear value proposition to patients in a digital world, making it easier for stakeholders to connect and collaborate on patient care initiatives. A well-thought out value proposition also supports the growth of digital therapeutics and telemedicine beyond standalone offerings but as integral parts of value-add services.

As health care embraces digitalization, more new players are entering the market to build integrated ecosystems. Retail and tech giants such as Walmart are using customer relationships to offer cost-efficient access to health care – outpatient clinics for instance or Omada Health managing chronic care are just two examples; start-ups also offering telemedicine solutions which can be combined with other services to offer innovative health solutions.
