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Infopathy – The 21st Century Upgrade to Homeopathy

Infopathy is an innovative 21st-century alternative to homeopathy that uses water as a natural medicine cabinet. Infoceuticals (ICs) imprint the water with electromagnetic frequencies associated with drugs, supplements, remedies, or even acupuncture points and can then be transferred through an IC transfer device into your body to stimulate its natural healing processes.


Homeopathy is founded upon the idea of treating “like with like.” Homeopaths believe that any substance which can trigger an illness, can also treat it. Diluting treatments with water makes them stronger; homeopaths do this by shaking or diluting remedies to produce “potentized” versions which they claim increase their effectiveness by eliminating harmful ingredients.

Homeopathy, despite lacking scientific backing, remains popular worldwide. India alone counts 1.2 billion users of homeopathy as a form of treatment, some who rely solely on it over conventional medical care. Unfortunately, however, an independent body advising NHS does not endorse homeopathy as an effective form of healthcare treatment.

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As with conventional medicines, homeopathic remedies cannot be patented and thus require an expensive new drug application (NDA) process to gain FDA approval. NDAs are specifically tailored towards pharmaceuticals which need to be proven safe and effective on large groups of patients with similar conditions.

Clinical trials on homeopathy are frequently inconclusive and have demonstrated that its treatments are no more effective than placebos. While certain studies have produced positive outcomes, these can often be attributed to reporting bias or flawed research methods rather than any lasting benefit from homeopathy treatments.

Homeopaths generally operate ethically and responsibly; however, some have little or no training in traditional medicine and tend to promote their treatments without providing scientific proof of efficacy. Alternative medicine could be ineffective and could even put vulnerable people at risk of harm. People who forgo recommended vaccinations and use homeopathic ones instead can undermine herd immunity, potentially opening the door for serious illnesses to spread within communities. This is especially dangerous when dealing with vaccines against infectious diseases like flu and measles; that’s why it’s essential that any health provider you visit be certified in conventional medical practice.



Electromagnetic waves – or electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are ubiquitous. While some EMFs come from natural sources, others are produced by electronic devices like mobile phones, tabs and WiFi routers used too close to humans – producing electrosmog as a result. Electrosmog is simply the colloquial term for artificially created electromagnetic fields that emit harmful radiation; for more scientific terminology use “electromagnetic pollution”. It has negative health ramifications.

Although several studies have documented biological effects at higher levels, we believe Electrosmog’s biological impact can be much lower than is generally believed. Bise [20] reported that human EEG patterns could be altered with wave amplitudes as low as -100dBm and that 60dBm produced frontal headaches for multiple subjects immediately.

These electromagnetic frequencies are defined by their wavelength and frequency; these radiofrequency (RF) frequencies interact with charged particles within living cells to cause various responses depending on how and where the interaction takes place, with different interactions having different results on different tissues depending on which cells were exposed to the radiation.

When radiofrequency (RF) waves interact with human bodies, it can have serious adverse effects by interfering with normal cell function and disrupting normal growth and metabolism of individual cells. RF can impact how cells regulate themselves through interference with signals controlling cell proliferation and differentiation as well as cause mutations to living cell DNA.

These effects are due to RF’s interaction with cellular protein ER, which regulates gene transcription by forming hydrogen bonds between its target genes and its ligand (ER) via hydrogen bond formation. When exposed to Electrosmog-induced radiation such as Electrosmog present today, however, its structure becomes unstable; two oxygen atoms from its carboxyl group spin in different directions which prevents them from forming the necessary hydrogen bond with DRIP205 coactivator; this prevents transcription from taking place and thus the target gene cannot be expressed.

Pain Relief

Pain is a symptom of numerous diseases, conditions, injuries and disorders. Acute pain usually subsides as an injury heals (acute), while chronic pain can last months or years before impacting quality of life negatively. Professional pain management specialists help manage this pain with medications, procedures or physical therapy treatments.

Pain ranges from dull ache to sharp stabbing sensations and is a normal response designed to protect our bodies against injury or illness. Two kinds of nerves send pain signals directly to your brain: one type quickly relays messages that lead to sudden sensations such as broken bone pain or headache; while the other slowly sends slow messages resulting in throbbing or burning feelings.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines may help relieve your discomfort, such as paracetamol (Tylenol) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen or diclofenac. Your doctor may also prescribe stronger drugs to address more intense or chronic discomfort; such as codeine, methadone or narcotics that could become habit-forming.

Psychological treatment can also help manage pain effectively. It can reduce indirect impacts such as anxiety, depression and loss of sleep which compound discomfort; plus it provides new coping skills and techniques to effectively deal with it.

Alternative treatments exist for pain relief, including massage therapy, chiropractic manipulation therapies and osteopaths’ bone manipulation therapies, therapeutic touch and herbal remedies; however there is little scientific proof for their efficacy.

Your pain can also be managed using relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis. Glove anesthesia involves placing one hand over the painful area while visualising it as relaxed, heavy or numb before shifting your focus elsewhere. An electromyographic biofeedback system or hypnosis may also help monitor muscle tension and teach how to release it.

Energy Boost

Tiredness may be an indicator of heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnoea, depression or medications affecting you; or simply due to diet and lifestyle choices not providing enough energy. Harvard Medical School’s Special Health Report “Boost Your Energy” offers advice and information about natural ways to increase energy such as eating healthier food choices and making healthier lifestyle changes; to learn more please order Infopathy‘s IC (IC = Individual Consultation), this service is free-of-charge!


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