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What is Infopathy?

Infopathy is an online platform that enables you to download infoceuticals (ICs) and transfer them directly into your body using a device, in order to promote natural healing. ICs are electromagnetic signals collected from substances with therapeutic or biological benefits.

These ICs resemble homeopathy by employing properties of water memory to heal the body; however, unlike its counterpart, ICs possess more scientific legitimacy.

It’s a 21st century upgrade to homeopathy

Homeopathy is an all-inclusive holistic healing system, developed in Europe over two centuries ago by Samuel Hahnemann and based on the principle that “like cures like.” Homeopathy offers gentle yet effective relief from many illnesses; other practices offered within this holistic healing approach may include acupuncture, therapeutic yoga, color therapy or emotive-attitudinal work to add additional therapies or practices into its framework.

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Homeopathic therapy is one of the fastest-growing complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, over 3.9 million American adults used homeopathy – this figure represents an impressive increase from 1996 when only 1.7 million did. Homeopathy ranks amongst one of the fastest-growing CAM therapies.

Many have discovered homeopathic remedies are helpful for numerous health issues, such as allergies, colds, digestive issues and depression. This natural solution stimulates your body’s natural healing processes to help combat health conditions like allergies or colds; one study published by British Medical Journal demonstrated this homeopathy can also prevent asthmatic symptoms while improving lung function.

Homeopathy was traditionally an expensive practice; however, new technology has made it more accessible. Homeopathic software programs are now widely available for at-home use; an increasing number of patients are turning to homeopathy treatments instead of medications in treating their conditions. Furthermore, some are turning to homeopathy treatments in order to reduce dependence on prescriptions altogether.


Early drugs available during the mid 19th century, including antibiotics and chlorpromazine, were enough to shift practitioners’ focus away from homeopathy due to their dramatic results and immediate relief for many patients. Homeopathy’s slow process meant many practitioners preferred using it over it as their preferred choice of treatment option; as a result homeopathy became less relevant over time.

Recent years, however, have seen the emergence of a new generation of homeopaths who utilize quantum mechanical principles to add a more scientific approach. These innovative young practitioners are pioneering a movement to bring homeopathy into the 21st century by merging traditional principles with cutting edge technologies like PEMFs to offer consumers more options for wellness.

It’s a natural pain reliever

Infopathy is an alternative approach to alleviating pain without medication, consisting of imprinting water with electromagnetic frequencies of natural remedies and acupuncture points. A recent study demonstrated its efficacy by showing it outperformed ibuprofen at treating menstrual pain, as well as helping treat other health conditions.

Infopathy‘s IC Library includes over 200 “infoceuticals” for pain relief, such as acupressure points, vitamins and minerals, herbs and homeopathy remedies. You’re sure to find one tailored specifically to you and your symptoms; plus the device offers a 30-day free trial so that you can explore different ICs and Complexes!

It’s a natural sleep aid

Infopathy is a new technology that transforms water into an all-natural medicine cabinet. Similar to homeopathy, but unlike just using specific frequencies like St John’s Wort or coffee as in homeopathy, Infopathy imprints its water with frequencies from all sorts of things and compounds – even making an ordinary glass of water into a pill by imprinting its frequency with various drugs, supplements or remedies!

Evidence also supports its ability to reduce electrosmog, or manmade electromagnetic fields like those from powerlines and cellphones that disrupt cell metabolism. For more information about this treatment option, check out infopathy‘s website.

It’s a natural energy boost

Infopathy can do more than reduce pain and improve sleep; it can also boost energy levels. Infopathy has been used to treat various health conditions, including chronic fatigue, depression and psoriasis. Infopathy also provides a natural means of combatting electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced by devices like cellphones and computers that have been shown to disrupt cell metabolism.

Infopathy is an online platform that enables users to download and transfer electromagnetic signals with biological effects for healing or therapeutic use. These signals, known as infoceuticals (ICs), have long been utilized by energy and informational medicine practitioners as healing treatments; now available anytime, anywhere through mobile phones or personal computers and an IC Transfer Device.

Infopathy offers several devices for dispensing ICs onto water or directly to the body, including the Circuit IC Pad, Glowing IC Pad and Hummer. Each can transfer ICs safely and non-toxic into drinking water or onto skin directly; unlike pills they’re also free from harmful chemicals and customizable according to individual needs – plus Infopathy offers a 30-day free trial so that you can find which ICs best meet them!


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