Metatron Device
Metatron is a biofeedback device which scans the body to assess imbalances and energetic disturbances, then offers advice for correcting them. The Enoch-Metatron motif became an essential reference point in kabbalistic literature, inspiring scholars to produce numerous scriptural and practical interpretations using it as their starting point. Non-Linear Analysis (NLS) The METATRON NLS Scan is […]
Read MoreMetatron Device
Metatron is a non-invasive, painless device that scans your body’s energy systems to assess homeostasis or organ health status. With its world-class diagnostic software, you can decipher information discerned through electromagnetic waves released by your body such as DNA or chromosomes. Empower yourself in your healthcare journey by taking an active approach by addressing imbalances […]
Read MoreMetatron NLS Scan
The METATRON NLS Scan is an advanced diagnostic device that provides a thorough assessment of various physiological systems and organs. It detects imbalances or energetic disturbances that could potentially be the source of health concerns. As it reveals the stage and severity of a disorder’s development, this allows physicians to select an herbal, nutritional or […]
Read MoreMETATRON NLS Scan and Biofeedback
METATRON NLS Scan is an FDA-approved health assessment and treatment medical device. It provides comprehensive health assessments by analyzing electromagnetic fields within the body as well as subtle energy interactions. Enoch-Metatron stands as a pivotal figure, as depicted by early Enochic booklets and Yahoel developments, due to his demotion, unique celestial transformation, and endowment with […]
Read MoreMetatron NLS Medical Device
Metatron is the world’s smallest, portable and user-friendly medical diagnostic computer system with a torsion generator. Featuring both unique hardware and software components, Metatron stands as a patented ISO certified torsion biofeedback health assessment and therapy device. People who can benefit from owning this device include physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, dietitians, licensed nutritionists, integrative Medicine/CAM […]
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