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Natural Healer Reviews – What to Look For in a Natural Healer

Melissa has earned both an MA in Counseling and Psychology as well as Certified Hypnotherapy training, equipping her with the ability to foster trust, respect, and rapport among healing students in courses covering natural healing, herbal medicine, intuitive development and acupuncture.

NHS Members agree to abide by a Code of Conduct, receive a membership certificate (PDF), digital badge for use on websites and emails, as well as the option of being listed as Recommended Healers on this very website.

How to Find a Good Healer

No matter what natural healing solution you seek – from taking a luxurious soak in an ancient bath to consulting a spiritual healer – there are numerous ways of finding the ideal natural healer or treatment option for yourself. But before making a choice, always do your research beforehand – here are some tips to help make an informed decision that fits with your specific needs.

Holistic healers differ from traditional doctors by not typically prescribing medicine; rather they provide advice regarding wellness habits and lifestyle changes which may benefit you. Before hiring one it’s essential to evaluate their credentials in terms of education, experience and credentials.

As a healer who’s completed Melissa’s Reiki 1, 2 + Master Certification course, Natural Healer Society membership can be an ideal way to build your professional appearance and connect with fellow healers! Once successful completion of NHS member requirements is met, you will receive both a membership certificate for hanging in your healing space, as well as an attractive digital badge to display online and social media pages – plus lifetime access to their private Members area, along with more exposure as part of this website’s Recommended Healer listing!

What to Expect from a Healing Session

Your session will start off with an initial discussion to ascertain your goals for energy healing. Your healer will then introduce the basics of this practice and answer your questions, while asking about any physical or emotional pain or discomfort you have been experiencing so they can identify which areas need treatment first.

Your healer will ask you to lie on a treatment table or sit comfortably in a chair, depending on the type of energy healing session you’re receiving. Most sessions typically last 20-60 minutes for full body treatments or five-15 minutes for localized ones – with full clothing still remaining on throughout. Some practitioners play soft music during sessions while others prefer silence – just let your practitioner know your preference!

Your healer will move their hands over your body during a session and you may experience various sensations, such as tingling, heat or cold sensations, pressure, twitching or rushes; emotional releases can include anger or sadness during this process; however these sensations typically subside after some time and can indicate positive energy moving through your system.

After your session, your healer will discuss any Divine messages they received on your behalf and allow time for you to become grounded before having you leave. While it’s normal to feel lethargic during this process, taking some deep breaths and reflecting can also provide valuable opportunities.

Miles suggests avoiding red meats which require significant energy to digest as well as decreasing caffeine intake prior to an energy healing session for health purposes, and staying hydrated and resting after your session for optimal results.

What to Expect from the Healer

At a healing session, the healer usually remains silent while placing their hands on your body. These sessions typically last around 20 to 30 minutes and many individuals find them particularly relaxing while others may experience emotions such as anger or sadness during them.

Healers use various techniques to provide healing sessions. This may include energy work, breathing exercises and guided meditation – with the ultimate aim being helping their clients relax and find inner peace. Healers are trained to listen carefully and observe each patient’s individual needs and expectations.

Integral healers recognize that each individual has their own perspective of their world and suffering, informed by beliefs, values, expectations and social connections in culture, society, family and social circles. Healers must consciously understand this variety of perspectives so as to provide healing care that transcends rote algorithms offered by professional guilds – in doing so this allows for flexibility and conscious understanding which helps avoid dogmatism, arrogance, insensitivity and devaluing which could cause further illness and suffering for patients.

Integral healers possess a profound compassion for all living beings and an enormous respect for their bravery in suffering. Instead of seeing physical appearance of dying patients as disgusting bodies to decay in, integral healers feel deeply grateful to be involved with witnessing such graceful beauty through spirit’s power.

Healers must recognize both their own movement toward healing and their own limitations and strengths as practitioners, in order to work cooperatively with other healers with different skillsets to address each patient’s individual needs. Furthermore, this course provides tips and guidance for starting an energy healing practice, including business tips for starting an energy healing practice, along with a numbered Natural Healer Society membership certificate to display in your healing space as well as digital badges to be displayed online such as emails or websites.

How the Healer Works

A healer must possess a deep desire to serve others, understanding that healing is a form of loving service, while at the same time tapping into deeper levels of the universe’s energy. They experience joy when seeing patients thrive under their care, yet at the same time are keenly aware that they’re simply providing aid – keeping their work from becoming arrogant or self-serving.

Physical, mental and emotional wellness of healers is of utmost importance. Healers take great care to optimize their vitality as an integral component of the healing process that ensures their energetic and cognitive capabilities remain high whilst meeting patients’ needs.

Integrative capacity

Integral healers possess the unique capacity of adopting and incorporating multiple perspectives in order to address the full complexity of any situation. They are adept at understanding both micro and macro aspects of disease and shifting between domains (e.g. from scientifically derived pathophysiological models to first-hand experience, cultural awareness, or ecological understandings of suffering).

Compassionate Presence

An integral healer’s compassion extends far beyond empathy; rather, they actively participate in alleviating suffering of their patients. Instead of viewing pain as an inconvenience or challenge to overcome, integral healers see suffering of patients as an opportunity for growth in awareness and skill acquisition that benefits themselves and their community.


Integrative healers possess keen understanding of reality and their place within it, being aware that objective “facts” gleaned by scientific methods represent only part of truth; furthermore they recognize their perspective may be clouded by cognitive and emotional limitations of humanity which create blind spots; consequently they strive constantly to clean their mirror of consciousness so as to remain both humble and effective in their healing work.
