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Natural Healer Signs

Your healing energy brings hope and comfort to those you encounter, helping them feel more relaxed in your presence and opening up to you quickly due to your empathic nature.

Children and animals adore you, seeking you out daily for company. Your dreams tend to be vivid and striking, leading you to believe more strongly than most in synchronicity than coincidences.

You’re Highly Sensitive

Your empathy extends to other people, animals, and the world around you. However, you may experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, and fear more frequently than other individuals do. Additionally, crowds can overwhelm you and you prefer peaceful environments to gather with others.

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Your depth of feeling enables you to recognize details others overlook, such as being drawn in by a beautiful bird singing or raindrop falling. Furthermore, having such strong connections to spirituality often makes for profoundly creative individuals; you may use both these abilities to craft art that touches others while healing them as well.

As a natural healer, it can be easy to take on other people’s emotional turmoil as your own. Furthermore, due to your high degree of empathy you can also feel other’s physical ailments just as strongly – this can leave you exhausted, anxious and stressed out.

As a natural healer, one of the hallmarks of your character should be your desire to help others in any way possible. You want to comfort those who are distressed by illness or other factors in their life and care deeply about opinions of others; often this leads to overanalyzing small discussions or gestures and feelings of guilt that are often unnecessary and misplaced. Recognizing these emotions and releasing them is a major step toward becoming a healthy individual – harnessing healing powers within yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can do for both yourself and the world alike!


You’re Drawn to Nature

Your focus is always on natural ways of healing through plants, herbs, teas and gemstones; you might own a collection of healing gemstones; you spend weekends attending holistic retreats or learning energy healing modalities; nature is something dear to your heart and spending time outdoors is one of your favorite forms of meditation – ocean, mountains forests gardens are where it all happens for you.

As a natural healer, you’re constantly sensing and noting subtle shifts in energy around you. You have an acute awareness of people, places, and objects around you; often picking up on other people’s emotions or physical ailments as your own (empathy). Your big-picture perspective allows for easy reading of others.

Children and animals are naturally drawn to you and love being around you, sensing your energy and trusting that you will care for, protect, and love them unconditionally – which explains their attraction to you.

Healers often find comfort in nature and animals because they share a deep bond with both. Healers believe they communicate with unseen worlds through nature and its creatures, so when cruel actions against nature or animals occur they feel the pain acutely. Furthermore, healers typically have vivid dreams every night that tell them something important; many also sense an important message coming through from otherworldly forces that try to communicate with them through nature or animals.

You’re Drawn to Animals

Your relationship with animals runs deep, and often they’re the first ones to pick up on your energy. They might come running to you or simply sense a loving healing vibe emanating from you – an indication of whether or not you have natural healing abilities as they’re known for having high vibrational and pure energy fields.

Your body is highly attuned to energy around you, including that from people, places, clothing and objects. You are adept at reading people easily; often sensing things about them that they themselves don’t even realize themselves. Additionally, you are highly empathic, often taking on other people’s emotions or physical problems as your own.

Being a healer can be challenging and painful at times. Yet as one who brings love and light into the world, healers must bear much trauma themselves; such as life-threatening illness, near-death experiences or major emotional or spiritual awakenings.

Healers thrive when immersed in nature. Here they feel their most alive and at ease; Mother Nature and her animal kingdom seem to communicate directly with them in a language only they understand. Furthermore, healers often receive downloads of inspiration, insight, or guidance while spending time outdoors.

Being a healer means being drawn to all types of healing techniques, whether that’s muscle testing, Reiki, chakra balancing or releasing trapped emotions. Your interest lies with each technique as a potential way to assist others and you find enjoyment learning about how each can assist others. Furthermore, being drawn to food and health gives rise to greater respect for physical bodies.

You’re Introverted

Healers often exhibit traits of introversion as part of their personality type. Many associate introversion with shyness and solitude; however, it’s actually more about an inner world filled with thoughts and emotions that come out when we least expect it. People who identify as introverted prefer spending time in small groups over large crowds or crowds.

Healers have an acute awareness of their surroundings. They can feel the subtle energies emanating from people, animals and even plants and trees – this can be both an immense gift and burden in equal measures; you may experience strong emotions including pain or sorrow on an intensely personal level; making you highly attuned with what others around them are feeling and experiencing.

Nature and animals provide you with unbridled joy, creating a profound unspoken bond that only you and Mother Earth understand, making atrocities against either sadden you deeply. Your vivid dreams may also indicate otherworldly forces are trying to communicate with you.

You prefer listening and not engaging in small talk when in social settings, while your conversations tend to be well thought-through. Your circle of friends tends to be very small; you prefer meaningful connections over mere acquaintances. Your energy drains easily after attending social events and requires time alone in order to recharge; an introverted intuitive’s need to recharge is something they are well known for.

You’re Comfortable in Your Own Space

If you feel at home in your own space, that’s a good indicator. Healers tend to prefer isolation for renewal and connecting with energies surrounding them – something essential for keeping their energies clear so they can effectively heal others.

Recognizing and manipulating energy within your surroundings is another sign you are an energetic healer. Being able to perceive or sense it can help identify who are positive and negative influences in the environment; you can then adjust this energy in order to create more peace and harmony in your surroundings.

Healers often feel connected to nature and animals. They communicate with them unspokenly, finding peace when in nature. Healers may feel saddened when atrocities against wildlife or Mother Earth occur as this feels like a breach of trust for both.

Healers possess an extraordinary talent for making others feel safe and at ease in their presence, often prompting people to share personal difficulties or experiences with them. Even strangers feel comfortable sharing sensitive matters with you; trusting both your judgement and advice as well as children or even pets’ attraction to your healing energy.


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