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Silver – Nature’s Natural Healer

Silver is an effective natural antibiotic that kills germs and supports healing processes. With wide spectrum antimicrobial activity that effectively kills bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites.

Silver’s anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce wrinkles and signs of ageing – which explains why nobility traditionally used silver cutlery and vessels to consume and drink from.


Silver is one of nature’s most powerful medicinal metals. With broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties that kill germs, bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites – including non-healing wounds – silver helps the healing process go quicker while hastening regular wound recovery timeframes. Furthermore, its natural antiseptic and antioxidant properties work against free radical damage leading to premature ageing by neutralizing free radicals which neutralize free radicals to lower oxidative stress levels and hasten healing.

Silver ions, salts and nanoparticles (AgNP) all possess antimicrobial activity; however, its mode of action varies based on size and shape of AgNPs. Size determines how effectively AgNPs penetrate cell walls of microorganisms while silver’s bactericidal effect may come from its ability to aggregate in intercellular spaces and disrupt metabolic pathways within bacteria cells.

Studies have demonstrated that silver’s antimicrobial effect is related to both its atomic radius and surface charge. Silver ions interact with microorganism membranes to puncture them while its higher surface charge deters adhesion between cells while increasing intercellular contact and deterring adhesion, deterring adhesion between them, deter adhesion between them and prevent adhesion among them. Silver also interacts with protein components of bacteria to block respiration processes thereby killing microbes.

Silver nanoparticles enhance its antibacterial effects when used to target bacteria. Smaller diameter particles have greater effectiveness at breaking through membranes of bacteria cells and higher binding affinity for DNA than their larger counterparts.

Silver’s antimicrobial properties have been demonstrated through both in vitro and in vivo studies. Silver-containing dressings reduce microbial concentrations in surgical wounds, speeding the renovation process while decreasing antibiotic consumption. Furthermore, its use stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts while increasing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines – improving collagen matrix strength to facilitate wound closure.


Silver is one of the most potent broad spectrum antimicrobials, killing all manner of harmful bacteria, yeast, fungus, parasites and viruses as well as neutralizing deadly viruses. Silver’s other powerful benefits include its powerful anti-inflammatory effects that reduce pain and swelling; anti-ageing benefits; wound healing capabilities that accelerate normal wounds to close up quickly; as well as potency antioxidant capabilities to lower oxidative stress in your body to slow ageing; its use as an eye mask or facial wash is intended to fight acne breakouts as well as help it heal any open wounds quickly. Due to these unique properties it’s used in eye masks, facial kits or face washes intended to target signs of ageing while also aiding wound healing from wounds.

Silver’s germicidal action relies on its ability to interact with and deactivate enzymes present in bacteria, thereby inhibiting their growth. Silver is nontoxic to humans and thus does not absorb into their bloodstream or other tissues [1,2]. Because of this property, silver nitrate has been extensively utilized as a safe, nontoxic treatment option for burns (as silver nitrate), surgical infections such as catheter-related blood stream infection (CR-BSI) and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).

Silver has proven effective as an antibiofilm agent by effectively blocking oxygen receptors and binding proteins found on bacteria biofilms to suffocate them and kill their cells. Furthermore, this antibiofilm agent increases leukocytes phagocytosis of planktonic bacteria and lowers concentration of nitric oxide to limit formation of proinflammatory cytokines within wounds thereby decreasing formation of proinflammatory cytokines.

Silver’s antimicrobial effect may be related to its ability to interfere with bacteria’s metabolic processes by disrupting their cell walls and mitochondrial electron transport systems. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated how silver helps counter multidrug resistance (MDR) by binding to ribosomal RNA binding sites, inhibiting protein synthesis and activating protease inhibitors.

Silver has long been recognized as an effective natural antibiotic. As the only fungicide capable of killing both viruses and multidrug-resistant bacteria without adverse side effects, it has long been employed as an effective solution. Modern medical devices also incorporate silver to reduce incidences such as catheter-related blood stream infections or ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). Silver makes an attractive alternative to antibiotics as its safety, affordability, and availability make it accessible to everyone.


Silver is an extremely potent germicidal agent that’s non-toxic to humans but deadly against over 650 disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites; even some MDR (multiple drug resistant) strains fall prey to its powerful disinfection properties. When taken orally by humans, colloidal silver releases ions which attack and kill pathogens by oxidising membranes and proteins; disrupting respiration processes; blocking energy pathways formation and ultimately killing off entire cells.

Silver’s ability to kill microorganisms that cause disease makes it an effective topical wound treatment. Silver dressings release ionic silver ions which target bacteria, inhibiting their ability to breathe and grow. Ionic silver ions also interact with proteins and membranes of pathogens disrupting their structural integrity.

Silver’s antimicrobial activity is naturally sustained and does not wane over time, especially with dressings made from silver oxide nanoparticles which contain unique structures to release smaller particles over a prolonged period of time for greater surface coverage and longer duration of action.

Silver ions help alleviate oxidative stress on the skin by clearing away free radicals and toxins that contribute to dark circles, wrinkles and fine lines for younger-looking complexion. Therefore, cosmetic products containing silver derivatives have become popular with beauty enthusiasts worldwide.

Historic kingdoms utilized creams containing silver residues to treat infections, acne and signs of ageing with its antimicrobial and wound-healing properties – these same qualities make this metal an increasingly popular ingredient for eye masks, facial kits and face washes today.

Experiments conducted in vitro have demonstrated that fibroblasts exposed to silver dressing extracts display decreased levels of oxidative stress and a significantly slower rate of DNA damage, and that silver dressings such as Acticoat, Aquacel Ag + Extra, Silvercel Hydro-Alginate and Ialugen Plus may be significantly more effective at alleviating oxidative stress than placebo treatments.

Boosts Immune System

Silver is one of the greatest natural gifts to mankind. As an antimicrobial and an effective anti-inflammatory agent, it kills an array of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, fungus parasites and viruses; further enhancing natural healing processes and speeding recovery times.

Scientists are rediscovering silver due to antibiotic-resistant infections and colloidal silver is being widely touted as an alternative antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral treatment. But not all silvers are created equal: true colloidal silver contains minute particles suspended in water, unlike products containing gelatin or other binders that don’t dissolve fully in it. Heating with an appropriate reducing agent such as sugar will ensure genuine colloidal silver exists.

Researchers recently conducted a study that demonstrated how silver interacts with microbes in three ways to combat infection and speed wound healing:

Silver ions penetrate bacterial cell walls and interfere with their respiratory and metabolic pathways, as well as disrupt DNA replication processes and block quorum sensing protocols.

Silver’s unique properties make it an excellent ingredient in skin care products and facial kits, and have led to its incorporation in some of the best-selling face creams, eye serums and facial kits on the market. Body washes with active charcoal are available to clean skin, boost immunity and treat scrapes and cuts without the adverse side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs. Silver could become part of medical devices designed to prevent infection in the future, including catheters, endotracheal tubes and vascular prostheses. But given that other infection-prevention solutions already exist, we must carefully weigh up their advantages and disadvantages for each specific application before choosing silver-containing products over those offering alternative approaches.
